Topic: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

Can you guys help a newbie out for a sec? I have figured out how to use Ryam VM and NLite. I also have a copy of my XP cd and sp2.

What is the "Magic" process I would use to use all 3 - DriverPacks, RyanVM, and nLite?

In other words, if size is not an issue what order do I need to use to set up my ultimate cd? RyanVM first? DriverPacks BASE(method 2) second? NLite third? For instance, will running nLite after BASE corrupt my BASE slipstream and/or winnt.sif?

My hunch is to: 1) use nLite to integrate sp2 2)Then use RyanVM to integrate all hotfixes/patches 3)Use DP BASE method 2 4) Use nLite to make any additonal changes, create answer file winnt.sif and generate the .iso. Is this correct?

ANY help is GREATLY appreciated!

Re: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

Update - I'll skip the Ryan VM and just use nLite and DPacks. If I use the order in NLite will that work? Is there anything I could do in NLite to corrupt the DPacks I streamlined using DPBASE? I assume do not let nLite delete any folders such as $OEM$ but is there anything else?

Re: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

i was told:
start with sp2 or slipstream sp2
1.ryan updates
3.dpacks last

no sure if the is correct but that is the way i use them.

Re: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

Me and others have already explained it in the other thread.

In future, it would be great if you'd only post any questions once, helps to keep the forum  ordered and keeping track of replies easy.

Having the same thread twice does not help anyone actually smile

Anyway, the method bober uses is what I'd suggest, too.

However, you could also slipstream RyanVM via nLite, which will also slipstream SP2 for you so it's one go.

After that (and you've done any nLite tweaking in the same rush), integrate the DriverPacks.

Then either use nLite again to create the ISO (too bad DriverPacks don't feature that yet, since they are the last step) or CDIMAGE.
You could also do this manually using CDRWIN and the boot.img file, but that's certainly more trouble than it's worth and definately not recommended for newbies.

Re: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

I think my new application AutoImage is just what you're looking for wink

It will even create your .iso file after everything is completed.

Re: Order for NLite, DPacks BASE, and RyanVM?

Wow, thanks you so much!

Looks very promising.
I'll be sure to try that out on my next CD (probably as soon as a new DP version comes out smile).