the DriverPacks version is used for nightlies, but I agree about making it obvious that it is a nightly or testpack.
We know that 8029 is higher than 80211 and I most often cannot use the date.
These last few days I put together more than one testpacks in the same day, and I was going to use 8029A_txt after 8029_txt. (You should know we finally discovered why we was getting file-not-found reports when nothing looked wrong.)
On main site, When the current release is 8022 the new release gets 8023.
It could be the file that was tested in a 8023A_nightly (or a 8023C_test_a_fix)
When the current release is 801 and the month is 02 all its 802??** Versions are nightlies or for testing a particular fix.
I figure people will know what they are when they download them, and I hope they keep the releases and betas downloads separate, and that they use copies.
You can save downloads from the nightlies FTP in a betas folder, and save released downloads in DP_REL (or whatever).
I will keep this in mind, though.
What if it wasn't in the name when you downloaded it?
It is easy to rename if you want to.
Add _nightly or _test_for_the_milkman when you rename the pack.
I think people realise that _nightly and _test_txt have a different goal in mind.
We can test several theories and when we get feedback we look at it, and then a new nightly gets built using the things that we was told worked.
Thank you for helping us help you.
The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.