Re: Testers needed for new Graphics driverpacks
Hot diggity dog!
I'll be rolling these fixes into the 7.09.2 nightlies (A, B, & C). The Graphics_A DP will incorporate the 7.9 catalyst.

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear Kevlar!
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Hot diggity dog!
I'll be rolling these fixes into the 7.09.2 nightlies (A, B, & C). The Graphics_A DP will incorporate the 7.9 catalyst.
cool.. I was hoping you saw the report.
Mr_smartepants asked I publish these fixes for the control panel issues, and all three Graphics packs are online as releases 7.09.x (release date 11 september)
Why in DPG_B for ATI pre 9500 is Catalist 6.5, not 6.11? Is it problem with driver version 8.31 (Cat 6.11)?
Last edited by Us2002 (2007-10-04 05:16:54)
Why in DPG_B for ATI pre 9500 is Catalist 6.5, not 6.11? Is it problem with driver version 8.31 (Cat 6.11)?
I'll look into it. I'm sure it's just that the tracker wasn't updated with the correct info.
If you're right, it was a huge oversight on my part.
Erik, you also better check the latest nightly for this.
An if it is, give a yell if that is OK to release.
(I can do the releases tomorrow evening)
I verified the drivers in the latest nightly are identical to the ones in the 6.11 release Us2002 refers to.
What's weird is that the driver version referenced in the .infs in the 6.11 release AND the latest nightly are 8.252, not 8.31 as in the release notes.
mr_smartepants, do you can to make multi-language Catalyst Control Center?
We can only work with what ATI provides on their website. If you know of a language specific installer (or multi-language installer), let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I was under the impression the ATI package included multiple languages.
But .infs are different, driver files cannot compare because cannot unpack it.
HKR,, Catalyst_Version,,"06.5" \\\ in pack
HKLM,"Software\ATI Technologies\CBT",ReleaseVersion,,"8.252-060503a-032464C-ATI"
HKR,, ReleaseVersion,,"8.252-060503a-032464C-ATI"
HKR,, BuildNumber,,"32464"
HKR,, Catalyst_Version,,"06.11"\\\in 6.11
HKLM,"Software\ATI Technologies\CBT",ReleaseVersion,,"8.252-060503a-038185C-ATI"
HKR,, ReleaseVersion,,"8.252-060503a-038185C-ATI"
HKR,, BuildNumber,,"38185"
And in 6.11 inf exclude unnessesary strings for ATI over R280
CCC_Rus for example: … _52444.exe
Last edited by Us2002 (2007-10-04 21:26:48)
mr_smartepants, … deonxip-xp
You can to download Catalyst Control Centers for all languages. But multi-language installer bundled with videocards only (how I understand). If you want I can to send all language resources from Drivers' CD.
Sorry, I've been swamped with real-life issues lately.
I haven't forgotten this request. I've looked into the multi-language installer request and ATI hasn't made it easy. I'm still working on a solution, but for now, we may have different ATICCC installers just for certain languages (swapped out in the DP prior to slipstreaming.)
I'm looking into rewriting the installer .ini files to support multiple languages (something ATI should have done in the first place!
Us2002, I'll remake the G_B DP using the 6.11 cats again...just for you.
Be patient.
Why only for me?
ATI released patch for Cat7.09, is it included in DPG_A?, or must be installed manualy?
mr_smartepants, thanks.
ATI released patch for Cat7.09, is it included in DPG_A?, or must be installed manualy?
If you are referring to the hotfix, no, it's won't be included (unless Erik decided otherwise in the meantime.
We try to stick to official versions in most cases and unless the hotfix fixes some critical issues (that being either system instability/crashes or security matters), it won't be included.
Chances are, it's still somewhat beta and as ATi/AMD release new drivers each month anyway, it won't be too long for 7.10 to surface (which, naturally, will include any changes of said hotfix).
Anyway, I still haven't been able to find a changelog on this hotfix, so I really don't know what required oh so desperate fixing (last time all they did was implement better BioShock support, which I personally didn't mind but objectively don't see a necessity for the DriverPacks).
That was just question, im agree with u .
And that was just an answer
Sorry if that read somewhat like "No, you aren't always getting what you want, child!", though I really had no intention to make it sound like such.
It's perfectly fine to ask such stuff, because, chances are, we may not yet have considered this or that case, yet.
Also, if you can name good reasons against our current policy, we may even change it, after reevaluating, but it's no promise
Helmi's right. The main reason I decided against adding the hotfix at this time was because AMD/ATI doesn't officially support it themselves.
It only added increased performance/stability in some games. That's it. … onID=29837
Note: This driver is provided as is and is not supported by AMD. It has not completed full AMD testing, and is only recommended for users experiencing the particular issue described above
Intel 'pack' is once again FUBAR.... it was all fine on 09/09 when MrSmartepants fixed the cat files, not they are broken again in latest release (this is first new build I did since then so not sure at what point they got broke. Getting the old e001 untrusted driver rank and not installing again.....
HP Laptop ZE2000 onboard Intel:
#I022 Found "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3582" in C:\WINDOWS\DriverPacks\D\G\I2\ialmnt5.inf; Device: "Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller"; Driver: "Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller"; Provider: "Intel Corporation"; Mfg: "Intel Corporation"; Section name: "i852GM".
#I087 Driver node not trusted, rank changed from 0x00002001 to 0x0000e001.
#I023 Actual install section: [i852GM]. Rank: 0x0000e001. Effective driver date: 02/07/2006.
Dell GX280 onboard intel graphics:
#I022 Found "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2582" in C:\WINDOWS\DriverPacks\D\G\I3\igxp32.inf; Device: "Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family"; Driver: "Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family"; Provider: "Intel Corporation"; Mfg: "Intel Corporation"; Section name: "i915G0".
#I087 Driver node not trusted, rank changed from 0x00002001 to 0x0000e001.
#I023 Actual install section: [i915G0]. Rank: 0x0000e001. Effective driver date: 01/13/2007.
D\G\I7 also causes hang at GUI stage on Dell Dimension D430 laptop and Optiplex 755 - specifically at the monitor dection stage, but is definately graphics driver issue.
hardware IDs are useful at this point.......
hardware IDs are useful at this point.......
Not really, no. Besides, the HWID is in his post.
I know exactly what @chud is talking about. Somehow the .inf files got edited again. The Intel .cat files have a SHA-1 hash in them for the .infs. Any changes to the .infs (however small) will change the hash and break the driver signing.
I'll look into it. @chud, was this using the latest nightly or the release dp?
Hi mr_smartepents,
Thanks for seeing this post! I think they were both using latest nightly at the time, (7.12.1 - 4th dec, or 7.12, certainly a December one anyway)
[I am not sure when they got broken as this was first rebuild since 09/09]
The other issue with Latitude D430 and Optiplex 755 seem to be problem with \I7\ drivers specifically, (freezing up at GUI stage - have made separate posts about these)
Last edited by chud (2007-12-27 20:42:47)
OK, I'm working on a trifecta (word of the day!) release for the graphics DriverPacks to version 8.01.
G_B was finished, but I've now reopened it for Intel fixes.
I'm also debugging G_A ATICCC not working on desktop cards but works for mobility cards.
G_C saw .ini edits to support new file structure throughout the graphics DriverPacks.
Hope to release these for testing before years-end.
too bad araxis cannot compare XLS files.
to find UNEDITED INFs and compare them with what we have now, you need 711
the grooming and pruning was started with 711 release as starting point.
It could be some INTEL INF files were edited..
hi guys and gurls and mr_smartepants
happy new year to everyone!
any news on the new G_B pack with non-adulterated Intel drivers? I am happy to rebuild Intel section if people are short of time?
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