Re: Got LAN DriverPack working on BartPE
You da man!!!
@jakeld the ris drivers may conflict with normal windows drivers - proceed with extreme caution...

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You da man!!!
@jakeld the ris drivers may conflict with normal windows drivers - proceed with extreme caution...
Well, quoting myself:
This RIS Driver is NOT recommended for normal windows.
Yes RIS driver and normal driver use the same HardwareID. Mixing both will get funny results.
Massstorage section use a *.ini file. Base read this ini file.
NET section use a *.ini file too. Does base support excluding NET drivers?
Include both: RIS and normal driver. Mark them at ini file.
At base select either RIS or normal driver.
good idea however only mass storage base code uses the exception features presently.
I think it is inevitable that the other packs will have to recieve an upgrade so they may be "tagged" as well
I have considered it several times.
I just put up a beta that uses a new method for chipset
I seriously considered it for chipset because it is also a seperate module in base,
however it would require a great deal of code to be written.
not as much codeing as required for the rest of the packs (because it is its own module)
makeing the exceptions work for all packs would be a LOT of work.
I would need to be motivated to take that on.
the only reason i did chipset is because jaak is so awsome to everyone.
and it was his request to address the problems with hardcoded folders in that pack.
when people are polite, respectful provide feedback and are helpful to others that motivates me
PS you definately fall into the motivator category too cdob!
Hey my bro JakeLD just called me on my cellphone to let me know that the chipset DP has been finally reviewed. You can count on me for testing it, I'm the one who complained about it originally. Thanks.
Last edited by eXoRt (2008-01-16 09:47:55)
Are RIS drivers working on regular Windows ?
Last edited by JakeLD (2008-01-16 11:31:29)
NO we should avoid RIS drivers for use with the packs
based on the provider saying it is not recomended for regular windows.
i can only assume it is for a valid reason...
but not knowing the reason - i can't say it won't work for sure...
which is why cdob recommended useing exceptions in the ini like we do for mass storage.
this presents an additional issue
we dont support the RIS / sysprep platform in base so there is no platform available in base to use to apply the exception.
B...Y H...LL
I was not subscribed to this topic and just found it back.
You guys must have thought I was nuts?
I put together a Lan nightly 8022 pruned_test and I admit I forgot about this topic.
The LAN8022nightly_pruned test is based on last released LAN 802.1
The changelog is in testing forum, and worksheet are in nightly FTP.
Off the top of my head; in LAN we have NV7 replacing HWIDS in NV4* and NV5*
ALL NV\12 look obsolete, have no unique HWIDs. NV3 has all of its HWIDs, and I removed NV\12.
3 and renamed subfolders stayed
4 had a cleanup, some went in the bin.
5 and 6 stayed.
7 stayed.
I will have to look at this topic again (reread when I look at LAN), and see what I/we can do to make this thing go like "a goldmine"
I can hope for a smart helper whom will look at that nightly, and know test-Packs are in a turbulent flux, so I don't mind it one bit if what I did gets corrected, as long as I hear where I went wrong.
I am getting feebleminded, and think I used a "fresh view" when I started pruning in LAN.
((fretting about one merge))
I know I saw that original excell worksheet and hazed. "before" had over 15,500 HWIDS.
When I finished that build, I knew there are still duplicate HWIDS, and there is a file I am fretting about has only three.. (there are more than three dupes left in there.)
Anyway, THANKS.
I had forgotten what was written here but some of it must have stayed recessed in an overworked mecanic's duffy brain..
I present my doodles in that nightly, and with what I see you can do I say it's your pot of lead you can turn to gold.
8022 is all yours.
Hey just wondering what the status of this is and where I can get the "lastest" LAN file? Jaak mentioned the nightly but I can't seem to find that.
Well when I use that in BartPE I get the 17 errors that the OP mentioned... But on reading through the post it sounded like the changes he made to the LAN file was being incorporated into future versions. Meaning I wouldn't have to do any manual editing to get it to work... So just wondering if I'll still need to make the changes the OP said or if there is a LAN pack that has those already incorporated? Thanks
Hi Xeon2050,
I was furiously codeing the remaining packs for BartPE last week
due to several OP's being very disresectful of our time on the forum
i found it neccessary to put the code down till my attitude improves.
I need testers, and driverpack editors...
i have written the code
now all the packs need thier INI's updated
and the whole mess needs to be tested / tweaked / debugged.
so... would you like to help?
a few people willing to help out would be very motivating for me personaly
Sure, just tell me what needs to be done and I'll do my best to help.
I do not know what OP is short for, but I most definately agree with Jeff.
He was//IS coding to get PE/UBCD4Winn support for a very difficult driverpack.
Yesterday I was looking at the HWIDs spotlight readout for the current LAN. (This was a scan of DriverPack LAN only) and I compared the findings to what I had described in the NVIDIA LAN topic downloadble files.
I put ALL original NVIDIA LAN drivers in a package, and had hoped people would help us puzzle together the best combo for all.
Yesterday, I think I saw two wrong combo choices.
The file is still there, the txt about two matching or singulars is a guide.
When I worked through 22 driver sets, I probably made mistakes.
There is ONE guy complaining about LAN, but I am not going to say he is a lone crusader.
Jeff would not like better than the LAN set for disc install be perfect before he can code the rules, and one of the problems he faces is that there is huge 'official' lan overlap in official nvidia lan drivers, and ' "not to be taken lightly" ' they usually use same same name in systemfiles.
WE, we dream of getting a rules based install so we don't have to care (much) about which driver we add.
An update would be an update.
I challenge you all to look at LAN NVIDIA official set of drivers, and please, DO help us figure out why they need so much attention from team.
Oh, you can be a gifted watson and not be in our team, but I can tell you that I was a watson before I learned to be Dr. watson.
I am not Holmes.
OP = Original Poster
Overflow - Well I've had a bad week so far so I wasn't finding any words of encouragement cuz I was feeling down myself (problems at work and with the wife)... But today is going a lot better so I wanted to write and give you a little encouragement...
First off some people can be real jerks, but don't take that as being a representation of the people that use and love the product that you produce. I know that there are several projects out there that I love but sadly I haven't mentioned it to the authors... I'm starting to get better at encouraging them because I realize now how important it is to them to know that someone uses and values their hard work. Anyway I know that there is a lot of people out there who value the work that this team has immensely. I know that I sure do. You guys (and girls?) are AWESOME in my book! This is one of the best projects that I have ever come across. I'm surprised it hasn't seen even more popularity...
Back to my other thought, some people are just loud complaining jerks, and when you come across them just don't let it bother you because they are incurable. Sadly they are loud and sometime drown out the voices of the people who really do value this project. But try not to let it bother you because they aren't worth getting mad or depressed over.
I would be happy to help out in any way that I can. I'm not much of a programmer so I don't think I could help much there, but I'd be willing to do whatever.
This project has saved me much time and headache and allowed me to do away with floppies and that is a miracle...
Thanks guys!
Welcome to the testing team...
and many thanks for your encouragement
Could someone explain me how to integrate patoon's pack in bartpe? I'm new to al this, and I don't understand how to do it. If I copy it in the driverpacks map, it stays grey. And if I just copy it in the bartpe drivers net map I get a ton of errors that there are dlls missing.
LAN 8.05.3 (the released third revision of LAN in MAY) was way after 8.02.2 testpack.
JakeLD mentioned DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_806A.7z in this topic
the latest testpack I know of is
however: DriverPacks BASE PE plugin builder version for LAN is not ready yet.
I started to do some real work on my house revamp planning and I"ll be busy with that for at least a year.
I had a good many things on my plate I had postponed (physically unable to do any of them) and my roster has changed dramatically a month ago.
You may not know this, but earlier this year I was house bound after chirgury, and I spent an awful lot of time on DriverPacks in those three months.
This project was my pastime while house bound.
And then I dropped off earth. I see that the other members of the team are releasing testpacks and with a little luck we'll have stable releases released this month. (I take a week's holidays next week. So.. that will give me some time to do things.
Looks great, thanks for pointing me the latest release
Thanks for your great work. We look forward to any updates!
OverFlow - I will gladly test the BartPE option once you need it to be tested as I use BartPE a lot while at work, so I could test it out on several different types of hardware.
have you tested with the current test ver?
have you tested with the current test ver?
Not yet. I will test it out when I get back to work tomorrow. Today is a holiday and I have it off. I will hopefully report back tomorrow with some test results.
hi there
i'm not having any luck with the above steps....
i hv a dell PE2900 server with w2k3 using broadcom network. the mass storage works fine 1st time, no issues at all. however, with the LAN was a diff story. i downloaded the LAN pack, unzip it to partpe network folder, ran partpe builder n got all sort of error BUT wat i did was instead of copying n renaming the files i deleted the entire folder. i did this coz i only ned the broadcom folder which i think was the one labled BC. nevertheless, i only deleted those that prompted with errors, ran the bartpe builder n everything went thru like a gem. burn the to cd n booted my server and the damn thing did NOT work. i even copied all the drivers from the dell server which was nicely created n that didn't even work, went as far as downloading the network driver from dell website n that too didn't work....tell me wat am i doing wrong??? pls anyone, do me a fav b4 i breakdown.... cheers
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