Topic: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)


I trying to make a multiboot DVD with diffrent versions of Win XP.
I wonder if there is a way to change the path to the OEM folder?

Is it possible for example to put it in


instead of


I get erros everytime i try to run the installation

The installation can't find DSPdsblr.exe

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

try this out

Power packer by Signet (who is a good friend of the driverpacks) does exactly whst you want

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The DriverPacks, the DP_Base program, and Support Forum are FREE!.

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Thank you for your reply. I tested the program but didn't get in all right.

Isn't there any way to change the path "manually"? I like to know whats happening to my installations smile

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Please help!

I've got same errors. And also I slipstreamed DriverPack MasStorage to work in text mode. When installation starts (loading drivers in text mode) I've got an error message: "Can't find ATIIDE.SYS. Please press any key to restart".
In winnt.sif: SetupSourcePath=\NT_1\.
PowerPacker v1.0 RC9 doesn't solved this problem.
System: Windows XP SP2 Corporate Russian

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

You can change path from where drivers and DPsFnshr are extracted by editing presetup.cmd file, which is in folder i386.

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

I can't find presetup.cmd in i386 folder. I'm using the newest version of DriverPack BASE. 1st method of slipstreaming.

Last edited by excimer (2007-05-06 02:52:17)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

My answer was rather to Davvan question but I don't know did he meen OEM folder or $OEM$ smile. I don't know what for is SetupSourcePath=\NT_1\ in winnt.sif, I think this sholud be in txtsetup.sif.

Last edited by grzesiek (2007-05-06 12:49:24)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Sorry for two posts smile

Last edited by grzesiek (2007-05-06 12:43:59)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Here is my TXTSETUP.TXT: I think some problems in it.

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

According to guide on this site you should open txtsetup.sif file and searche for SetupSourcePath than change SetupSourcePath = "\" to for example SetupSourcePath = "\NT_1\" The best will be that you check this site and make your multiboot dvd like there is described.

Last edited by grzesiek (2007-05-07 01:02:11)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

I'm sorry. This was file from folder \NT_1\i386\txtsetup.sif. In file \NT_1\txtsetup.sif everything alright: SetupSourcePath = "\NT_1\". When I'm installing Windows XP without slipstreamed DriverPack everything goes OK. But after integrating DriverPacks LAN and MassStorage I've got an error "Can't find ATIIDE.SYS. Please press any key to restart". Slipstreaming method 1, Masstorage drivers installing in text mode.

Here are my files:

I want to place two distributions on one DVD as described here:

Last edited by excimer (2007-05-07 05:56:08)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Check that you have ATIIDE.SYS in upper case in i386 folder. I don't know what else could cause this, maybe someone else will be able to help you.

Last edited by grzesiek (2007-05-07 11:36:21)

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

there are a few double semicolons in winnt.sif

maybe that is what is causing this.

The answer was 42?
Kind regards, Jaak.

Re: Change location of the OEM folder (DSPdsblr.exe)

Thanks. I fixed error with double semicolons. But no results: "Can't find ATIIDE.SYS".

Does the setup (TXTSETUP.SIF) knows where ATIIDE.SYS is located? As I understand, it is not copied to hard drive when text mode setup is loading. It is located on DVD: CD:\NT_1\i386\$OEM$\D\... but not on C:\D\... Maybe this is problem?