Re: Base 8.05 Released - Support for XP SP3 & DPInst
dps_base not support SP3 ?
- last porcls.sys for sp3 is KB950616
- KB888111 is include in sp3
Support or not ?
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dps_base not support SP3 ?
- last porcls.sys for sp3 is KB950616
- KB888111 is include in sp3
Support or not ?
Try the latest version of Base 8.05, this has full support for SP3 and SP2.
SP3 has KB888111 or the latest version of it built in.
Hope this helps.
Yeah, I'm going to see about the idea of using a network path for the drivers and see how I like doing it that way. Would be much easier to keep images up to date than if I were to keep including them into images, AND I don't need to wait on 7-zip decompression NOR do I have to wait for them to be copied to the hard drive in the imaging process if they were already decompressed. It is indeed interesting. Though clearly I need to have MassStorage drivers available for the Sysprep process (and Intel chipset drivers since they include MassStorage). I'm going to be rebuilding an XP SP3 image here very soon, and I'll try to incorporate this into it.
One question before I do get started on this though: When the computer first logs in (via an Auto Logon to my admin account on first boot) and it starts spamming my screen about devices that it found that were new, and then DPInst starts running, will those screens disappear as drivers are being found? Or will they stay up there until I reboot? Sorry, just an aesthetics question more than anything. I'm very very particular about my images and would like it all to be as seamless as possible.
call dpinst from a runonceex script that runs before login
net use z: \\server\autoinst [pass /user:admin /Y]
z:\path to driverpacks here\dpinst.exe /s /c
the d\ folder that contains the cabbed or extracted drivers must be a subfolder of the one that you run dpinst from.
Yes, I know I can make it a startup script, but I'd much prefer it to be a one-time only thing without having to make a flag key in the registry or something to say it has already ran one time. RunOnceEx is kinda nice of that sort of thing, but requires a login. And I have several reasons in my image for wanting it to login on the first boot anyhow, so it works out pretty well usually.
i edited my post and clarified my suggestion.
you can login from a script please revisit my last.... PS i deleted the dreaded QUAD post lol...
lol... thanks for the delete.
Ok, I get the pathing it to a network share, that's not in issue (and yeah, I know you're working on a help file and such). But is there a RunOnceEx (or even just RunOnce) mechanism for a startup script I might not be aware of? I really don't want it to update the drivers repeatedly, even if I do update the drivers on the server. Because after that, you also want the DPsFnsher.exe to run and get things set up, and well.... I'd rather it just run once and be done with it. If I have to do it again manually, I'm absolutely ok with that, I'll just push out a task via Symantec Ghost.
How I'm looking at it right now is I'm going to have a folder on the server for drivers which will have the D folder along with all the INI files. Trying to figure out whether I want to put the DPsFnsher.exe on there or not as well. I know I'll get this all figured out, it's not a complex task whatsoever. Just trying to script it all out in my head first.
the finisher is hard coded to %systemdrive%\d no way to make that work with the network...
if you want the finisher you must copy the files to the local machine.
my script copies the files runs dpinst then the finisher - the finisher then cleans-up /deletes the files.
so if you want the finisher just call my script and let it do its thing...
yeah it copys the files over teh network but 7zipped it is only 300meg to copy them
99% of the drivers don't use /need the finisher so it is not a big deal (ati control panel is one example that does use it)
runonceex registry keys will only be called one time and then remove themselfs - that is their function in life
SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx
REG ADD %KEY%\996 /V 1 /D "cmd /c start /wait net use z: \\server\autoinst [pass /user:admin /Y]"
REG ADD %KEY%\996 /V 2 /D "cmd /c start /wait z:\DP_Install_Tool.cmd"
Does the visual basic runtime need a login?
Otherwise you can use a VBS script (called from a batch file) like this:
on error resume next
Set ObjNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
ObjNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "S:", "\\share-name\Drivers\"
@echo off
TITLE ***Driver Updater***
echo Mapping "S" Drive
%Windir%\system32\cscript.exe //B %cdrom%\drivers\map.vbs
cd S:\Drivers
I've never tried it in this method (before login) so YMMV.
Yeah, I'm going to try to use WSH (always felt it ran more "clean") to set up a startup script and see how that goes... and if that is a problem, I'll use it on RunOnceEx. This definitely is pretty interesting, and might bring up a need to modify the finisher to allow parameters to be passed to it as well, don't you think? If there are no parameters, assume %systemdrive%\d, or specify a path to use.
So tried to figure out how to make a Junction point to the network share, but found out that it has to be local, unfortunately. Then saw there was the possibility of a symlink, but found out it is Vista and Server 20008 only. So there goes those possibilities. Oh well, I may just keep them on the image for the time being until possibly the finisher allows for a parameter.
As for the login to the share, I went ahead and created a Drivers share on my server using a NullSessionShare, and allowed access via the Guest account (with read-only access of course), so that shouldn't be of issue.
parameter for the finisher hmmm... Who said there wasn't...? Oh yeah that was me...
Silly me... look in the finisher.ini at DPsRoot = "%SystemDrive%"
we dont pass parameters to the finisher but... it does read it's INI. and
%SystemDrive%\D is not hardcoded
just the \D is hardcoded
i think i am getting Sometimers... lol
lmao.... Ok, you need a drink by the sounds of it. You know, when I see "hardcoded" I sort of give up at that point.
Ok, this might very well work for me then. I'm going to try something here in a few minutes and see what happens, and if all goes well, I'll have everything on a server and not in the image itself. Well, other than the Finisher possibly. ...and now that I say that, I can probably just run it directly from the shared folder.
This should be interesting.
Ok... ran into a problem with DPInst running it from a network share directly - it detected the AMD CPU and installed the driver, but still I had to hit finish to quit the installation, and then DPInst proceeded on. Clearly that isn't going to work for my usage of it unless I can figure something else about it.
Edit: Went back and added the following 2 lines to my DPInst.xml file:
Though right now I don't have time to test whether this will suppress that window properly across a network share.
Edit 2: Well I edited the DPInst.xml file but that didn't seem to help me at all. Still stalled at the AMD CPU driver so long as it was from a network source. Whether it was a direct UNC path or a mapped drive letter, I would get these lines in my log:
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackagePreinstallW
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackagePreinstallW (0xE0000301)
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
INFO: Looking for Model Section [AmdK8.NTX86]...
INFO: amdk8.inf: checking signature with catalog 'z:\d\cpu\' ...
INFO: Driver package 'amdk8.inf' is WHQL signed.
INFO: Installing INF file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\amdk8_665EA4774828BF48872A8D6A28126EAC01019462\amdk8.inf" of Type 6.
INFO: Looking for Model Section [AmdK8.NTX86]...
INFO: Installing devices with Id "ACPI\AuthenticAMD_-_x86_Family_15_Model_4" using INF "C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\amdk8_665EA4774828BF48872A8D6A28126EAC01019462\amdk8.inf".
INFO: ENTER UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices...
ERROR: RETURN UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices. (Error code 0x800B0100: No signature was present in the subject.)
ERROR: Installation failed. (Error code 0x800B0100: No signature was present in the subject.)
ERROR: PnP Install failed. (Error code 0x800B0100: No signature was present in the subject.)
INFO: Attempting to rollback ...
SUCCESS:Rollback completed
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageInstallW (0x800B0100)
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageUninstallW
INFO: Uninstalling driver package z:\d\cpu\amdk8.inf...
INFO: Successfully removed C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem18.inf.
INFO: No devices found for C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE\amdk8_665EA4774828BF48872A8D6A28126EAC01019462\amdk8.inf uninstall.
INFO: Driver package z:\d\cpu\amdk8.inf removed.
SUCCESS:Uninstall completed.
INFO: RETURN: DriverPackageUninstallW (0x0)
INFO: ENTER: DriverPackageInstallW
At the point where it says "INFO: Attempting to rollback ...", the dialog about needing to restart to complete the installation of the driver would show up. Again, this only happens on network driver installs for some reason. Anyone have any advice?
Last edited by DeTard (2008-05-08 09:50:04)
were you calling dpinst.exe /s /c ?
(/S ilent /C onsole logging)
{ which is similar to if not the same as <suppressWizard/> <quietInstall/> }
Does the amd driver in the pack work if installed localy? (or manually)
PS it sounds like we are close to getting this to work!
if we get past this hurdle i will have to step up to the plate... you worked hard on this.
by this i mean i will code mass storage integration for sysprep.
Yeah, I've ran it with /s and or with /c. My typical parameters while I was testing was /c /s /sh /sw /path <serverpath>. I had modified the xml file to change from D to * too as that seemed to look better (fixed the problem where it had double "\" in the path if I directed it to the D folder directly... wasn't sure if that was a problem, but didn't seem to help). Also removed from the XML every other line outside the search and subdirectory tags as they aren't really desirable for my usage.
Now, I already have a LOT of stuff for Mass Storage if you'd like to see that. I have included the IDE and SCSI examples from Microsoft's sample sysprep.inf files from 2000's Sysprep to cover all the generic devices, plus added all the non-RAID drivers that are relevant to my work. That includes AMD, ALi, Intel, Nvidia (forget which ones), VIA (only select few since one of them kills Sysprep by putting it into an infinite loop) and some others I think. Pretty much covers all the bases for 90% of people I'm sure.
I used a script someone had posted using SED.EXE to make all of this and took all the stuff that seemed to cause me problems out of it. And because there were problems with it running the duplication removal I popped all this into Excel, sorted it by HWID, removed duplicates, and cleaned it up. I can post it tomorrow when I get into my office if you'd like it.
Oh, and to answer your question - Yes, it DID work if done locally. Manually or not didn't matter, it was always the same case on a network source. I tried it manually or via ROE on network source and it always always did the same thing for me. My only worry is that it's more than just this driver that'll have problems. If it was ONLY this one that will have this, I'd put MassStorage, the Intel Chipset, and CPU drivers all locally (I have all the MassStorage and Intel Chipset drivers locally already for Sysprep), exclude the CPU drivers from the network share, and run DPInst twice - once locally, once on network.
Last edited by DeTard (2008-05-08 13:22:35)
i would like that very much - Thank You so much!
However i would like to request at this point that we Please move this to a more appropriate Forum.
Did someone yet get this work using Autoimage or for RIS in general?
For me, it just doesnt start to extract the files when xp-gui-setup starts (as it was with previous driverpack and sp2)
Or can I use driverpack directly on a RIS-Setup-Folder without using autoimage?
Any help would be highly appreciated ;-)
best regards
I am sorry IDK... RogueSpear is the master of that realm... have you cross posted there?
If i have changed something to interfere with AutoImage then i will certainly address it Immediately.
I Just need him to tell me what the issue is.
Or perhaps the problem lies with AutoImage and he will adress it from there.
Thanks for reporting this issue. Your feedback makes DriverPacks better for everyone!
Welcome to the forum and for being the most valued member of DriverPacks team; the user who gives feedback.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> DriverPacks BASE 8.05 initialized.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Host environment: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 on X86 CPU.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Created temporary working directory.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Imported proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Start scanning for DriverPacks for the wnt5_x86-32 platform.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Chipset 8.05.C!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack CPU 8.04!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics A 8.04!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics B 8.04!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Graphics C 8.04!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack LAN 8.05.2!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack MassStorage 8.05.C!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound A 8.05!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack Sound B 8.05!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected DriverPack WLAN 8.03!
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected 3rd party DriverPack(s).
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Finished scanning.
2008-05-21 23:15:54 : <INIT> Detected settings file "D:\DRIVERPACK\DPs_BASE.ini".
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <INIT> Windows XP Professionnel - OEM SP3 detected.
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <INIT> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <INIT> Imported settings from settings file.
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <INIT> [OptionalSettingsOther]\ATI_cpl not specified: default (None) was set.
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <INIT> QuickStream Cache directory not found!
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <GUI> Initialized GUI.
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <GUI> Created a list of all available language files.
2008-05-21 23:15:55 : <GUI> Set the last used language, English, as the GUI language.
2008-05-21 23:16:07 : <GUI> Changed Windows installation files OR export (depending on the installation platform) location to D:\WINXP-SP3.
2008-05-21 23:16:07 : <GUI> Windows XP Professionnel - OEM SP3 detected.
2008-05-21 23:16:07 : <GUI> wnt5_x86-32_disc is the selected installation platform .
2008-05-21 23:17:29 : <GUI> Refreshed UpdateChecker with success.
2008-05-21 23:17:44 : <GUI> Saved settings!
2008-05-21 23:17:44 : <GUI> Closed GUI.
2008-05-21 23:17:44 : <SEL> Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2008-05-21 23:17:53 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2008-05-21 23:17:53 : <PREP> \I386\ was not found, \I386\winnt.sif was not restored.
2008-05-21 23:17:53 : <PREP> Neither or was found. The removal of
2008-05-21 23:17:53 : <PREP> any Service Packs we may have added with Driverpacks was skipped
2008-05-21 23:17:53 : <PREP> Mass Storage Removal was also skipped because no I386\DRIVERPACK_MASSSTORAGE_WNT5_X86-32.INI was found
2008-05-21 23:17:56 : <PREP> Verified method 2 references don't exist in txtsetup.sif or dosnet.inf.
2008-05-21 23:18:14 : <SLIP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2008-05-21 23:18:14 : <SLIP> D:\DRIVERPACK\tmp\DPMtmp\DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini
2008-05-21 23:18:15 : <SLIP> Processing the files now. This may take a minute.
2008-05-21 23:18:53 : <SLIP> Slipstreamed DriverPack MassStorage text mode driver files.
2008-05-21 23:18:53 : <SLIP> txtsetup.sif Backed-up Successfully
2008-05-21 23:18:53 : <SLIP> dosnet.inf Backed-up Successfully
2008-05-21 23:19:02 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\txtsetup.sif that will be updated.
2008-05-21 23:19:04 : <SLIP> Removed entries from \I386\dosnet.inf that will be updated.
2008-05-21 23:20:15 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf and \I386\txtsetup.sif to support DP MassStorage text mode drivers.
2008-05-21 23:20:15 : <SLIP> Created necessary directory structure for method 2.
2008-05-21 23:20:16 : <SLIP> Copying files necessary for method 2.
2008-05-21 23:20:16 : <SLIP> Extracted additional files necessary for method 2.
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> expanded setup.ex_ to setuporg.exe
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> SETUP.EX_ Backed-up Successfully
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> Compressed setup.exe to SETUP.EX_.
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> Method 2 setup.ex_ installed
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2008-05-21 23:20:17 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2008-05-21 23:20:18 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Chipset to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:20:18 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack CPU to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:20:42 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics A to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:20:56 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics B to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:13 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Graphics C to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:14 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack LAN to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:15 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack MassStorage to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:28 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound A to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:41 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack Sound B to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:44 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPack WLAN to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:55 : <SLIP> Renamed DriverPack DP_Misc_wnt5_x86-32_71216.7z to DP_Misc_.7z in \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> Renamed DriverPack DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_80327.7z to DP_Modem.7z in \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> Renamed DriverPack DP_SmartCardReader_wnt5_x86-32_80228.7z to DP_Smart.7z in \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> Renamed DriverPack DP_TouchScreen_wnt5_x86-32_708.7z to DP_Touch.7z in \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> Copied DriverPacks to \OEM.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> English (RyanVM's) UpdatePack detected: no HDA hotfix will be slipstreamed.
2008-05-21 23:21:56 : <SLIP> WINNT.SIF Backed-up Successfully
2008-05-21 23:21:58 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2008-05-21 23:21:58 : <SLIP> Updated DPsFnshr.ini to disable KTD.
2008-05-21 23:21:58 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif's GUIRunOnce section.
2008-05-21 23:21:59 : <SLIP> DP_Install_Tool was copied successfully
2008-05-21 23:21:59 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 4 minutes and 15 seconds.
2008-05-21 23:22:36 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2008-05-21 23:22:36 : Program terminated.
juste to say that we don't need "English (RyanVM's) UpdatePack detected: no HDA hotfix will be slipstreamed." to slipstream HDA hotfix because it's XP SP3....
I have also problem with french translation,I think its not complete because I have an error when i choose it and apply and clique NEXT...
Last edited by Jaak (2008-05-23 13:08:38)
DPInst is actually limited and fails with some drivers (notably Sigmatel ones). If a driver installation crashes, dpinst will crash as well and the remaining drivers won't be installed. I used it for some time and had to give up on it and come up with my own solution.
I wrote a tool in c# to better fit my needs without dpinst problems. It's still rough around the edges but I was able to start testing it with my unattended cd/dvd in the past few days and it's behaving well. What it does is:
- enumerate all the devices reported by Windows
- parse all of the inf files found in a folder and its subfolders and match them to the compatible devices based on hardware id
- install the drivers for each device starting with the most recent.
- repeat one more time in case a driver created a new virtual device
I'm not ready to publish the source code yet but if anyone's interested in testing it, drop me an email and I can send you the binaries. It's only compatible with 32bits systems right now. I run it with XP SP2 but it might work with Vista as well.
I have also problem with french translation,I think its not complete because I have an error when i choose it and apply and clique NEXT...
(I don't know about the French translation.. I looked at the dutch today and considered it superb, but don't know if the french translator caught on to all the changes.)
(the pop up bug exists.. is this for bugtracker??)
edit >> today Jeff and I went through the translation files and we saw the reason for the translation error pop-up in many of them.
Last edited by Jaak (2008-05-24 10:56:51)
official sigmatel IDT had a few super generics what will mess up a whole range.
the new DriverPacks sound pack are not released yet, but they have (hopefully) worked around that, and one of our members showed us a sigmatel IDT m$ updated what had not a single bugger generic.
I had hoped another team member would build the pack with that file, and it has not happened yet.
But, I am seriously interested in the work you did, because we recently learned that the scanners we use are not perfect, and you could help?
(for instance, the graphics drivers.. when I use spotlightutility05.exe scan tool on Nvidia, I get zero output. )
The issues I've seen with the Sigmatel driver and others were generally for computers from about 2003 to 2005. What happens is the inf file references a couple of Windows' own inf files which are used to identify some files from the Windows multimedia subsystem that the driver needs. Somehow when using dpinst or even my own tool that used DIFxAPI, those windows files were not found and the driver's installation failed half way through. Retrying dpinst would fix the problem, but it never worked for me during the finalization of my unattended install.
I wrote a tool some months ago that fixed the problem by copying those files to the driver's preinstallation directory but I had a slight accident with my partition and lost all the source. Now I pretty much finished rewriting its core and improving it but it needs to go through some cleanup. After that I'll have no problems giving you guys a copy of the source. God knows the driverpacks saved me hours so it's only fair.
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