Topic: A Merry Christmas to all
I wish everyone on this forum:
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please drive carefully, we want you back next year.
The DriverPacks Team
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I wish everyone on this forum:
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please drive carefully, we want you back next year.
The DriverPacks Team
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone :-)
Happy holidays
I edited the first post to make the wishes come from the entire DriverPacks Team, I'm sure that's the message you wanted to convey in the first place, wasn't it, BigBrit?
Merry Catholic Christmas!!! And waiting finals DriverPacks
Happy holidays
I edited the first post to make the wishes come from the entire DriverPacks Team, I'm sure that's the message you wanted to convey in the first place, wasn't it.
It certainly was.
I assume you have snow in Europe, as an ex Brit. I really miss it at the holidays.
(Nice to look at, horrible to drive in).
As you are 8 hours ahead of us in the USA, if you get a Santa sighting please post, I'm hoping for a 1366 pin quad core (some hopes).
Ha! Today was the warmest day so far this year!
Seriously though, we got as high as 11C. A white Christmas in the UK...I think not.
Happy Holidays everyone!
And no white christmas in Belgium either. It was 7C earlier today.
Merry Christmas!
I am amazed at the no snow reports. When I was living in England (25+ years ago) we had snow at Christmas every year and the same in Europe. Probably not many of you were even born then.
It was always nice to look out on Christmas morning and see several inches of snow.
Times and the climate has changed.
Merry Christmas one and all!
No snow in the 'Nati' either high of 56 today (thats like 13 i belive) and a low just below freezing, but no snow.
I wish everyone the very best!
Merry Christmas Everyone and no snow in Michigan the snow we had is melting because we have had rain all day today but the temps are starting to fall Fast.....
All the best folks from England!
Merry Christmas and Happy, Safe and Healthy Holidays from Atlanta, GA. USA.
Rain expected on the holy day, but none o' that white stuff.
Thank you to all the wonderful folks who have freely given their time and masterful expertise to provide me with the unequaled majesty we know as the Driver Packs.
We've got just under four hours before Christmas here in the eastern US, so I'm off to begin celebrating.
God bless us all and may we all have a wonderfully prosperous and peaceful 2009.
Merry Christmas.. and a Happy New year all.
Merry Catholic Christmas!!! And waiting finals DriverPacks
Heh, it's not just Catholic but Protestant, too
When are you Orthodox having Christmas, btw?
Different calendar and all, I presume...
Anyway, Frohe Weihnachten!
Happy holidays to all
Last edited by woody22 (2008-12-26 02:01:57)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all
Janus to Febris, "is it getting cold out here?"
Thor iced Eaneas's socks. Eneas was just not used to keeping his socks dry.
He got them wet after his dip?
Nah.. Aeneas got in the kilu kivu for an hour and found his socks in the snow.
Febris, Thor was never out the sauna? How could he?
What's the do with females about socks?
Three wishes.
For every thought thought, a thought we not miss and not reply to.
Do what we can, to not have to msft do what we can.
Do your worst, and do your best think within contraints of existing rules, and stay within.
Happy New Year to all
Happy New 2009 Year !!!
PS: The Christian Christmas is January 7
Happy New Year to ALL and my sincere Thanks to everyone!!!
PS: SamLab... "Christian" Christmas is not necessarily on January 7th... many "Christian's" celebrate on December 25th... either way have a very Merry Christmas as well
Happy New Year, Godt nytår (Danish), Bonne année (French), and for our Dutch brothers Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
I just updated the two Sound DriverPacks nightlies. No more 2008 nightlies from me!
Roll-on 2009!
Happy new year to all!
Last edited by Debugger (2009-01-01 03:47:22)
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