Topic: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Original title
No wrongly report if paket are not well
end edit.........

I had a problem with 3rd party DriverPacks.
I had these wrong copy't to me pc.  My bad.
But indicated these no errors in driverpack base.
if I unpacked the paketje with winrar however then got I lot errors.
(I have been possible make therefore quiet some installation with wrong pakket)

It is possible that a sign gives that there something is not the pakket's

Perhaps this something is for the following Driverpack base


Last edited by OverFlow (2008-07-14 08:50:41)

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

no... we provide file sizes and md5 hash values so you can verify the files.

please verify your downloads to avoid this problem in the future

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Thanks for your report.
We are working on a solution to the 'corrupted DriverPacks' problem.
If we find a solution, it will be included in DPBase 8.07 or 8.08.
For now, we recommend checking all downloaded DriverPacks archives for errors with 7zip or winrar.
You should also double-check the MD5 signatures of all DriverPacks with the repository.

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Just as a small explanation.

This is how I work.
I download the file. And copy it then to USB stick,
so that I can put it to the other computer, where no Internet is linked,
and here has wrongly gone.

then I the file to the usb copy't.that not well, and thereby
resistant error has stored into the file to the pc. has come.

On this pc.I make then the installation but gave to this no errors to driverpack base,
only then I the file therefore wanted open with winrar got I therefore these errors.

!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\LG\ is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\LG\ is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\LG\ is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\LG\ is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\S\ is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\P\170C8.icm is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\H\920D.ICM is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\V\E75-2.icm is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: CRC niet correct. Het bestand D\3\MO\D\P991.icm is beschadigd
!   C:\DriverPacks_Maart08\Bewaar_Packs\DP_Monitor_wnt5_x86-32_07111.7z: Fout - handeling mislukt
and 500 more................

OverFlow said this:
we provide file sizes and md5 hash values so you can verify the files

That is not it therefore,the errors came by copying,by myzelf.

perhaps it is this way something more clear.

I can test it for you guys,if there is a version DPBase 8.07 or 8.08 ready

Last edited by Babyboy (2008-07-12 20:22:32)

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

that was more clear... thank you.

Corrupt file detection has been discussed. There is not an obvious way to confirm if the files are valid. The DriverPacks base does not open the files it only copies them. since the packs are never accessed there is no indication of any problem.

the biggest obstacle is that the files will not get extracted until they are being used for the first install.
if we were to force a verify into the base process it would add a considerable amount of time to every run of the program.
however bad copies are few and far between.

It is better to just to be aware that a bad copy can happen... always make a backup wink

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

OverFlow wrote:

the biggest obstacle is that the files will not get extracted until they are being used for the first install.
if we were to force a verify into the base process it would add a considerable amount of time to every run of the program.
however bad copies are few and far between.

Just an idea, wouldn't it be possible to implement a feature similar to QSC where a once scanned file gets tagged somehow so that it won't be scanned again?
This is assuming that 7-Zip's archive tester takes longer to test an archive than it takes to calculate its MD5 sum.
On a newly-loaded file, 7-Zip is told to scan the archive (surely such a command line paramtre does exist wink), then, when successful, the MD5 hash is being calculated and written into a folder (just like QSC).
Next time base is run, the previously calculated hash file is being compared to the file's actual hash (if it still has the same name) and if this they don't match, an error message will occur.

This saves us from having to provide MD5 hashes with the files (as it, not on the website but in the filename or some other way so BASE can automatically check them with no user input) while maintaining an equal level of file integritiy verification (I presume 7Z's file check matches actual hashes with what has been stored inside the archive and is not just a dumb "can it be extracted or not" test) and user comfort (traded for a bit of waiting time for MD5 calculation each time).

Just waht my mind came up with right now...
Whaddaya think? wink

Anyway, could be an optional feature in BASE for those that cannot wait...

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Sounds good to me.  Better get started wink

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

sounds impossible to me.
it is like a re-iteration?

Suppose you have a 7z file, you calculate its hash, then write that hash as txtfile (or whatever, with standardised naming) and include the hash in the new 7zip, with a new extention (BTX), so that the DriverPacks BASE has to unpack hash and real DP, check hash txt against file hash..

pop a warning when the file was edited by user..

I have nothing against posting the hash, but I think coding strict file hash safety in DriverPacks BASE is not easy.

Last edited by Jaak (2008-07-13 12:08:27)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

@ babyboy,

we have a Dutch language forum.
Real important problems will get escalated and translated. I think you can explain what happened in our native Dutch language a lot better.

7zip is freeware.
Winrar (last time I looked it was not free..) is not needed, and may have introduced an "unknown" error.
Actually, you only need to uncompress when you want to edit the DriverPacks.

Far as I know, you can not include the hash in the archive, because the hash is calculated after the archive was made.
(which made me write the daft suggestion to make the DriverPacks, calculate the hash, pack the DriverPacks with the hash info into a new file, and give it a new extention (not an archive extention) so that base 'could' unpack the BTX "zip" wich included the hash txtfile and then read the content of the hash/compare to hash of the real 7z of the DriverPacks... and, actually, nobody could guarantee that THAT hash was not tampered with.. If you were to modify your own dp and did this yourself... The hash we post online cannot be tampered with unless you hack the site. We post the size, the hash, and have always allowed users to modify their DriverPacks because advanced users can/and will. We rely on advanced users to solve issues with driver conflicts.)

(A re-iteration is something else.. I used the word because it was the first that came to mind.)

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

I thought the idea of a "check once" sounded good, but really I think if you're having problems with corrupt files that the "check once" won't be much better than a check every time.

I personally don't see the need for it, but it's very simple to implement and could be optional so it might be worth a try.

I did a quick test on this machine (2ghz), and it took 8 seconds to do a  7z.exe t *.7z on LAN/WLAN/Chipset/MassS

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

we have a Dutch language forum.

Okiedokie...I will think about that

I use Winrar because I easily can make installers.
And that succeeds me not yet with 7zip. (if you have tips for that then gladly)
Only if I adapt a driverpack I use 7zip.

and then happens the Winrar.
if a unpack this broken/wrong pack.

Last edited by Babyboy (2008-07-13 21:24:05)

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

well it is certainly a lot more appealing to me personally as an option (waste my time / or not)

should i offer a third choice...  "let me see your CD/DVD after you burn it so i can check them again?"
IE what happens if it gets corrupted after base is run? (like during the burn process)

since base copies them to a destination folder i guess i would have to check them twice before and after the copy?
at what point can we agree that corrupt files are rare and wasting time doing checks multiple times on every run is silly...
furthermore i often just substitute one pack for another and don't even run base. what about people like me?
I just don't see a ROI on this... if you guys do then i will concede

I am sorry, there is no way for us to verify files. it is up to the user, especially since the files are copied and burned after base is run. the only way it can be made to be reliable is if i add the feature to burn a disk from base. at that point then i can do an integrity check from 7zip before and after the burn.  This way is the only way that a test would be valid or useful.


I just wrote a script for you guys so you can check them at any time...

@echo off & color 1f & Cls & ECHO. & ECHO.
rem last edit 2:10 PM 7/13/2008 - Author Overflow - FileName  Verify.cmd
Title 7Zip Archive tester

echo Cut and Paste the path to the 7-zip files you would like to have validated & echo.
call SET /P SourceFiles=Path? & echo.
SET _result=%SourceFiles:~-1% & IF [%_result%]==[\] Set SourceFiles=%SourceFiles:~0,-1%
IF Exist "%SourceFiles%\*.7z" goto Test
echo Are you sure the 7-zip archives are in that folder? 
goto Input

FOR %%i IN (%SourceFiles%\*.7z) DO call :Sub1 %%i
goto exit

7z t "%1" > nul
IF %errorlevel%==0 echo %1 	Passed Integrity check
IF NOT %errorlevel%==0 color cf & echo. & echo %1 Failed Integrity check & echo.
goto :eof

echo Testing complete & pause

if you run the script above from the bin folder in base (where 7z.exe is) it will report a bad archive and turns the window red.

Sorry this will not be a feature unless we also add burning as a feature - file validity checking is up to the user.

I will continue to think about this idea and how it may be grown into something effective and useful

PS M1 will report a bad archive every time wink

Last edited by OverFlow (2008-07-14 05:29:49)

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Jaak wrote:

sounds impossible to me.
it is like a re-iteration?

Suppose you have a 7z file, you calculate its hash, then write that hash as txtfile (or whatever, with standardised naming) and include the hash in the new 7zip, with a new extention (BTX), so that the DriverPacks BASE has to unpack hash and real DP, check hash txt against file hash..

No, that's not what I meant.
The TXT is not supposed to be included in the 7z file - that one is not to be altered at all (that would defy the point of calculating a hash that is supposed to verify the file is unaltered...)

I was thinking more along a list in the TXT that goes like this

NAME_of_DP             Hash of that DP
Name_of_next_DP     Hash of next DP

Anyway, whatever, just a little brain quirk, nothing more.
Not even considering whether it's doable...

OverFlow wrote:

well it is certainly a lot more apealing to me personaly as an option (waste my time / or not)

Hehe, I knowthis was coming and I fully understand you.
I was just speculating about how it could be done, if at all.
Not saying it is feasable or anything.
Also, as I said, this was under some premises of which I did not know whether they were true or not.
If 7z does not return a succsessful/error code then it won't work I guess.

should i offer a third choice...  "let me see your CD/DVD after you burn it so i can check them again?"
IE what happens if it gets corrupted after base is run? (like during the burn process)

Well, that's up to the bruning program to test/verify (file on disc=file on HDD).
Nero, for instance, has such an option and I make regular use of it for reasons already known.
Basically, each app in the process has to test for its own area of competence - in an ideal world, at least wink

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

bump edited my last and cross posted with you Helmi

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

well if we continue with our premise, saying that we will validate the packs, we can not assume that they are still good even though they were good the last time. wink

As a programmer i can not assume. If i am going to do validity checks then I will do them well. no sense in doing it poorly. If I say we are validating the files then I must do a Source and then a Destination check and I must do it every time (unless this option were disabled by a GUI check-box which would default to enabled)

Helmi wrote:

Hehe, I knew this was coming and I fully understand you.
I was just speculating about how it could be done, if at all.
Not saying it is feasible or anything.
Also, as I said, this was under some premises of which I did not know whether they were true or not.
If 7z does not return a successful/error code then it won't work I guess.

it was PEBKAC the above code works based on the errorlevel setting
( I initially tried to cram it all into one line of code - and it turned out i needed a subroutine wink )

Helmi wrote:

Well, that's up to the burning program to test/verify (file on disc=file on HDD).

Agreed, good point

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

ophielx wrote:

I thought the idea of a "check once" sounded good, but really I think if you're having problems with corrupt files that the "check once" won't be much better than a check every time.

I personally don't see the need for it, but it's very simple to implement and could be optional so it might be worth a try.

I did a quick test on this machine (2ghz), and it took 8 seconds to do a  7z.exe t *.7z on LAN/WLAN/Chipset/MassS

yeah... if it really only added 30 seconds (to check it twice) it would be more appealing...

however, i just ran my script above on just the 10 main packs and it took 1min 45sec x 2 = 3.5 minutes
so currently i can slipstream a m2 install in about 5 min so almost twice as long to run base as normal
And more than twice as long if i have third party DriverPacks too. (run on a P4 2.8 HT)

I personally would like it to take less time than 5 minutes
and each time i update base i do look for ways to streamline the code towards that end.
if the archive checks are implemented then making the check optional is guaranteed. wink

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

Yeah I hear ya.  That extra time factored into testing a bunch of packs a bunch of times could get old.

Just to clarify though, what I meant by "check once" was a check where say a DP is scanned, and then an entry made in the INI so it isn't checked again later.  But if someone is having problems with corrupt files that probably wouldn't do any good.

I assume by your x2 comment that you would check before and after integration, but probably just a check afterwards would do.  Whatever wink

Last edited by ophielx (2008-07-14 13:46:26)

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

OverFlow wrote:

I just wrote a script for you guys so you can check them at any time...

Very clever script...I like it! smile

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

why not something like this

you have make nothing automatic.
and you can test it by yourself

Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

so that would prove that the file was good (or not) before we use it.

it would not tell us if we got a good copy on the destination folder.
What good is a validity check if it would allow for a bad copy to the destination?
if we say we are verifying files then we must check it again after the copy too...

this is my point - do it right or dont do it

i really don't see the point in doing it when it will cost me an extra five minutes every run and i have yet to have a bad pack in three years. so it will cost me five minutes every run and once in one hundred runs will i have a bad file.

so i waste 500 minutes (one 8 hour day) on the off chance i will burn one bad disk in three years.
i consider this a huge waste of time - if you cant figure out you have a bad file on your own you need a new job...

PS if you always test in a VM first then you test ALL (not just DriverPacks) the files at one time wink

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Re: Bad Archive Detection for DriverPacks - Help!

i am thinking that if i were to put in a gui switch it would need to be source and dest as the checkboxes.
in this way one might select none, one, or both...

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