Topic: xp sp3 problem with driverpacks


I am new to integrating sp3 with xp.  I use nlite to integrate sp3.   I also used driverpacks and since i wanted to have all the drivers in a dvd, i used all the drivers.  After integration of sp3 and all drivers, I tiried to install xp in a machine.  the installation went smoothly but when restarted the machine after installation of drivers, there appears a message that says that some system files of sp3 had neen modified and asked me to insert sp3 cd.  I do not know that the error is due to nlite or drivers pack.  If it is due to driverpacks, I  would like to ask you whether it can be ignored and in that case  how to set up the integration so that the error do not appear after installation.  I searched in the whole of the forum but I think no one has encountered such a problem.  I will be thankful if someone guides me in this regard.

Re: xp sp3 problem with driverpacks

DriverPacks does not modify your system files... so you can strike that off the list wink

that leaves either a bad Disc or nLite...

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Re: xp sp3 problem with driverpacks

Ok.  thank you for ur reply.  I will try nlite or any other help.  Thank you

Re: xp sp3 problem with driverpacks

As you already use nLite, you might as well enable the option (it's under Options|Patches) to disable SFC.
That will remove such messages once and for all.

Basically, if you modifiy some system files (i.e. the TCP patch, a new unsigned theme etc), SFC will kick in wanting to restore the file to it's original content.
Of course, you do not wish that.
You could replace the file from the SFC cache (where the presumably unaltered file resides in and trick SFC into copying the altered version as original), but why bother?

I couldn't name one good thing about SFC, as long as you are literate enough to know what you are doing on your system.
A virus could as well replace the file in the cache, thereby rendering any security pointless.
Best is do to without and live hassle-free smile

Re: xp sp3 problem with driverpacks

Start with a fresh version for nLite and only slipstream SP3 into it. Once done then reopen nLite and do anything else u want to do.

I have done this and use all the driverpacks with no problems.