Re: thank u Mr OverFlow
So if I had mentioned that the USAF might be interested in a leaseback on some Australian FB-111s, that would be bad form?
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So if I had mentioned that the USAF might be interested in a leaseback on some Australian FB-111s, that would be bad form?
ROFL... not considering the source LOL
So if I had mentioned that the USAF might be interested in a leaseback on some Australian FB-111s, that would be bad form?
LOL. Those Aussies are crazy! I've seen the videos of the low altitude (10-ft...maybe), high speed runs.
Crazy! A tall kangaroo would take one out.
Fighter jet downed -
Kangaroo inards responsable for flameout LOL
and they were just starting to get a handle on the bird problem
Bad people i ever see in my life
they behave like children
really the enemy is enemy
you before u attack our countries
how u will become friends with us?!!!!!!!!
Last edited by f_araj_Al_i (2009-04-16 23:12:48)
Seriously? I didn't attack "your" countries. The 'forum' possibly attacked your contradictions and illegality. Get over it. Sometimes you're just wrong.
Sir... We are not the Pirates nor do we engage in illegal activitys...
you are a thief with no shame or morals. That is why you are the enemy.
you should show remorse for your actions yet you do not.
you claim stealing is both illegal and immoral yet you do not stop or feel bad about your theft and redistribution.
for this we should give you some kind of medal? Sorry NO...
In many countries they cut the hands off of thiefs... I think that is a little execessive.
However, short of that anything is fair.
We do not make friends with thieves nor pirates nor terrorists...
We believe in Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
- so long as you abide by the law - and you are a non law abider.
i know ur all here r good united team that is normal to defend each other against a stranger.
this is the nature of the life
i know u r the who wrote DP_Install_Tool.cmd for the SAD & u do not like any to work a round that
think i did that but the truth i did not.
i used the Base to integrate DriverPacks into my xp CD with M2 without KTD this time,OK
then when setup finihes installation i used to install newly added HD manually by using DPInst MS tool its a little different from yours.OK
there is no reason to ban me but what to do with
the kid who cry for his sweet
the piracy u talk about is just a trip u try to make it for me to kick me out
see the little kid OverFlow i have dell laptop with preinstalled vista
and have original Xp pro which is given me as present so no piracy i hav made
i working to make unattended windows xp pro as template for my companion
the other who talk about decompiling autoit scripts is normal work i must see things
before i use them who knows that there is a spyware or any related ones
u r not a Microsoft to trust you u r as team modifying Windows
u have ur own setup EXE to hack windows i do not know that Microsoft
satisfies these play arounds
Overflow u talk about whom make script with 70 lines
i do not know the way u think & how u become a code contributor
if u like i can put a plenty of lines & the job will be done right witout the need for the other lines
like when u did with ur DP_Install_Tool.cmd
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO (
IF Exist "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\OEM" & Set "M=2"
IF Exist "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D\" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\$OEM$\$1" & Set "M=1" & %%i
IF "%M%">="1" GoTo Found)
see here what u did
"& %%i"
"%%i" will replace one of these letter
"(C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y)"
u use "&" to run "%%i" this will make no sense
but if u add ":" after "%%i" this will make sense
but no need for calling "%%i:"
i knowur script is worked well but iam sure
u did not notice this fault u did
& iam wondering how ur team accept u as a code contributor
OverFlow u started the mockery since ur first post in my thread so do not blame PlZ for any of my rude responses
because iam a serious man
The CONCLUSION is that because u hate any to interfere with what u did (the SAD)
so ur prepared a trip with ur good team to kick me out
iam very happy that i overcome u which is not intended
i will post my work in MSFN but this time is GUI
with AutoIT V3 when finished
i should plame myself cause i blow ur ass finally u think that yourself are best gang in the world
OverFlow the little kid
if u r a man leave me do not ban me
i should face u man to man
do not talk while i am off
u as European ur blood is dirty of crimes ur fathers did
to our nations & now u accuse others with theft
who gave the world the activeted windows cds
iam sure not me
Last edited by faraaaj_ali_1 (2009-04-17 03:55:23)
you don't listen (or read apparently)
Lots of people write programs. Some write better than me. (You are not one of them.)
You act like i am scared of competition... you make me laugh...
#1 I love competition.
If you had taken the time to look around.
which you haven't,
you would have noticed that I have time and time again had no problem with people writing their own versions of things or providing third party addons. I linked you to one of them silly boy. We even host some files for contributors (just not for thieves and pirates) Your arguments have no merit. History proves you wrong.
You are just so fuÇking stupid I can't put words to it... OK grrr this is absolutely the last hint you get.
re: Your ridiculous theory about SAD and competition.
Remember our forum... you know DriverPacks... the one you have not even bothered to browse through....
there is an individual who writes a tool like the dp_inst_tool and your script
and have given him space to support his app on our forum!
We LIKE people who contribute... We like it a lot!
In point of fact we are 'driven' by our contributors, me included.
You need to get it through your head...
YOU are the problem
not the work you are trying to do...
works are not evil just as guns are not evil - only their users can be evil... or good
You or any other pirate will be shunned at DriverPacks
improving SAD is a good thing
Pirating windows is BAD...
You admitted and condoned piracy
Anyone can read your posts... You admitted it twice. Then you defended doing it!
- We have ALWAYS had a ZERO tolerance for Pirates
* Not just you. * ANY and ALL pirates are banned *
I call them like I see them. You are loathsome, and a thief, and a pirate, and you're ignorant.
I HATE each of these things individually and you posses all of them.
I did not include rude in that list because I was rude to you,
however it should be noted that
I am only rude to people who are disrespectful and or inconsiderate,
and You are both.
You have not read one post here other than the ones in this thread...
Sorry i have no time for you if you can't bother to read what is already posted and well documented.
It is quite obvious you have done NO reading or research here at all (or seemingly anywhere else either)
You desire for people to think you know more than you actually do and you're not winning that battle
they have a term for people like you they call them trolls...
Here is the way I see it -
If you and your kind bought their copies of windows then MS would be able to charge less per copy.
perhaps you have not been educated in supply and demand economics yet?
What this means is the rest of us who hold legitimate licenses had to buy YOUR copy.
You have actually stolen from me personaly and anyone else who has a legit license...
Troll Patrol inbound
*-*-*-*-*- WARNING the content below will likely not be suitable for all audiences WARNING -*-*-*-*-*-*
Safety protocols disengaged - Fire at will.............
I just banned his third account frodo - I'm sure he'll be back
I must admit... I was wrong. I thought he was a quitter too...
Me thinks thou doth protest too much!
Troll Patrol inbound
<grabs a beer and settles in>
This ought to be good. Let 'er rip!
I wonder if this is the same guy who recently got banned over at Kels
Most likely when they are this irate they are usually posting on other forums.
he said he was posting over at msfn... I'm not too worried
Wim was laughed off msfn 5 years ago...
They told him that DriverPacks was impossable and he was a lunatic...
How did it come into existance? (A brief history)
Somehow he managed to have the last laugh... DriverPacks is more than a little successful...
The point is EVERYONE over there knows what the score is here...
One loudmouth will not sway the members who already know who we are and what we are about.
I doubt he will get much sympathy from any of our sister sites...
He just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper... Let him dig
Keep banning this guy.
faraaaj_ali_1 to faraaaj_ali_999:
Where do i start, its a hard choice, OverFlow's done an exceptional job and covered everything really well already
You fail to realise that no one in this forum has problems with you for:
* Wanting to help and contribute to the community.
* Your religion
* Your country
We do have problems with:
* Advocating Software piracy
* You targeting the main code writer accusing him of being threatened in some way by your code as to why you were banned
* Your General attitude
It seemed from the start that you were saying that OverFlow got his code wrong and yours was the correct way to do it. Perhaps this just translated badly....
In any event its a bad idea to make any such statement without having spent a bit of time doing some research by browsing the forum.
No one here would feel threatened if you could come up with a better way, you would be thanked for it. But you havent, and its a simple as that.
It was your choice to post in an insulting way to the project leader after that.
So maybe you felt rejected, if so, thats your problem, and not the fault of anyone here.
Dragging the whole thing out and posting again on the same thing after being banned, because you were becoming offensive and bringing religion/countries into a non political non racist/discriminating forum, doesnt earn you any friends me, ive done the same thing in another forum myself, protesting about Bush
The statement: u as European ur blood is dirty of crimes ur fathers did to our nations & now u accuse others with theft is offensive because no one in this forum did anything to you, your country or any other country. I have never met a single person in this or any other IT forum who gives a sh*t about race/colour/religion
You brought that sh*t in here, and its not welcome. If you have a problem with western countries, feel free to take it up with our leaders because the public of most countries involved in conflict at the moment actually protest against war and march to end it.
Ive been unusually measured and polite in my post so far, but this should sum things up rather nicely
If you want to be a bitter fuckwit, go ahead, you just wont be doing it here
gollum the infidel
Last edited by Gollum (2009-04-17 14:58:51)
Very nicely phrased, you were more polite that I would have been, that's why I stayed out of it.
I get tired of people bringing race, religion etc. into an argument.
If our friend is not happy he can do things the American way. LEAVE.
If he something to offer then he should post some code.
He is obviously some juvenile dickead.
he posted some code in the thread he linked to in his first post...
It was incomplete and non functional... but he posted it
First thing his script does is copy DriverPacks to c:\ALI\DriverPacks
Not implying at all he was pirating or riding any coat-tails mind you...
But he definitely reeked of the me, me, me thing right out of the chute for sure
my first impression was seems like a 12 YO thing to do
Many of the lines in his code were blatantly plagerized
Let's just say the bad vibes started with the very first post.
Then he can't figure out what the finisher does and flatly refuses to look it up??? (teenager again)
this killed me...
"I am guest, you should treat me as such"
No Buddie, you joined. You were a 'member' NOT a 'guest'.
Guests can't post .
Once you joined you became a Co-Host .
That means you have to serve yourself... and cleanup after yourself... We are not your mom or your maid.
Being a member is a privilege and can be revoked - this apparently was an oversight on your part.
Yeah I did not let him drag me into the Race/Religion/Region mire
- It has no place here
- that is a desperation ploy, let's try and make this about something else since I'm loosing. (bad parenting)
- lets make this philisophical yeah thats it, yeah thats the ticket, they will forget my sillyness if i go there!
I too really liked the way Gollum addressed that issue...
It is really so unlike him... we must be a GOOD INFLUENCE on him LOL
This is the wrong forum for that kind of rant.
Last edited by newsposter (2009-04-18 05:01:26)
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