Topic: What's the trick for adding IDT drivers to DP_sound?

Repost from older thread as this really deserves its own.

PROBLEM: It's been a while since any sound DP has been updated and the drivers for IDT and sigmatel are now several revisions behind so I am trying to update a pack of my own. For IDT devices, the stacsv (audio service) installs and then RESIDES from the DP extraction location during setup, so the "D" folder doesn't get deleted from the DP Finisher. Only using the intel setup routine from the intel official drivers does the stacsv get installed to Program Files to run as a service from there. What's the trick? The pathing in the INF?

Re: What's the trick for adding IDT drivers to DP_sound?

Did you look in the DriverPacks Finisher .ini? wink
(hint: sometimes it's a switchless installer, sometimes it's a filecopy)

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Re: What's the trick for adding IDT drivers to DP_sound?

I used the latest sound DriverPacks on an ECS 945GCT-M/1333 and had similar problems.  I couldn't find any uninstaller, so I downloaded the drivers from ECS and installed over top--this didn't help.  The next day I did a new installation and was greeted with the same problem.  This time I did a find in the registry replacing all occurrences (there were many) of "c:\d\s\zi\" with "%programfiles%\IDT\WDM\"--still not working.  I did the ECS driver installation on top of this, and after one really weird error with the jack-sensing, it seems to be working.

I wish I was more adept at this stuff, but if I can help/test for a sound DP update, please let me know.

Re: What's the trick for adding IDT drivers to DP_sound?

Jason - I posted about this exact same issue I had yesterday with latest test pack

Re: What's the trick for adding IDT drivers to DP_sound?

unfortunately since jason is not on the testing team he doesn't have access to that post...

However, We are aware of this issue... as chud has (did) pointed out

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