A) after a fresh install defragmenting is ABSOLUTELY necessary take a look at a HDD after a fresh windows install
. It normally takes me several passes with a good defragmenter to get the drive into even a half way decent condition
. Note: the DriverPacks are about 3 gig of disc space... tell me that won't cause some fragmentation
. Not to mention the Windows temp files that are removed too, and any service packs that may have been included in the install, and any applications that may be installed, and their temp files, and so on. A drive is rarely more fragmented than after a fresh install...
Fresh install = Swiss Cheese
In fact after i reload a client machine i spend about 8 hour defragmenting it and then i make a Ghost image of it and burn it to a disc just in case i ever have to "restore" that machine again
. (hint: for a home user machine, use a paper sleeve and tape it to the inside of the side panel... it's like buried treasure
B) if KTD is not used then all drivers that are not used by the system are completely removed. (verify that %systemroot%\D is removed to make sure)
Glad you got it figured out!
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