Re: [Solved] SB.ini - AutoIt Error - Line 0 (File "I:\DPsFnshr.exe");
I NEED the rest of your LOGS!!!! - ignored completely jeeezz... i can only ask nice so many times sorry...
and you just kept replying with a number of scripts we didnt write.
I had every reason to belive you never tried a clean install so where was i to start troubleshooting?
you gave me one log to go on... in your 15 posts about this.
Your Logs allow me to see why things happen, that is why we log...
the log would have told me what was different about your system - everyone else has no problem
your HWID's from the one log you provided put me there.
Had that been in your first post instead of two weeks later... then you wouldnt feel like you do about me.
please check our "read before you post" in my sig below and see how many you can check off the list. ?
i know exactly what your problem is now...
i am assumeing you have DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_7102.7z even though your post indicates an older version
exc_count = 1
exc_1_tagFiles = 1
exc_1_tagFile1 = "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\dmxsens.sys"
exc_1_+hwids = 0
exc_1_-hwids = 0
exc_1_+infFiles = 1
exc_1_+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\*.inf"
exc_1_-infFiles = 0
exc_1_commands = 1
exc_1_command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\S\T\5\T_DMX.exe"
refers to a removed exe in the pack
delete this section from the DriverPack_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32.ini and repack

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