Topic: redistribution request etc.


I have a rather impromtu request regarding distribution of some DriverPacks files given that this is my first post and I am newly registered.

I am the author of a front-end-type program for sysprep called OfflineSysPrep, available as a BartPE plugin or a WinBuilder script: … t3207.html

The aim of the program is to be able to sysprep a windows xp/2003 partition which is offline/not booted. Various reasons why this is necessary exist, one being that of shifting to newer hardware. For my own use, the reason is that I take regular backup images of my computer, but often these cannot be simply written to a newer machine with the expectation that it will boot straight away without some "sysprepping". Earlier this year, for example, I had my laptop stolen, which was configered to ide, and the replacement had sata. I applied a backup image to the new laptop and using OfflineSysPrep I was able to sysprep the unbootable partition without having to reinstall xp.

Recently I was asked if I could also integrate mass storage driver handling into OfflineSysPrep, particuarly because one drawback with the "offline method" is that writing mass storage entries to sysprep.inf does not yet work under PE. Given that there is a BartPE plugin generated by driverpacks, I decided to start here. I have now been able to inject all the mass storage drivers from the plugin into the offline system (again, either xp or 2003), or to inject the driver(s) necessary for the device(s) detected under PE.

So now I come to the question; well, on second thought -- questions:

May I be granted permission to redistribute the .sys and .sy_ files from the BartPE plugin? This would allow an easier setup for most people as I would not have to detail exactly which files have to be compied and where.

This I guess is one option. Another would be your generous permission to use coding from DPs_BASE to process the mass storage driverpack .7z file internally, which would allow for easier integrating of newer packs etc.

Now I understand if permission is not granted given that I unable to offer much in return. My hope, though, would be that this would open up just another option in the application and usefulness of the driverpacks and that there might therefore be a larger pool of people using the packs and consequently testing on various hardware.

Thanks for your time, assistance, and consideration.


Re: redistribution request etc.


Just wondering if I should conclude anything from the lack of response. If deliberations on my request are continuing, I'm more than happy to be patient until a decision is reached one way or the other.


Re: redistribution request etc.

Bâshrat the Sneaky is very busy I'm sure. 
I'm not sure he's even read your request.

I would wait for an official answer from Bâshrat the Sneaky.

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Re: redistribution request etc.

While personally I don't see anything that would keep you from using these files (after all, they aren't ours but belong to their respective companies), there's nothing we can decide here as it's mainly Bâshrat the Sneaky's project.

If you are getting impatient waiting for an answer of him (which can indeed take a while), I'd suggest sending him a mail.

The lack of an answer on this forum does not imply a negative answer nor deliberately ignoring you, please keep that in mind smile

Re: redistribution request etc.

Well, I couldn't wait forever as i wanted to release the new version of my app. A week and no response to my email... So for my BartPE version I wrote a 'files gatherer' which gathers files from the installed DriverPacks BartPE plugin. This way I don't have to distribute the files. For the WinBuilder script, the script manipulates 'DPs_BASE_*.exe' and 'DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_*.7z' directly from a user-specified directory where these files have been downloaded to.

Thanks for your time and assistance.


Re: redistribution request etc.

I hope you got the looks of the forae.

DriverPacks are in a flux.
They are. They are in a flux by being updated/outdated.
Mass Storage 7.09.2 was not updated because the work on it requires testers.
It is FLAWED in that version. The team have tried to get people test two RC (releases candidates) versions.
It is kinda funny,  both RC have had no 'it fails" reports.

Get your users to test it, and respond here.
If you get your users to use it and blame us, I'd call you an asset.
If you get your users to use it and help us, I'd call you an REAL asset.

To me, new DriverPacks go to a new folder.
They are always in a flux. Always keep what worked.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: redistribution request etc.

Hi Jaak,

Like I said:

My hope, though, would be that this would open up just another option in the application and usefulness of the driverpacks and that there might therefore be a larger pool of people using the packs and consequently testing on various hardware.

If I get anyone with problems with drivers, I'll push them this way!

I just released the new version of my app which makes use of the DP mass storage drivers. Injecting of all mass storage drivers into the offline system and creating of necessary registry services is now possible, as well as the option just to inject the driver and service for the device(s) detected under PE (or windows if offline system is being sysprepped from there.


Re: redistribution request etc.

Without having read your story in detail due to lack of time, I am granting you permission to redistribute the .sys/.sy_ files distributed with the BartPE plugin. Any noble effort that doesn't try to make money off's back is allowed to do so. Don't worry about that smile

As for access to the source code, that's not a problem either. Just contact me. *But*, I'm quite sure you won't be able to simply reuse it without heavily rewriting it smile That code is pretty much the oldest of the entire BASE (as in: pretty much the first code I've ever written), so be warned that it's ugly smile

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Re: redistribution request etc.

Gday Bâshrat,

Thanks for your reply -- and permissions!

Currently I have a working solution where I wrote a quick separate application to grab the files and build a driver database from an installed BartPE plugin. Or for the Winbuilder version, the base is run in silent mode and the files are grabbed afterwards. So currently this is working. If I have to revisit the code in time, I might take up your generous offer of using some of the code from the base to process everything directly.


Re: redistribution request etc.

I may be able to do this for you as it is so closely related to my work on BartPE.

Which also brings up sysprep we have gained quite a following form people who use the packs for this too.

Sysprep is also very similar and i think together we might be able to add this internally. as Bâshrat the Sneaky pointed out some of this code is UGLY i have been cleaning / rewriting it as i have to. there are tens of thousands of lines in base so it is not feasible to do it all at once and backward compatibility must also be considered.

But small steps taken in the right direction will eventually lead us to out destination. please feel free to contact me at any time.

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Re: redistribution request etc.

Hi OverFlow,

Good to hear from you and thanks.

I am quite interested in developing this further so that processing of the mass storage DP could be accomplished internally to the program. Time is limited, though, since we have a three-week-old baby in our family now and me with phd studies to try to complete. See how we go...

Recently, I adapted my code that processes the BartPE plugin massstorage.inf file to generate a WinBuilder mass storage script so that the latest DP can be included in a LiveXP/nativeEx build: … t3616.html … ers.script

If only I could solve the problem of running sysprep under PE where we currently are unable to include a [SysprepMassStorage] section or 'BuildMassStorage=yes' entry. The solution currently is the couple of 'Advanced' OfflineSysPrep options where either 1) all the mass storage drivers are added to the offline system and registry service entries generated; or 2) to add only the driver for the device detected under PE and registry service entry generated. This is all based on the generated BartPE plugin.


Re: redistribution request etc.

your main issue is duplicated hwids

in pe this is not a problem but with sysprep it is a show stopper.

JakeLD is our resident sysprep guru perhaps he will jump in here. Even if he doesn't look at his stuff posted here already and i think you will find many clues to your eventual success.

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Re: redistribution request etc.

Hmmm. So perhaps my current method of injecting drivers and services through OfflineSysPrep might actually still be the best solution rather than still trying to let sysprep accomplish this task via a [SysprepMassStorage] section or 'BuildMassStorage=yes' entry (remembering OfflineSysPrep is a PE front-end for sysprep).

Thanks for pointing this out.


Re: redistribution request etc.

sysprep is not one of my strengths although I am always eager to listen and to learn.

I have always used alternate methods like ghost. In my experience sysprep is just a PITA compared to the other choices available.

However I enjoy seeing other people banging their heads against the wall, so, here I am. LOL

To reasure you I knew very little about BartPE when I wrote that code.
Hilander and CDOB from UBCD4Win gave me the coaching I required to win that game, and in retrospect it was a shutout! 
I learn fast and have an excellent memory,  IF you can get my interest,  and you are at least that far. I'm interested.
If you and JakeLD are willing to coach me i will see what i can do about adding the sysprep platform to base.

One more note have you seen AutoImage.exe by rougespear? his program integrates RVM nLite DriverPacks and WPI and supports RIS?
More clues may be gleaned from his code as well.


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Re: redistribution request etc.

Hi OverFlow,

No I hadn't seen AutoImage until just now and it looks and interesting and useful application.

A few things:

1) My program OfflineSysPrep can work in conjunction with the likes of Ghost etc. (this is my own main use as it stands, although I use different imaging software). A ghost image from a backup of a previous system can be applied to a new one, then running OfflineSysPrep prepares this (generally) unbootable system to be bootable (due to a number of factors, mass storage drivers being the major one). Sysprep doesn't actually have to be used, though, as I have now provided 'advanced' options which duplicate some of sysprep's actions internally. Just this year I had my laptop stolen and was able to apply a backup image to the new machine and get it booting -- meaning I didn't have to reinstall everything to get back up and running.

2) Since mass storage drivers cannot (yet?) be installed with sysprep under PE, I am personally not in need for the DP base to provide additional functionality outside of the BartPE platform. Using the generated BartPE plugin, I have been able to adapt to my needs, so that is currently enough for me.

3) As such, OfflineSysPrep can be thought of as working with base images or complete system images. AutoImage is used on installation files etc to install a new OS. This new OS, however, could be imaged, and, at a later date, injected with newer mass storage drivers etc with OfflineSysPrep to be used when replacing a motherboard etc. in the instance where the motherboard had died and so the relevant driver could not be installed from Windows prior to replacement.


Last edited by Galapo (2008-01-03 09:00:03)

Re: redistribution request etc.

i have a much better understanding now thank you.

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