Topic: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

hello everyone.
firstly, thanks for these great driver-packs.I'm newbie.and I have some questions.
I want to make a dvd that will include all driverspack packages..
    * DriverPack Chipset
    * DriverPack CPU
    * DriverPack Graphics A
    * DriverPack Graphics B
    * DriverPack Graphics C
    * DriverPack LAN
    * DriverPack MassStorage
    * DriverPack Sound A
    * DriverPack Sound B
    * DriverPack WLAN

ok but.I have reading a lot of articles on net,msfn forums about unattended cd,dvd..on somewhere I read about driverspack..for exam; somebody says 'only use graphics A or B or C'..or 'only use sound A or B'..but on your explain; it's all about your and our bandwidht..and I do not read anything about on this forum for a crash about it?

anyway,briefly, can we use all these driverspack packages together (specially graphics A,B,C or sound A or B) in a there any crash report about it?

and second;
I want to make a big dvd.It contains; all-this-driverpacks+winXP sp2+all hotfix since sp2+ie7+WM11+some add-on programs etc..I hope it will good..

but on RVM forums they say "firstly use integrate all hotfix+add-ons and then integrate driverpacks cause MS have a hotfix for soundALC 883 sound card(may be false-I couldn't remember exactly)" but in here you say "firstly use DPs_BASE_ and then use nlite or rvm integrator" ..fairly, I want to know your advice about that..should we use driverpacks or nlite,rvm integrator firstly?

I read about two days and I try something..
it's so easy, after read your instructions, I integrate all drivers except graphics B,C and sound B..and it works fine on virtual machine..but after then rvm integrate there was some problems but not necessary..then I integrate a clean .iso again but this time it include all driverpacks also graphics B,C and sound B..except 3rd party DriverPacks..and on virtual machine it always warn me about MS digital I want to question about you..

sorry cause my big post and my bad english.thanks again for these great resources..

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

alper60 wrote:

anyway,briefly, can we use all these driverspack packages together (specially graphics A,B,C or sound A or B) in a there any crash report about it?

Simple answer:
The DriverPacks are made so that they complement each other; no pack contains anything the others do.
There are also no compatibility issues between the packs (that would be rather stupid, wouldn't it?).
You can even use more packs if you include the 3rd party DriverPack or make your own packs (see my sig for links on hot to do that).

I want to make a big dvd.It contains; all-this-driverpacks+winXP sp2+all hotfix since sp2+ie7+WM11+some add-on programs etc..I hope it will good..

That is basically what I always do.
It may take some time to fine-tune it but yes, it will be very good (as in convenient) once it's done and polished big_smile

but in here you say "firstly use DPs_BASE_ and then use nlite or rvm integrator"

Where does it say that???
Sorry, but that is utter BS!
We always state that the BASE should be the last step before creating your ISO, so yes, what you read on RVM was absolutely correct!
Again, see my sig for a link to a HOWTO.

and on virtual machine it always warn me about MS digital I want to question about you..

If you are using nLite, you can simply disable the Driver Signing Policy.
Or, you can do that yourself manually by editing the following lines in the winnt.SIF


Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

thanks  for your quick reply @Helmi..

in my country's pc forum, a user make a presentation of driverpack..and he said that "don't use all A,B,C packs together..if so you may face problems" and I research why about this..and a user on RVM said the same thing..all these says on Turkish forums..on my country and on RVM's Turkish section..I could not read anywhere I say myself why I couldn't use..if I couldn't research on here or you couldn't answer, I make a few different cd or dvd which include these A,B,C driverpacks..:))

and yours tutorial's quote;

mr_smartepants wrote:

"If all went well, then build your Windows source into an ISO file (nLite or RyanVM Integrator),"

this sentence..I think I can't understood..after read this, I supposed, first we must use DPs_BASE and then nlite or RVM..

thanks again a's very clarification for me..I will read articles on your sign..


Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

that line should read

"If all went well, then build your Windows source into an ISO file
you can use programs like (nLite or RyanVM Integrator) to create your ISO image"

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Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

alper60 wrote:

in my country's pc forum, a user make a presentation of driverpack..and he said that "don't use all A,B,C packs together..if so you may face problems" and I research why about this..and a user on RVM said the same thing..all these says on Turkish forums..on my country and on RVM's Turkish section..I could not read anywhere I say myself why I couldn't use..if I couldn't research on here or you couldn't answer, I make a few different cd or dvd which include these A,B,C driverpacks..:))

Now, that is very strange.
I guess there are hundreds of users on this forum that do the same as I, use all the available DriverPacks.
None has reported any error along what you have heared about.
I'm sure if this really was a problem, we, the team, would have been notified by some user.
Also, if it really was a problem, our members would do their best to fix it (ASAP no less!).

I would suggest you post a note in the Turkish forum pointing them to this thread (or this forum in general) so they can correct this "hoax".
It would be bad if it fooled other users into thinking they cannot use all DriverPacks together!

mr_smartepants wrote:

"If all went well, then build your Windows source into an ISO file (nLite or RyanVM Integrator),"

As OF already stated, this only means to use these tool for the ISO creation.
The reason for this is that BASE does not support making the ISO so you will have to do it manually or rely on the tools named above.

You should not do anything else but create the ISO after you have slipstreamed the DriverPacks using BASE.

If you want to use nLite or RVM to include update packs, hotfixes etc then do it before using BASE.

Personally, I use nLite for the task and when I get to the page to create the ISO, I leave nLite open, switch to BASE, slipstream the drivers, [alt]+[tab] back to nLite and make the ISO smile
Simple as that and rather convenient.

If you want to do this all in one go and only ever use one tool for it, I suggest you try RougeSpear's AutoImage which can be found here.

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

A quote from the other tutorial.

If all went well, then you can now use your slipstreamed and integrated Windows source and make an ISO file with nLite (Quite easy, and fast.) and use your Burning suite to burn the ISO.
You can also use the ISO to test the build in a Virtual environment (Virtual PC which is free, or VMWare).
Running it in a Virtual environment will show you whether the build works or not.
You can skip making an ISO and burn your slipstreamed and integrated source to a bootable Compilation (You will need a boot file and some know how.).
ISObuster is one of those tools that can get your boot files off the original source CD.
You'll use No Floppy emulation. The load segment of sectors (in hex) is 07C0 and sectors are set to 4 when you use your own boot file. :-)

Keep in mind that a virtual environment does not need special drivers, so even when a test in Virtual environment is successful, you will not know if it installs properly on real hardware. A PC with a hard disk you can format without fear for loss of data is a good test machine. You can perhaps use a spare hard disk for tests.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

A comment on having all the packs together.

The recommendation to not use all at the same time they posted in other fora must have had a reason, and today that reason has little or no foundation because we groomed duplicated competing Hardware ID we found across different drivers pretty well now.
An example in Sound Packs; A Realtek driver could compete with an nVidia. We made a choice because we had to, and removed some competing files. When Sound A and B are used together, there is not a single competing HWID.. We may have made a wrong choice, or we may be missing a driver, but it is better than having the wrong driver chosen by windows.
In graphics, the packs complement another. Mr Smartepants and the other graphics pack gurus know what they are doing.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

alper60 wrote:

and yours tutorial's quote;

mr_smartepants wrote:

"If all went well, then build your Windows source into an ISO file (nLite or RyanVM Integrator),"

this sentence..I think I can't understood..after read this, I supposed, first we must use DPs_BASE and then nlite or RVM..

Sorry for the misinformation.  I've corrected that line in the tutorial.  I apologize for the text not translating well.
As the others posted, the order I use to integrate is:
1) RVM Integrator using RVM update pack
2) nLite for removals/tweaks and to integrate IE7 & WMP11
3) RVM Integrator for addons
4) DriverPacks
5) Build ISO with nLite (I think it's better).

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Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

Some more comments on using all packs together.
When one has both sound packs, and also uses 3rd party modem and TV (tuner) packs, then one will most likely again find duplicated sound chip HWIDs.
Many Modems have sound functions, and old timers know that one could stare at a unknown device after the sound driver was installed, and when the modem was installed everything suddenly worked. We went like "hey? I have two sound devices now". The Serial Comms Sound device caused a "yellow flag or the unknown device Question mark" and it would often cause the real soundcard to not make a peep.. sad
TV-tuner cards will install some sound capability as well.

What I am saying is that it could be better to have ALL than to have too few.

Last edited by Jaak (2008-02-18 09:43:57)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

@Helmi; ok.I write about this on other forum.also I gave a link here..:)

@mr_smartepants; not a problem, it doesn't matter:)..My English is not so good..sorry for I can't understand sometimes a sentence's mean fully and I can't decision what do I must in real..

@Jaak; yes.after a good experience on virtual machine,  I will try it again on my second hdd..I have a 80 gb hdd for all this kind of tests about PC.

thank you for all your informations again..:)

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

Welcome to DriverPacks alper60!

We are always glad to help people like you who are polite, informed and provide good details.

Stick around and we will make english your second language...

We're glad your here. Thank you for joining!

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Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

Hi @OverFlow.
thanks for your good wish and I'm glad to find here..
It's really very huge and up-to-date drivers archive..thanks for your team's works.

Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

your part of of our team now sir - the tutorial is now better

Go.......... Team!!!!

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Re: Any crash between GRAPHICS A,B,C and SOUND A,B drivers in all-in-one?

It is true, reports about a poor grammatical construction I originally wrote and which survived in the tutorial a few of us banged together many months ago help us.

I hoped the forum tut would improve over time, and revised the version I put in my pandora's web box several times. I wished I could write like Mr Smartepants. I also wished that the basic tut at DriverPacks forum could stay basic and simple. (As in KIS.. but I wish this were simple). Above all, I wish the tut I stored at pandora's and fleshed out with extras was written by a gifted tut writer.
When we have a new release of DPsBase the tut will have to get looked at again..
hehe. Pandora's box. It sounds like a paradox to me.
We used it because we had no stable host back then, and I could not write changes to both.
It changed over time. We should consider a redo of the BBS tut so it synchs with the pictures, and maybe keep a tut with the basics and a fleshed out like we have now.. I just don't know what is best for all.
Both are a long read, and more or less meant to stay on ONE page.
At this here BB, when you just hit a link you are away from the page. Close it, poof, gone. Ey?
At pandora's, you click a link. Close it, poof, you are back at the line you was reading. smile

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.