Topic: Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221 drivers for xp [VPCEG10EL]

Can't find this driver foe windows xp. At the site there sony is only drives for windows 7.

I have a Sony Vaio VPCEG10EL or PCG 61A11U , used the drivers it came with (which are windows 7 drivers) so they are loaded but no sound coming out and under audio devices nothing shows up.


If anybody can help me that would be awesome.


Last edited by MASTERDANYX (2011-11-03 18:31:06)

Re: Conexant High Definition SmartAudio 221 drivers for xp [VPCEG10EL]

Please tell me you at least TRIED our DriverPacks!
Read the "read before you post" link in my signature and then reply with exact steps on HOW you integrated DriverPacks into your source, include log files (HWIDs, DPs_BASE.log, DPsFnshr.log).
This is a DriverPacks support site.

Research drivers on your own here:

Read BEFORE you post.  HWID tool   DriverPacks Tutorial   DONATE!
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