Topic: VMWare created and WDS Deployed image
Good day all, i've been working on a project in the hope to get all my images the same for different machines.
I found this site quite usefull and made a CD that works on all of them no problem, including all SATA drives are being detected, which was one of the issues i was having.
Now, i'm working at converting all my image from RIS to WDS and we are moving to a single image at different point, IE:
Image 1: clean install of XP all patch
Image 2: Image 1 + Office, AV
Image 3: Image 2 + 2 special software used in house
Now i've been trying to use VMWare for this where i would keep the VMDK file and re-use it for each version. Then once the image is updated you create a snapshot, sysprep it and capture to WDS server. If it fail you just revert to previous snapshot and try again, instead of using a full station i can do it from VMWARE server and have all version up at same time.
What i've done is as follow:
1-Install XP Pro on the VMWARE
2-Make folder C:\Drivers\... and extracted all Driver Pack in here with the INF file in the root of c:\Drivers
3-Customize my sysprep file to include each .INF from each Driver Pack library. (which points to all other drivers, since using SetDriverPath.cmd would pass the 255 limite)
4-Set HAL to MP and use 2 CPU in the VMWARE setup.
5-Sysprep the machine (i've tried using Mysysprep, but came to same results, also it only change it by adding the updateHAL ...)
I'm trying to adapt Olli Janatuinen's way of doing it from here
and Admin Bromo's way here
I'm using HAL of type: ACPI MP to make my loads, but when i add the line:
UpdateHAL="ACPI APIC_UP,%windir%\inf\hal.inf"
Which is supposed to work to downgrade MP loads to UP box no problem (but not the other way around). These load i'm getting the AGP440.SYS lock up from safe mode.
If its not that, then i get the mup.sys and it is said to be the mass storage drivers, which i though it was already added in the sysprep.inf that is pointing to the c:\drivers "inf" files which contain all the driverpack files.
If anyone has worked on VMWARE and pushed generic image to WDS successfully has any information / tricks to share would be mostly appreciated.
[b]Where i'm at, testing wise[b/]
Well i've tried many versions of the load and i'm at doing basic MP load to MP PC with:
Basic XP PRO with DP extracted in C:\drivers
VMWARE set to 2 CPU with ACPI MP HAL.
No line for updateHAL .....
....extract of my sysprep.inf with the pertinent info....
Now i'm trying an other load with the following added:
(nothing under this line, since i used the "yes" above)