Topic: [NEWS] All 3rd Party Driverpacks are moving servers!
The FTP server (DreamHost) that we have been using to host all the Third Party DriverPacks is being turned off in the very near future.
We are migrating all Third Party DriverPacks to the torrent tracker and listed on the main download page:
The Third Party DriverPacks will be available for download ONLY via the torrents. No local FTP access anymore.
As a consequence, everyone wishing to contribute to a particular Third Party DriverPack will need to upload to a free server (mediafire, rapidshare, etc.), create a new "request" thread and post the link here.
Then one of the main team can download the file, validate it, then upload to the main torrent tracker server.
There are two different methods of community contribution.
1) Upload the entire Third Party DriverPack (with changes)
2) Upload only the changed files while maintaining valid folder structure (eg. updated/added modem files in D\3\M\z9)
When making contributions, please indicate WHERE the drivers were sourced from (with links if possible). Ideally the drivers should be sourced from the vendors.

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear Kevlar!