Topic: Mobile graphics x86
Windows 7 & Vista x86 Mobile Graphics DriverPack
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Windows 7 & Vista x86 Mobile Graphics DriverPack
thanks a lot
404 - File Not Found.
Updated to 906
Updated to 10.01
Updated to 10.03
27 Mar 2010 (10.03)
Replaced ATI\1 and ATI\2 with Catalyst 10.3
- ATI\1 Catalyst Mobility display driver DriverVer=03/02/2010, 8.712.0.0000 (10.3)
- NVIDIA\1 NVIDIA GeForce DriverVer = 11/20/2009, (195.62)
Updated to 10.04
Updated to 10.07
Updated to 11.03
Hi mr_smartepants thanks for updating this pack...
I tried to use the pack and received an error after looking at the pack I noticed you missed the difxapi.dll I have looked for the 11.3 driver release and can not find it anywhere if I might ask where did you download the driver for this pack and the X64 pack?
The link and instructions are in the NT6 Team area.
I typo'd the changelog, it's 11.2, not 11.3
I'll fix the missing file error. Damn!
Hey thanks for fixing this and it figures 11.3 was just released. I have updated all the Graphics for X86 and X64 ATI and Nvidia where should I upload them to now?
Are you talking about DriverPack Graphics A & B? They were next on my list.
Just upload them to mediafire or another file hosting site and I'll grab them.
Updated to 11.05.1
Updated to 11.10
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