Topic: experiment with unattended install and driver packs
im trying to do an unattended install of xpsp2 but i am having trouble. my trouble starts with the addition of driver packs to my nlited xpsp2 install cd. everything works fine if dvd is booted normally and install takes over after the boot process. if i try to start the install from this command line "winnt32.exe /noreboot /unattend15:winnt.sif" the install has copy errors of presetup.cmd and setuporg.exe not being in the \windows folder and dspdsblr.exe and others not being in c:\. again, this only happens if i have integrated (method 1) driver packs into the build dvd. unattended install from a dvd without driver packs works ok. install using my command line must change other built in commands or sequences that are changed by running the driver packs integration. is there a way to run the install from a command line with a still have the integrated drivers packs work properly?
please show example.