Topic: Where can I find drivers for my hardware?
If you insist on asking this question in the forums, you will be referred to this thread.
1) If you tried using the DriverPacks by integrating with DriverPacks BASE and your device still does not work after Windows install, then proceed to next step.
2) Get the HWIDs for the device with no driver, use our HWID tool.
3) Search for the vendor and device (VEN_xxxx&DEV_yyyy) by using Google. Try to find a good driver from the vendor themselves.
4) When all else fails, look for a compatible driver using the driver index here:
- Example:
- Searching for PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0389
- Try … /dev_0389/
If and ONLY if you can't find a driver this way, THEN ask for help.
Read the Read before you post thread, then post the info that we have requested (HWIDs, logs, etc.)
Remember that the DriverPacks team spends hundreds of man-hours building and testing these DriverPacks FOR FREE so that you don't have to. Please do us the courtesy of performing a little research before asking for help.

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear Kevlar!