Topic: [IMPL] Chipset - SigmaTel & SMSC IRDA
This may only have been beta, yet works like a charm. The SigmaTel company was acquired by FreeScale (spin-off from Motorola Semi) in 2008, so this was the last driver for this USB 1.1 device. … mp;fsrch=1
Naturally, it is not signed. My biggest unresolved question is whether it solves problems with former drivers on Vista-7 (& if it works on x64). … _code=8434
updated SMSC FIR drivers: … 086#p43086
Oh crud, i killed my SigmaTel IRDA module. Everything worked perfectly (MD5 verified) until i tried to send a couple of small files with chinese characters in the filename! I think the error referenced a bad environmental variable. Now it refuses to respond to connection requests. The SMSC module recognizes the presence of the other machine. Not so with the SigmaTel module. Frustrating! I wonder if the old driver would have choked. Don't try this at home kiddies, your module will likely choke as well.
Hmm, there's a tantalum capacitor that had a bad solder joint on it. Resoldered it, now it's no longer intermittant. I have 12MHz at the crystal, 3.3V&5V where they should be. It would seem that the IRDA transciever is bunged. Maybe it didn't like the long transfer. I will try on another machine, & different driver. Efforting.......
I can't seem to find the WHQL driver v1.28 on, so just in case, here's a link: …
Confirmed that both are transmitting (with digital camera) OK, working again. I neglected to do a restart on the machine with the SMSC transceiver. No more sending files with foreign characters in the files!
OK, i received the same error (time to stop blaming foreign characters!) The same error is described here: Arpidfix.exe is not on my SP3 systems, yet the other 2 files have the same file size. Hmm...
I will roll back to former SMSC driver & test.
Same error encountered with the driver v5.1.3600.9. It just took longer to encounter this time. I will try rolling back the SigmaTel driver.
OK same error when transmitting with the Sigmatel IRDA module, I will try limiting the transfer speed.
Hmmm... sigmatel dongle uses IRDA PHY v1.3, SMSC uses v1.2 (according to Toshiba & SMSC) physical layer -- am i experiencing an incompatibility on a physical layer? I will have to try this with 2 devices with the same IRDA standard.
Supposedly, my A70 supports CIR, yet I don't see this in the driver.
SMSC IrCC Hardware Design Guide: … s/an76.pdf
SMSC CIR Primer: … /an710.pdf
Hooray, I found the IR_UTILS.ZIP file with all the DOS tools for SMSC SIR(already emulates 16550) & FIR. Very dangerous, so i won't post a link.
The reader is strongly encouraged to obtain the latest data sheets and application notes from the
transceiver manufacturer before attempting such a design. In addition, the relevant IrDA
specification documents are available on the Internet for download (, free of
charge) and at least the Physical Layer Specification should be skimmed. Also on the recommended
reading list is the SMSC IrCC Data Sheet and the Data Sheet for the specific SIO device containing
it.The very existence of this document is testament to the fact that:
Applying an FIR transceiver is anything but a simple task, and so both the skill and the effort
required in order to achieve a properly functioning design should not be underestimated.
The receivers operate with wide bandwidth and sub-microamp full-scale currents, which makes
them extremely sensitive to noise, either power supply, conducted or radiated. The transmitters
operate at very high peak currents with fast rise and fall times, enabling them to radiate significant
EMI, and the power dissipated can result in such excessive temperature rise that it can actually
damage the hardware. Having said this, it *IS* possible to apply these devices successfully, other
engineers have done it before, and it is the purpose of this document to provide the knowledge and
techniques with which to do it.
Funny, the only time i thought of myself as an engineer was when i found a discarded trainman's cap by the railroad crossing & had a few too many!
Last edited by TechDud (2013-08-30 02:59:38)
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