Topic: i cannot download any of the massstorage downloads

Help!! i want to download the driver massstorage packs but an antileech thing as been inserted, why do that when people want to download it for there personal use. i am not one of those who send spam or viruses so its making it hard for us honest people.

Please tell me how to download the driverpacks, i am desperate now..................


Re: i cannot download any of the massstorage downloads

known solutions are;
Do not use a download manager.
Adjust privacy options in your browser so that cookie referral works for
Adjust privacy options in your securty suite and malware blocking tools so that cookie referral is allowed for

while you have lower privacy settings in the browser, you can restrict yourself to only DriverPacks, and when done, set it back to the level it was on. FAIK, the defaults in IE are good for our downloads.
Security suite settings and malware tools settings are stored.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: i cannot download any of the massstorage downloads

Tried to download them all, and without any problems.
