well, realtek drivers writers are most defenately set on covering the entire market, because they include HWIDs for via, nvidia, and intel and they do it in an all generic file, and in others of their multitude of infs.
Let's suppose a user replaces the realtek with the latest download..
That will cause issues when sound_B is also used.
A realtek update is often about just one HWID, but the pruning we had to do is done in a dozen or so files across the two packs, and we also deleted a few inf..
doing a realtek update because there is a new version often means one extra HWID taking something like two hours of work.
1: compare older original( the version that is in driverpacks) to latest update original, find the HWID. (copy it to clipboard?)
2; compare updated files to files in pack. (the merge/compare tool shows what files we deleted, and the sections that were edited. The newest driver gets pruned in that process. )
3: now that is done, run dragdrop tool and collect HWIDS from PRUNED updated driver.
4; import the CSV into new excell tab, paste the HWIDs under the old worksheet.
4, remove old version HWIDS (now duplicated) in the excell sheet.
>> it will also show if that NEW HWID is not duped elsewhere, but you may as well look for a conflict by looking for partial HWID to find out if there is now no generic competing in other driver<<
5; SAVE excell sheet with new name
replace driver in new test pack and build it.
upload to two servers
viola, you spent (at least) two hours on one HWID.
>> excell sheet "what we had" needs to be updated too.. <<
6; collect all hwids from original updated driver with dragdrop
7: replace the section in "what-we-had" sheet.
((what we had can be useful. We may have made a wrong decision in the past, and when updates in other drivers happen we may have to reverse a decision..))
Last edited by Jaak (2008-09-15 11:09:53)
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.