Topic: Need info...

Hi, maybe this is not the forum but if any one has info please send it to me. first i'm a computer repair tech, I'm from Puerto Rico, I'm 48 so I don't have time to waist it, in another way, I DON'T PLAY and I'm honest.
I have seen a lot of xp os modified from the boot screens (and the one that you see when xp starts), to the content, reg. modifications, etc., I want to make my own xp cd with the drivers packs and all of the rest mentioned.

Does anyone knows how to do it and what software is used?

Please send the info and if I can help please let me know.

Thanks in advance and looking forward hearing from you!

Re: Need info...

Welcome to Driverpacks!

First, you're in the wrong place.  We don't supply tools to modify how XP looks.
Everyone has their own preferences for looks.  Personally, I use V'ISO written by Ricktendo64. … 47&hl=

Let us know if you need assistance with DRIVERS, it's what we're here for.

Read BEFORE you post.  HWID tool   DriverPacks Tutorial   DONATE!
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear Kevlar!

Re: Need info...

mr_s is correct - this is not the forum to get started with...

we are always glad to help,
but it is assumed if you are asking for help here that you are familiar with everything that is contained in the following thread.

That is everything you ever wanted to know on how to get started.

If you have specific questions about the DriverPacks then post them here, in the correct subforum. (click read before you post below)
We also don't have time to play, or time to waste, and are honest. 
Once you are familiar with the material contained at the above link then you will not be attempting to waste our time... wink

Have a great day and thanks for being here.

let us know if you have any trouble with DriverPacks - ps there is a link to the DriverPacks tutorial in my signature below.

DP BartPE Tutorial   DP_BASE Tutorial   HWID's Tool     Read BEFORE you post    UserBars!
The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.