under guidelines...
Posting Guidelines
Although quite easy to use, the DriverPacks and the accompanying software form a toolset that is designed for use by advanced level users.
If you have not used the search feature of this forum, or Google.
If you do not include basic details
If you have not read the FAQ's or documentation BartPE Tutorial DP_Base Tutorial
If you did not include your HWID's or DPs_BASE.log in your post
If you create a post that says "I am looking for a driver for"
(Especially if you have not used the DriverPacks at all.)
Then your welcome here may not be as warm and fuzzy as you might like.
The above mistakes are considered Noob like behaviors...
We support our application and the packs...
(we don't find drivers for people - how could we, since we likely don't have the hardware to test any particular driver on)
If you have USED the DriverPacks and discover a driver is missing...
(since you did not include a DPs_BASE.log or pack/ver info i assume you did not use DriverPacks even though it is obvious you have been here a while )
YOU may be able to find that driver and then ask us to add it to our packs, provide us a link to the driver you have tested an know works...
I see that you did include your HWIDs... Thank you! That is very helpful.
Only after you discover that your driver is not included in the existing DriverPacks then request we add a driver you know will work for you (and presumably everyone else too).
Be sure to look at all of our 3rd party DriverPack too...
ven 1033 is NEC perhaps that is a helpful clue...