Topic: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

Hello all. Firstly, thanks for the development of the driverpacks. It's a great idea and I can certainly appreciate the work that goes into maintaining it.

Second, I am using nlite to integrate the driverpacks because I do not want to use either method 1 or method 2. I'd rather have them integrated completely into the OS. I don't much care about the few missing control panels since I'm a minimalist and don't mind installing those by hand. What I need is a way to integrate the textmode versions of all the mass storage drivers. Currently when I build my universal xp install cd I use driverpacks to integrate the massstorage textmode drivers then nlite to integrate the PNP versions as well as the rest of the driverpacks. For nlite to see the drivers as textmode drivers instead of PNP drivers it needs to find the oemsetup.inf files. Is there an easy way to produce those from the current mass storage driverpack? Might I request a seperate driverpack for textmode that includes these so people have the option of using Base or another program like nlite?



Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

welcome to DriverPacks.

First thing I will say sounds like a shrug off.. Do not see this as a beratement.
You use the wrong order of doing it it to it.
Allow me to explain the absence of txtsetup.oem files.
We use DriverPack MassStorage INI to do the TXTmode (see the modify DriverPack MassStorage faq).
The sysprepper guru (and other anal(itic) users) figured that having 115 txtsetup.oem  files was a problem when they used DriverPacks for sysprep.

therefore, the answer to the Nlite scan question is NO.
(Since we do not keep the txtsetup.oem files, and the DriverPack MassStorage INI have been filtered and have VERY specific entries for those case where we use a driver with same HWID for different OS.)

We do not want to edit the driver INF files, and avoid it like the plague, but we had to do it to some.
(Some of our team members are sysprep users and they figured we should do it for many more, but the MAIN team want to keep sysfile rename and INF edits to the bare minimum.)

So, Brad, Nlite, then DriverPacks.
Please, DO READ THAT customise faq.

Last edited by Jaak (2008-05-21 14:02:41)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

the only approved and supported method of integrateing mass storage is with base.

Other methods will not yield the same results - period...  that is why were here.

if you wish to add the rest of the packs with nLite that is your choice...
It's definately not the choice I personaly would make. but it might work fine for you...
the obvious downside to your method is zipped the drivers weigh in at 300Mb
extracted and added with nLite takes up a whopping 1.5Gb. a loss of 1.2 GB on your ISO

if you are aware of all of these things and wish to continue then
nlite all packs includeing mass storage
then run base and select mass storage textmode box ONLY (don't select any of the packs at all)
this will only slipstream mass storage textmode and make no other changes.

then you can create your ISO with nLite.

that is the best option you have with the parameters you provided.

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Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

Thanks for your replies. I've spent the better part of the day trying to build an addon for nlite that will make the same changes in txtsetup.sif and dosnet.inf as well as copy the compressed drivers into the i386 directory. Being new to addons you can imagine I have been struggling and less than successful.

When nlite integrates the driverpacks the build only grows by 600MB. Granted that's compressed into the so I imagine your 1.2GB estimate is accurate. If I use KTD won't this effectively be the same?

My revised process is now:
1) Copy Source which includes my custom winnt.sif
2) Use Nlite to integrate hotfixes, drivers and tweaks
3) Use Driverpacks Base to integrate Textmode Mass Storage Driverpack
4) Create ISO using nlite

My ultimate goal is three fold:
1) Create a universal xp install cd complete with drivers for all hardware
2) Sysprep and ghost a single image that will be able to deploy over multiple Dell desktops from Optiplex GX620s to Optiplex 755s.
3) To do all this without having to do an administrative logon after the initial install. i.e. no runonce or additional programs to run.

Surely there is a way to integrate the drivers for initial setup, keep the drivers for future hardware changes, not break sysprep and not include a fake setup step or grossly huge OemPnpDriversPath.

Can you tell me if I'm heading down the wrong path here? I bow to your experience. Thanks for the help.

P.S. Reading the faq you mentioned...I'll be reading this well into tomorrow. smile


Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

Sysprep is not yet supported... it is a popular topic here...

we will at some point add it as a supported platform...

you may check out the Universal Imaging topic
there are some good tips from a few of our users who do integrate with sysprep.

there is no easy way to make sysprep work with mass storage or drivers in general...
you will discover my disdane for this method as you read...
but feel free to comment or ask questions as you need...
provided you are familiar with the existing content. especialy the stickyed ones.

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Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

Thanks OverFlow. I'll check it out. Logic dictates that if MIcrosoft can do it, so can we. big_smile I'll join the crusade.

Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

ouch... he hit me with the   

"because we can!"

it's my favorite reason... wink

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Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

Getting people to see what can be done teaches those whom do not yet know what can be done.
My past experience says that we will see more tips and more easy solutions described in a not too distant future, and it all started by getting people like us asking you to help us help you.

for instance, I liked that ruby script a lot, but wished it was vbs.
(and it is not perfect yet, because it cannot yet supplant what we list as replaceifOS.)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: MassStorage OEMSETUP.INF Files

with the answer to that then i can code it in autoit for base.

it really doesnt matter what he writes it in.
i just need to use his logic, and that is the better half of the work.
I have forgotten how many languages i have coded, they are all the same after a while.

it is more of what our tags translate to in sysprep (having a "legend" to our map)
armed with an accurate legend it is a done deal.

there are many similarities in such as hwid and name restrictions, and many differences.
not knowing what they are puts me at a disadvantage to making it work.

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