Re: Graphics A x86
Should this work with a 7200 GO laptop card?
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you tell me... I don't have one of those to test for you
better use the mobile pack, (Not up to date yet)
Updated to 10.01
Many drivers support Vista/Win7 with no modification whatsoever. ATI/Nvidia do this by default. I'm certain we'll be maintaining that configuration in the future.
midiboy wrote:as has been posted in the MSFN forum, you need to expand the compressed dl_, ex_, sy_ etc. files while keeping the "_" at the end of the extension otherwise dism will throw an error ...
Sorry, but that doesn't even make sense. Why would you have an uncompressed file WITH the "_" in the filename which designates it as compressed. Leaving the files in their compressed state won't harm anything (other than DriverPacks compression size.)
I don't see anything in the M$ documentation regarding compressed/decompressed drivers, but IIRC in order to integrate properly they MUST be digitally signed.
Link to proof please?
Found something here: … 35de8fe6b5
And batch file here: … p;p=864906
mr_smartepants did you do this on the latest 1001 pack? I have always done this or you will get errors in DISM your latest pack gives error in both ATI and Nvidia once I decompress like above all errors in DISM are gone. You are also missing this file in ATI 1 {difxapi.dll}
I have already fixed these in my local build if you would like I can upload them to the testing forum.
Updated to 10.03
Missing file DP_Graphics_A_wnt6-x86_1003\x86\G_A\ATI\1\B_96537\Difxapi.dll
You're right. Fix coming right up!
x64 pack is also missing the file.
I uploaded all the x86 updates last night. Updated to 10.04
I'm uploading all the x64 packs now...
Updated to 10.07
When they're done!
there is no mobility radeon x1600 series inside the driver pack it can be found on microsoft update catalog site (aero working)
x86 and x64 … ti%20x1600
Those are from 2008. But you're right. It's pretty depressing that ATI can't even update a driver for current-gen (or even last-gen) OS.
Updated to 11.04
Forgive my impudence, not all supported nVidia HW is listed on the x86 nor x64 pages.
LOL, I don't know how THAT happened!
Looks like a bug in our metadata tool. It only read one .inf.
I suppose that this would not be the only error in the lists of drivers. In the future (time-permitting) could the HW ID's be listed, as well? Perhaps (long into the future) a 'Search' function could be added to the main page, allowing one to search for an appropriate driver by OS/HW ID.
Updated to 11.05.1
Big Updates:
AMD Catalyst™ 11.7 WHQL
XP/2000 32 Desktop - … l_lang.exe
Vista/Seven 64 Desktop - … cc_ocl.exe
Vista/Seven 32 Desktop - … cc_ocl.exe
Vista/Seven 64 Mobility - … cc_ocl.exe
Vista/Seven 32 Mobility - … cc_ocl.exe
XP/2000 32 AGP HotFix - … dd_ccc.exe
Vista/Seven 64 AGP HotFix - … dd_ccc.exe
Vista/Seven 32 AGP HotFix - … dd_ccc.exe
AMD Catalyst 11.8 Preview (8.88.3) … uly_12.exe
NVIDIA ForceWare Desktop 280.19 Beta
W7x86 - … l-beta.exe
W7x64 - … l-beta.exe
XP86 - … l-beta.exe
XP64 - … l-beta.exe
NVIDIA ForceWare Notebook 280.19 Beta
W7x86 - … l-beta.exe
W7x64 - … l-beta.exe
Last edited by SamLab (2011-07-28 23:55:17)
Tried the 11.06 on Aopen's digital engine (Core 2 Duo + ION, … 9-aoe.htm), and the gfx driver install failed...
First it reports missing driver signature, and when I select "install anyways", the driver is not installed (it seems to install, but is missing after reboot).
My fix was to unpack the nvidia 280.26 driver and place it alongside this driverpack in my "drivers path" used for auto-installation. Then it worked!
So it seems that upgrading the nvidia driver in the driverpack would fix the problem...
Matrox drivers seem to be missing for windows 7 (I can find them in the XP driverpack)...
The M-series gfx cards are supported … ad/?id=455
PS: I assume the matrox driver fit better in the GFX B package, as not many are using Matrox anymore
Last edited by atlesj (2011-10-07 03:54:03)
Do you have a matrox card? Does anybody? DriverPack Graphics B is getting way too large to be adding drivers for cards nobody uses.
XDDM Drivers updated Sept 1 2011 here --> … ad/?id=453
release notes --> … es.210.pdf
64 bit here --> … ad/?id=454
Edit: you could probably ignore the above drivers (at a minimum).
XDDM WHQL drivers here --> … ad/?id=449
64bit here --> … ad/?id=450
WDDM WHQL drivers for M series 7_x86 here --> … ad/?id=455 as previously noted by atlesj
release notes --> … es.401.pdf
7_x64 here --> … ad/?id=456
DisplayPort, HDMI support & stereoscopic support included where applicable. Not noted elsewhere; the XPDDM drivers add WHQL support for Win2k & since they are WHQL'ed for Vista, the WHQL will be valid for Win7, too.
Curious, on an install of xp on a nforce500 board, i had a "Matrox Extio PCI Standard PCI-to-PCI Bridge" installed. Until now i thought it may have been licensed IP, now i wonder if it is related to other problems with Matrox drivers.
I sure love Nirsoft's "Hash my files" for comparing packs with many files.
Last edited by TechDud (2011-10-07 12:16:36)
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