Topic: Stand Alone CD for Vista
Hey guys,
Is it possible to create a stand alone cd for Vista?
Last edited by Trezona (2009-07-30 18:15:26)
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Hey guys,
Is it possible to create a stand alone cd for Vista?
Last edited by Trezona (2009-07-30 18:15:26)
Can you please tell my how this is possible?
Does one still need to use vista-tool for this?
When i open vista-tool it is wanting the original vista dvd location. I am not needing to insert the drivers into a vista installation,
I only want to creat a stand alone driver cd for vista.
Do i need to only point vista-tool to my directory that contains the drivers??
I don't seem to find any documentation on creating stand alone cd for vista.
Last edited by Trezona (2009-07-31 21:02:56)
Search for DPINST.EXE
We use this for SAD with the Win NT 5.x drivers... Vista has not been done (by us) yet...
I have read the directions for creating a Vista S.A.D. but I am still a bit confused. I apologize if this is a really dumb question, but in the first entry in the S.A.D. FAQ, it mentions using DriverPacks Base to make a S.A.D. Is this just for creating a S.A.D. disc for Windows XP? Or is there also a version if DriverPacks Base for Vista? (Again, I apologize if this is a dumb question.)
Since I couldn't find a DriverPacks Base for WinVista, I read other discussions regarding a S.A.D. for Vista but I am unsure I am doing it correctly.
1. I made a folder to set up my Vista S.A.D., and named it "D".
2. I created a folder in "D" named "DriverPacks"
3. I downloaded all of the 32 bit Vista DriverPacks, and unzipped them, with the option to preserve subfolders, into the /d/DriverPacks/ folder.
4. I took the DPInst.exe and DPInst.xml files (version 2.01) from my DriverPacks Base folder I use to create a WinXP S.A.D. and copied them to /D/
5. I then burned folder /D/ and its subfolders to a blank DVD.
6. To run, I put it into a Vista machine, open the DVD and run DPInst.exe.
Am I doing this correct, or am I missing something?
Last edited by Kosmos (2010-02-28 19:55:15)
I am also using vista and really satisfied with its facilities and tools. You can of course easily create a stand alone CD for vista.
A more advanced version of our S.A.D utility is in development here (2nd post):
I am continuing to improve it's functionality but it's about 95% ready right now. Works with all Windows versions (32 & 64 bit).
I'll try to create a new thread with better instructions over the holidays.
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