Well I had another look and was my silly fault, I didn't set OEM Enabled in nlite, sorry for false alarm

Upon installing Windows XP I now get a Dialogue message saying


Windows cannot find "\OEM\Bin\un7zip.exe"I hit enter thinking I just install the driverpacks later but get

Windows Cannot find "C:\DSPdsblr.exe"

After clearing this dialoge I'm then prompted to insert the XP cd, so install can't continue sad

I used Base to integrate the packages and the slipstream completed! I intergrated just before creating an .iso using nlite, I'm not sure if this is a Nlite or Driverpacks problem, so I downloaded base 10.06 again and cleared the QSC

I get the same result sad

I just got round to downloading 111118
Are DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml still needed in the x86 or x64 directory's?

Hello again, been using your tool on most of the PC's I come across! Couple of ideas/questions...

1, I'm using 1105005, still current? I don't see new on Page 1

2, How about allowing me to keep the drivers, I think it worth the disk cost as a backup, I tried editing the batch file but without success.

Just done a VHP32 with the 110505 faultless! smile

I think your nickname suits Erik!

Thank you, for some reason I was looking at post 1, and not the driverpack downloads!! O.o

Still getting this error, any chance of it being fixed at DP level? where is the offending blighter, so I can work around by cutting it out?!

I am looking for 11041 on page 1 of this thread, Am I blind or is it released yet?

Look forward to it smile

Is it possible to remove the ATI 3GIO Driver from (my) driverpacks? It has now affected 2 installs of Windows Vista (VHPx32) and Win7 (X64Pro) so really just want rid of it (in both times Driverpacks added this to a machine with no ATI parts)


(4 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

I must have sounded bitchy reading back!

now, pray tell location whereof good chap! smile


(4 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

Not seen NT5 updates since January, does this mean that NT5 is no longer being supported by Driverpacks, if not what alternative exists?


Thank you, my life would be very tedious without driver packs, Scott Mueller recommends them don't you know! smile

Hello the NT5\X86 folder does not have DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml I wonder if this is why my install fails?

Thank you, got it just about to do a VHP32, wish me luck! smile

Link now fixed, Thankyou (Delete this post if needed)

Thank you all once again, I still don't often reload Win V/7 but I did get it partly (good enough) to work when that script in post 2 appeared, Has it been changed in the life of the post??

Even on XP the DriverPacks Finisher has been broken for a while (prolly my fault)


(7 replies, posted in Windows 7 Discussion)

Seems to work, didn't supervise it too hard, will look closer next time I run it, certainly got further than my last effort with the NT5 Base.

I understand there is no Base for Windows 7 (or Vista)

I basically need help making a S.A.D for Windows 7, I have the x64 driverpacks (downloaded today, so latest versions)

I tried using the DP_Install_Tool.cmd to be told the platform is not yet supported!


(7 replies, posted in Windows 7 Discussion)

Any news on this? Will there be a Win 7 SAD tool? I miss being able to just run the script file!


(4 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

Brilliant thanks, will check out Vista tool and the packs. Long live Win7! Bit embarrassing that a beta is better than the 'stable' Vista!!!


(4 replies, posted in Vista-Tool)

I see that Driver packs for Vista are not quite ready.

I am about to do a fresh install of Vista (lucky me!)

1, Just wondered if Vista Driver packs will eventually include a Base-style app like on XP driver packs?

2, Is it worth integrating the vista driverpacks yet?

3, where can I download the Visat driverpacks

4, Do you plan V-lite support?

5, Maybe a FAQ would be good for Vista driverpacks, if I missed it please link me!

Many thanks for all your hard work on this and the XP driver packs, You have already saved me lots of time (and electricity! and downloading off rubbish Web site like Realtek!!!)

Thanks David (fan!)


(17 replies, posted in Software)

When the economy settles down and the £ is double the $ I will donate, that way my donation will be worth double.


(17 replies, posted in Software)

p.s none other than Scott Mueller recommended Driver packs so you must be doing something right!!


(17 replies, posted in Software)

Fixed the iertutil.dll problem (I just changed the order in which nlite slips the updates.

It is the Driverpack finisher which "clicks" on the prompts automatically so it works (and is brilliant btw) will post those files when I next see the PC (as it works it's okay!