Re: MassStorage x64
Hi muiz,
yes, the same problem also in vista on vmware server 2.0 (this has to be reproducable for you).
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Hi muiz,
yes, the same problem also in vista on vmware server 2.0 (this has to be reproducable for you).
Vmware screenshot :
I dont have this problem.
Also not in Vista or Windows 7.
No matter what i try, so the problem is at your end im afraid.
Hi muiz,
I made a screenshot of the vmware scsi device (under the node disk drives). your screenshot is from the storage controllers node. so this is no proof :-)
getting a 404 on this pack
Updated to 907
Updated to 911
Updated to 912
Well done (again) Muiz!
Getting the following when attempting to DL the 64 bit Masstorage Pack
404 File Not Found - SimpleCDN Upload Bucket
Thanks again
Please use the links on the home page instead
404 File Not Found - SimpleCDN Upload Bucket
Where can I get this file?
guess you did not check the downloads button on the main site?
1st I want to say thx guys for working on the DriverPacks for all these years. I've been using them with winXP for a long time now....
I just recently updated to win7 and it seems there isn't any support for Areca's (I have one of their RAID cards...) stuff yet in the DP's, do you guys know when you'll have the chance to get to that or is it no longer possible to support them? thx
Thanks for your kind words! Glad we have been able to help you!
If you have been around that long then you know we expect you to provide the HWIDs for the device and a link to a tested known good driver...
We don't find drivers for people, we never have, we simply add drivers when reported as missing.
Again, it is up to you to report your HWID for the device, and up to you provide a link to a tested known good driver.
Think: We can't possably find you a driver, since we don't have your hardware to test to see if it works.
If you read the 'Rules and Posting GuideLines' you would discover that asking us to find you a driver is grounds for awarding a demerit lol.
Welcome to DriverPacks!
Let us know if you find that driver. (HWIDs and link provided in your post)
Have a great day and we're glad your here!
Well I thought you already had the HWID's and stuff since you guys supported it for winXP but OK.
The driver is located here: … 26_W7WHQL/
I can't install the card on my system (long story...) but I did a search and came up with this info:
Name: RAID Controller
Hardware ID's:
Compatible ID's:
Does that help?
that is much better... Thanks!
but if the driver does not work then i am not convinced it is a good idea to add it (I'm confused)
long stories are not forbidden
We don't add untested drivers - for obvious reasons
Normally we will add the driver to a nightly and ask the user to test it... if this is not a possability then it will not be added.
(If nobody needs it OR if it does not work, then no sense in adding it )
Can you test this driver? or a test pack (nightly)?
That seems to be only the text mode driver... where is the windows driver?
I can't install the card since the system I'm using ATM doesn't have a open PCIe slot (has only 1, other system with 2 PCIe slots is on RMA) and I have no PCI video cards lying around either...
The driver itself is WHQL'd according to Areca, I'd be shocked if it doesn't work. Those and the storport (up a couple of levels through that same link) drivers are the only drivers for that card.
Updated to 10.03
21 Mar 2010 (10.03)
- Reorganized folder structure for upcoming DPBase support.
- Added: ARECA\1 (X86-64-SCSIPORT) SATA RAID Host Adapter
- Added: Highpoint\1
RocketRAID 174x SATA Controller
- Added: Highpoint\2
RocketRAID 2210 SATA Controller
RocketRAID 231x SATA Controller
RocketRAID 2320 SATA Controller
RocketRAID 2340 SATA Controller
- Added: Highpoint\3
RocketRAID 222x SATA Controller
RocketRAID 3xxx/4xxx Controller
- Added: Highpoint\4
RocketRAID 62x SATA Controller
- Updated: - Intel\1 Rapid Storage Technology Driver from DriverVer=10/02/2009, to 03/03/2010,
- Updated: - JMicron\1 JMB36X Controller from DriverVer=11/23/2009, to 01/27/2010,
- Updated: - JMicron\2 JMB38X SD Host Controller from DriverVer=09/23/2009, to 03/08/2010,
- Updated: - VIA\1 VIA SATA/IDE Controller from DriverVer=04/03/2008,6.0.6000.252 to 08/13/2009,7.0.7000.294
- Updated: - VIA\2 VIA RAID Controller from DriverVer=12/20/2007, 6.0.6000.6173 to 02/23/2010, 6.0.7600.6230
Hi muiz,
And there is no such thing as slipstreaming all the images at once, i dont think a pc can handle that.
I did not say at once but I do slipstream the drivers into all available images of a wim. From my script:
REM Create Indexfile of wim "%WaikTools%\imagex.exe" /info %WinImagex32% > "%AIWTempx32%\indexinstallwim.txt" REM FIND OUT IMAGECOUNT OF INSTALL.WIM for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('find /I "Image Count" "%AIWTempx32%\indexinstallwim.txt"') do set ImageCountMax=%%a REM START WITH INDEX1 for IMAGECOUNT set Index=1 REM SET STARTPOINT FOR INDEX LOOP :startindex32 REM MOUNT WINDOWS IMAGE (install.wim) WITH CERTAIN INDEXCOUNT IF %WinOS%==Windows7 %dism% /Mount-Wim /Wimfile:%WinImagex32% /index:%Index% /MountDir:%Mount% IF NOT %WinOS%==Windows7 "%WaikTools%\imagex" /mountrw %WinImagex32% %Index% %Mount% ECHO Integrating Driverpacks into install.wim Image %Index% of %ImageCountMax% ... ECHO Please be VERY patient ... REM INTEGRATE DRIVERPACKS IF %WinOS%==Windows7 %dism% /image:%Mount% /apply-unattend:%DriversSource%\Driversxml\drivers_installwim_x32.xml IF NOT %WinOS%==Windows7 start "" /wait %pkgmgr% /o:%Mount%;%Mount%\Windows /n:%DriversSource%\Driversxml\drivers_installwim_x32.xml REM UNMOUNT WINDOWS IMAGE (install.wim) IF %WinOS%==Windows7 %dism% /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%Mount% /commit IF NOT %WinOS%==Windows7 "%WaikTools%\imagex" /unmount /commit %Mount% REM IF INDEX IS LESS THAN MAX.IMAGECOUNT THEN ADD 1 TO INDEX AND GO BACK TO LOOP START if %Index% LSS %ImageCountMax% set /A Index=%Index%+1 & goto :startindex32
Thats just part of my script. It also automatically creates those drivers.xml files that Vista needs depending on the location of the drivers folder. The whole thing is a bit different for Win7.
I know it is just a commandline process, nothing advanced like C or vbs or powershell but it works.
So things are indeed possible ....Bye,
Sound very intresting, but how do you generate the drivers_installwim_x32.xml?
IaStoris up to 8.6 WHQL
Updated to 10.11
Updated first post with "text-mode" instructions
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