yes finisher creates and deletes %SystemDrive%\tmp.
this folder is not part of a normal windows installation.
if you have specified this folder in your build thien it will be deleted by the finisher.
Use a different name (Temp) or
create it after the finisher runs or...
We have been useing this folder for the finisher for 5 years with no complaints ![wink](
there are some other issues as well
the spaces i put in for readability are not parsed well in win2k command shell
there is an extra command & %%i
-> @ IF Exist "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D\" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\$OEM$\$1" & Set "M=1" & %%i
the Tool is / was designed to be a template / example ![wink](
It is to be replaced with a more proper executable in the next release of DriverPacks BASE
- [beta] - Option for install by HWIDs tool or dp_inst_tool
- Add GUI for Driver selection menu
- convert two (three) tools to a single classier and proper EXE
the script / tutorial dp_inst_tool has outlived it's usefulness ![wink](
There is a newer tool that extracts from the DriverPacks only drivers that match teh HWID on the target machine. (Released only to testing team members)
There has been interest in a GUI for attended installs for some time
So the new EXE will have a GUI to select/deslect individual DriverPacks with a timeout default feature
and option to do a HWIDS specific extraction from the DriverPacks
and the existing dp_inst_tool functionality.
WarmSnow also has an advanced tool for doing this...
and Jaws too
General discussion about goal of tool
Please have a look around our forum.
Thanks for submitting your observations and your version to our audience.
Have a great day