Topic: Question: Integrate Vista DriverPacks Post-Install
I will be very happy to know, how I can integrate all the DriverPacks on an already installed system. Please don't ask why, I've got my reasons ...
Thanks a lot ...
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I will be very happy to know, how I can integrate all the DriverPacks on an already installed system. Please don't ask why, I've got my reasons ...
Thanks a lot ...
google dpinst
Driver Install Frameworks tool supports vista too. (Not the same one we are currently using for xp)
Windows Driver Kit (WDK) has a newer version of the dpinst.exe that supports Vista 32 and 64bit versions.
I thought the Vista team would respond, so I didn't...
I am sure you can get it to work with no trouble
HM, I think I'm not clear enough. I want to make in my Server 2008 the same like "KTD" ...
you were quite clear, however DPInst has made KTD obsolete , please take a look at it. TY
however if you are dead set on KTD (which you did not mention at first)
you could try useing or at least referencing makepnf and DevPath (our DevPath is 32bit only) which are the tools that make KTD work.
Ok, i will try it and report back ...
Sorry, i never tried that with Vista
dpinst.exe can not help me, because it only install drivers for detected hardware. But I want to expand the driver rep for future hardware installations. Any idea? It would be very nice how to integrate the Vista DriverPacks post-install into the default driver rep ...
Thanks for provideing the feedback it helps everybody!
- are we allowed to ask why now -
It would be more nice to get a helpful answer for my problem ...
Does anybody know how to post-install driver-packs?
I wait for a solution since the day I started this thread ...
Vista does not support the DevPath reg entry like XP does?
Really it sounds like you want KTD functionality... the DevPath entry is the key to the XP KTD method...
McStarfighter - Two programs for installed DriverPacks on the worked Windows:
1) DriverPack Solution
2) Drivers Installation Assistant … .6_Full.7z
3) Drivers Pack Unpacker & Installer
Last edited by SamLab (2009-07-11 17:14:39)
Thanks a lot. I will try No. 1 and 2 ...
dpinst.exe can not help me, because it only install drivers for detected hardware. But I want to expand the driver rep for future hardware installations. Any idea? It would be very nice how to integrate the Vista DriverPacks post-install into the default driver rep ...
On Vista/2008/w7 dpinst will install drivers for non-detected hardware. You might want to look into that possibility again.
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