Topic: add Drivers to driver store " simple way"

Hello ,

I am a new member and  i been reading about how to add driver to driver store in windows 7 and all option i find in this site and other site are very complex and requires a command line knowledge and i was wondering if their was a simple way to do this task

My Project:

I want  to download few drivers for few dell system and all in one pc and laptops and then put the driver in one locations which is driver store and then capture the image and re used it for different pcs and not worry about drivers

What would be the best and easiest way to do this

Thank you very much

Re: add Drivers to driver store " simple way"

you are correct it is complex, but it is less complex now that it ever has been.

You have already found the sites, like this one, that simplify it as much as is currently possable.

there are no shortcuts in life.

If it were easy everyone would be doing it big_smile.

what you seek is a combination of driverpacks (You are here) and Microsoft SysPrep, plus your imaging software and a deployment method or methods.

your question is too general in nature to give you a specific answer.

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