Sorry, but I can't find find mute.exe in any location, perhaps this is the problem...
Method 2 was used for integrating DriverPacks into our install-share.
After examening the logfile, I found an actual and an older version of MassStorage detected through
the dps_base script.
Is this a problem and do I have to move the older dps_x_packs to a different location?
Until now I thought dps_base script only uses the newer version of any found DriverPacks.
Here is dps_base.log:
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.12.4 initialized.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 2 on X86 CPU.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 803!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 804!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 804!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 8121!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 8121!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 8121!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8053!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8121!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 805!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 901!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 804!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 805!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 805!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 803!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 806!
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Could not detect any 3rd party DriverPacks for wnt5_x86-32.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2009-02-11 19:05:29 : <INIT> Detected settings file "\\asterisk\Software\Unattend\install\DP\DPs_BASE.ini".
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> Windows XP Professional - OEM SP3 detected.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [Settings]\DPsMethod not specified: default (2) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [Settings]\finisherMethod not specified: default (GUIRunOnce) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\KTD not specified: default (none) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [OptionalSettings]\QSC not specified: default (yes) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\Nvidia_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2009-02-11 19:05:30 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2009-02-11 19:05:48 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2009-02-11 19:05:48 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2009-02-11 19:05:48 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
- = DriverPacks BASE ini settings used = -
; preferred language
prefLang = "English"
; yes/no, enable or disable the wizard-style buttons, if not specified: yes
wizardButtons = "yes"
; yes/no, enable or disable the GUI, if not specified: yes
GUI = "yes"
; disc/bartpe/multibootDisc
instPlatform = "disc"
; trailing backslash is allowed, but not necessary
location = "\\asterisk\install\os\UXPPSP3"
; none/all/select, if select, specify them below, if not specified: all
DriverPacks = "all"
; 1/2, method to install the DriverPacks, if not specified: 2
DPsMethod = "2"
; GUIRunOnce/RunOnceEx/custom, if not specified: GUIRunOnce
finisherMethod = "GUIRunOnce"
; this section is optional!
; none/all/select/paths/patterns, enable or disable Keep The Drivers (KTD) , if not specified: none
KTD = "all"
; <path>, to specify a custom KTD cache location, if not specified: default (%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks)
KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks"
; yes/no, enable or disable QuickStream Cache (QSC), if not specified: yes
QSC = "yes"
; this section is optional!
; CCC/CCP/None, use ATI Catalyst Control Center or ATI Catalyst Control Panel (only relevant when slipstreaming DriverPack Graphics A)
; 1/2/3/None, use Nvidia Control Panel - 1 = Old, 2 = New, 3 = Both, None
ATI_cpl = "CCC"
Nvidia_cpl = "2"
2009-02-11 19:05:48 : <CLNP> Create a DPs_Base.log backup @ \\asterisk\Software\Unattend\install\DP\LogFiles\DPs_BASE_09-02-11_19-05.log
2009-02-11 19:05:48 : <CLNP> Program terminated.