Its just a suggestion, what to build in in the future. I see DP is going into more a GUI-thing, away from the DOS looks.

Thats what I mean: Maybe some people do not always want to install DriverPacks in every installation. So why not build in a short splashscreen at T39 stage, to decide if you want to have it, or not.
With a countdown, maybe 10 seconds, and then automatically installs DriverPacks.
Maybe like this:

It should be easy to write it in Autoit. I can make it for you, if you like it. But only when Im back from vacancy, in 3 weeks.
By the way, I solved this Update-Installation Problem .

Hmmm - sorry, but Im not talking about the finisher.
2 Weeks ago I had a notebook to install, where I wished to skip DriverPacks, cause installation worked only without DP.
Anyway ---

What about implementing a splashscreen as long as DP works, for not showing that boring empty background.
And also, a counter, to skip DP-Install while is running, could be nice (something like " if you do not want to install DP - push that button within 10 seconds").

OK - thats the problem.
I think your renaming is the same as this:

Rename wrote:

ren setup.exe setupold.exe
ren setupORG.exe setup.exe

and thats what happens:

   1st line  - if theres an existing setupold.exe, DP setup.exe cannot renamed to oldsetup.exe.
   2nd line - if there exists an setup.exe ( cause first line failed ), setuporg.exe stays the same.

Effect is, that setup.exe doesnt change and calls itself.

If setupold is deleted before renaming, maybe by adding this line to presetup.cmd, renaming process can work properly.

Delete Old wrote:

cd %systemroot%\system32
DEL /F setupold.exe

If theres no setupold.exe ( like the first install ), the line doesnt have any sense.

And now - update function is working with DriverPacks setup.exe ( not adding the old one from MSFN ).

Ive tested it - works fine.

If installation breaks, there are 3 into system32: setup, originalsetup and oldsetup.

Hmmm - very strange!
In the MSFN forum posts, you can read, that renaming is job of presetup.cmd. In DriverPacks presetup.cmd is no entry for renaming, so, I think its setup.exe´ job.
If I look into the system32 dir after setup breaks down, I can see some mess with the different setup files.
And also, if I use DriverPacks setup.exe, renaming with presetup doesnt work.
So, logically, therers something wrong with the renaming of the 3 setups. If I do not delete the originasetup before, I have also a break into setup.
I cannot look inside DriverPacks setup, cause i do not know the Coding Language. But there MUST be a difference between yours setup and pyrons.

Yeah - it works. the trick is to delete the oldsetup.exe before. It coudnt be wrote twice.

If somebody is interested - Ive found the solution for that problem by reading an old article at MSFN. The problem is the renaming/restart of the patched setup.exe. An old version, which is still available, does it with the presetup.cmd.

For those who also want to fix it, download this SETUP.EXE and put  it into your I386  directory.
then add following lines to the end of presetup.cmd:

cd %systemroot%\system32
DEL /F setupold.exe
if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exe
if exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exe
start /WAIT setup.exe -newsetup

this will work.

If you click setup in your Windows CD (out of windows ) you can choose New Install or Update.
Why not using it? For many people its an easy method for a fast repair. You are right, that its better to reinstall, but its not the only solution.

If its not supported, I will try to fix it for myself.
I think, put the Patched setup.exe, originalsetup.exe and presetup.cmd into §OEM§\$$\System32 and copy/overwrite them via OEMpreinstall should be right. If I have no winnt.sif setup does the normal mode - so in the  Update/Upgrade.

But maybe you can rewrite the Setup.exe to enable this?

If I want to reinstall from running Windows via Update function I have this error message:

so I think it is not possible to use this function at this time, cause DP changes the setup.exe in I386.

But maybe I can leave the original one and call DP from "DetachedProgram" in winnt.sif?
At this way I could make also multiple winnt.sif files ( winn1.sif, winn2.sif ... ) and reHEX SETUPLDR.BIN and make also different ones (SETUPLD1.BIN, SETUPLD2.BIN....).
So I can make different Installoptions in my Bootmenu ( with DP, without ... ).

If its possible, what to call with "DetachedProgram", presetup.cmd?
Can you explain the function of the patched Setup.exe?


Or another solution: copy the patched setup.exe with oempreinstall and overwrite the original one. But where to copy it?


(4 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)

Hmmm - cannot find a description, installing DP after setup is ready. Maybe running presetup.cmd? Can you explain?


(4 replies, posted in Installation Platforms)

Took a little time til Ive recognized, that this forum went from MSFN to its Homepage. Theres no information on MSFN.

Whats that - the yet not highlighted Platform Option in BASE - Bart PE?
I cannot imagine whats that for. To have all drivers in Bart PE? Barts would take too long to search them from DP. Waiting if Windows is installing doesnt matter too much - but Barts?
Or does the coming option mean, that DP could be installed via Barts into an existing Windows installation?
By the way - is the any way to install the DriverPacks AFTER Windows is installed?