Re: [REQ] Intel 82577LM
I'm downloading the v15.5 drivers cd from Intel. Hopefully they changed something. I have another idea to try though.
Stay tuned...

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I'm downloading the v15.5 drivers cd from Intel. Hopefully they changed something. I have another idea to try though.
Stay tuned...
Hello, sorry to butt in here but I have the same problem. BartPE is reporting 0 network adapters found. I have a HP EliteBook 8540p, which uses the Intel 82577LM network adapter.
Use InfCacheBuild
Success! Adding the XP driver to the \drivers\net folder worked. Thanks for the help, I hadn't realized you could do that.
cdob, thanks for the reference to the InfCacheBuild. How do I run it? I downloaded it, and see the command line options, but i'm not sure what to do with it from there. Do I give it the path of my Plugin directory?
I'm going to remove the \I2 & \I3 folders in the next beta build. They're duplicated by I\ now.
InfCacheBuild. How do I run it?
Use a build script.
Run InfCacheBuild against BartPE output files. Compare build script readme.
And read
Thanks cdob!
is this issue resolved??? i still am getting no nic drivers install on bartpe.. i have tried using the infcachebuild but i dont think i am doing it correctly.. can someone please help me out.. thanks
Im trying to build a bart pe disc for the dell E6410 laptop and not having any luck.. i have made bartpe disc's in the past but this infcachebuild tool i am completely clueless on it and i dont see any tutorials on how to use infcahebuild other then "run it against the bartpe output files.. it is creating the infcache.1 file bu when i open up the inf files its still showing the copyfile lines and what not.. so any help i would greatly appreciate... also i am using windows 7.. on monday i plan on loading up a win xp box and start from scratch... please please some one help.. or toss up an CMD file to use to open the infcachebuild because i dont think im doing it correctly
did you first add the correct driver? what are your HWIDs? what device? which DriverPacks? Which DriverPacks BASE version? What OS? Vanilla BartPE or UBCD4Win or other? If UBCD4Win Which ver...
You want help? Then we need you to help us to help you.
Please see 'read BEFORE you post' linked in my signature. (it's called that for a reason)
Yes, I downloaded the driver from intel website.. I got the latest versions of everything from this site driver base and driver package. Running stock bart PE from bart web site with a few added plugins. Not sure what vanilla means.. HWID I will provide on monday when I'm back at work
XP or 2k3 what SP level?
DriverPacks = LAN, MASS, WLAN and Graphics?
stock BartPE from bart website = Vanilla
XP SP2.. yeah i was so frustrated earlier readying so many threads and everyonefixign the bartpe issue for the Dell Latitude E6410 laptop... im just trying to get the LAN drivers to work.... im a bit confused though on the driverpacks.. because since its a plug in and the inf files that the driver packs have are not located in the bartpe>i386>inf firectory.. so running the infcachebuild only changes bartpe>i386>inf correct?? when the plufin for driverpacks is holding untouched inf files??? i dont know im just really confused on what all i need to do.. maybe i just need a step by step direction on what i need to do
If adding the DriverPacks did not fix your NIC then disable the DriverPacks plugin and add your drivers manually
simply copy them to yourBartpefolder\drivers\yourdriverfolderhere\
and build and test, pretty easy
I already tried tgat and it failed to load the drivers
Provide the DL link to the driver and the HWIDs ...
CDOB hopefully will know what to do, he is a BartPE master
im really confused now guys.. sorry i have been out of the office for awhile with a sick bug.. i clicked on your link "OverFlow" for DP BARTPE Tutorial.. and it says that the Driver Pack LAN is not available to setup like a plugin?? so do i extract the 7z LAN driver pack and copy them to my C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net folder???
here is my hardware id PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EA&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_05
ok i got it all working..
I Downloaded the Intel 15.7 Driver and copied it over to the Drivers\Net Folder in a seperate driver folder. .i then extracted the RIS_INF file into the Drivers\Net Folder..
Sepcifics on what I did incase another noob like myself comes along for this exact issue.
Step1. Downloaded latest driver from intel site.
Step 2. Extract and look for the folder that has your driver in my case it was PRO1000\Win32\NDIS5x (specifically the E1K5132)
Step 3. Copy that entire content from NDIS5x folder (except the RIS_INF Folder) over to a seperate folder in C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net
EX. C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net\Dell
Step 4. Go into the RIS_INF Folder in the NDIS5x Driver folder and look for zip for the driver you needed.. again in my case its the
Step 5. Extract the INF file from the E1K5132.ZIP (in RIS_INF) and OVERWRITE the INF File you copied into C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net\Dell
now just make your iso and your good to go.. no need to use infcachebuilder.. and good luck if you even attempt to use infcachebuilder the support and help with that piece of crap is useless.. sorry for bashing infcachebuilder but i tried using it and i couldnt get it to work and finding help with it was impossible or any type of tutorial on how to use it was also impossible!! so unless you created infcachebuilder good luck trying to use it!
so hopefully this helps someone else trying to get there e6410 to boot up with LAN drivers..
Just registered to say thanks to those responding to this thread and to provide the fix that worked for me.
I'm using BartPE 3110a along with the DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1011.7z driver pack to boot on an HP Ellitebook 8740w. I was having the same problem w/the Intel 82577LM.
So here's what I did after reading this thread:
~ I found the drivers for the 82577LM on the OEM Windows XP 32 bit OS. Just launch the Device Manager and look at the driver details for the NIC. Copy the files listed to the location; C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net\foldername
~ Then use 7zip to extract the DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_1011.7z to a seperate folder.
~ Open the zip file; C:\D\L\I\RIS\ and copy the e1k5132.inf to the location; C:\pebuilder3110a\drivers\Net\foldername. (Same folder you put the System32 driver files)
~ Then just build your disk.
This worked like a charm for me. Hope it works for you too!
Thanks again all.
Edit to add... looks like the previous poster found the same fix...
Last edited by Blarney (2010-11-18 10:11:19)
I don't know what i could be doing wrong. i have the same issue not being able to get a dell E6410 NIC driver loaded. I followed the fix above, but it is not working for me.
After placing the PRO1000\Win32\NDIS5x driver in the pebuilder drivers\net folder, and overwriting the inf file with the RIS one, here's the output from BartPE "Load Network Support (DHCP/auto)"
BARTPE: Starting Network Support (client)
BARTPE: Detecting/installing drivers
Found Device: PCI\VEN_1180&DEV_E822&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_03\4&DBAB9B0&0&01E2
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4353&SUBSYS_000E1028&REV_01\4&1D521A10&0&00E1
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_02\3&11583659&0&10
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EA&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_05\3&11583659&0&C8
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3B30&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_05\3&11583659&0&FB
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3B56&SUBSYS_040A1028&REV_05\3&11583659&0&D8
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: USB\VID_0A5C&PID_5801&MI_00\7&1EB0F4E8&0&0000
No DriverNodes found for device.
Found Device: USB\VID_0A5C&PID_5801&MI_01\7&1EB0F4E8&0&0001
No DriverNodes found for device.
No response yet? I am not sure where to go from here. i have tried everything in thsi post and still am not able to get e6410 network drivers working in BartPE
Case closed. I've got an INF file that works for the e6410 NIC in BartPE. I tried to post it, bu tit is too long.
If you can package up all the required files and upload to a site like mediafire, I might be able to add them to the pack.
...still waiting...
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