I put the drivers in C:\D\3\M\In\1 and my [SysprepMassStorage] part in sysprep.inf contains the following lines:


And it looks like its working.

Why can't I put them in the C:\D\3?

Ok, just to make sure I get it right:

The problem with the current intel massstorage drivers is that one driverset doesnt support all the ich(x) versions.
Mainly, the older ich5 isnt supported anymore with the latest Intel Matrix Storage Manager.

At my work this isn't really a problem as we don't have any pc's that use that ich5 driver.
And we only use hardware which use the newer intel massstorage drivers.

So, if I would remove all the massstorage drivers from my sysprep, add the latest Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver
in D\3\M\In\1 directory and point to these drivers in the [SysprepMassStorage] section of my sysprep, it would be a solution for me?

I never knew there were somuch problems with the intel massstorage drivers... sad
Hope you guys find a good solution.

Hey, sorry for the late answer...

My collegue installed the last pc with the Q965 graphics and placed it at someone's desk, thus, I was
unable to do further testing sad

I'm having the same problem with our HP pc's.

Hope this gets solved soon :-)

Keep up the great work!

Well the test without "sysprep -bmsd" and the full list created with the batch ended up in an error (2 times),
so now I'll just try to incorperate the Intel SATA drivers and the list created by "-bmsd" switch.

Ok, I'm currently trying to get this working by trial and error and these are my ideas:

First of all I'm using http://dev.driverpacks.thesneaky.com/dr … _test_4.7z this beta massstorage package which containes the Intel SATA drivers.

I'm following these steps: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 9420#p9420
BUT not the line at the end telling me to run "c:\sysprep\sysprep.exe -bmsd" to build the massstorage.

For that I've created "HWIDS.CMD" with the following code: (found this on MSFN forum, great job!!!)

rem %1 is path to MassDriverPacks Folder
IF "%1"=="" GOTO EOF


::traverse drivers path


for /f %%f in ('Dir /b *.inf') do (
 for /f "eol=- tokens=2 delims=," %%i in ('find /i "pci\ven" %%f') do (
  for /f "tokens=*" %%j in ("%%i") do (
    for /f "tokens=1* delims=_" %%k in ("%%j") do (
      if /i "%%k" EQU "PCI\VEN" (
        for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=; " %%a in ('%%j') do (
          echo %%a=%cd%\%%f>>%STDOUT%

FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR /AD /OGN /B') DO (


If you run this batch from "C:\" (if you followed the steps above!) by using this command: "HWIDS.cmd D\M" it will build
"HWIDS.txt" containing all the massstorage lines needed for the [SysprepMassStorage] section in sysprep.inf.

I noticed not all the lines are build the right way, scroll in HWIDS.txt to check if there are some lines which look like this

PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1960&SUBSYS_0466101E=    C:\Sysprep\D\M\L\2\OEMSETUP.INF (notice the space between the "=" and "c:\.."
and correct these by deleting the space.

After that select all lines, copy it and paste them in the sysprep.inf under [SysprepMassStorage]

!!! I'm still testing this and hopefully it will work !!!

I did come accross some errors while running sysprep:

"elxtor driver error" --> seems like a driver problem, I deleted the "C:\D\M\E" folder and deleted the lines
in the [SysprepMassStorage] section linking to that folder.

"silsupp.cpl" error" --> seems like a driver problem, I deleted the "C:\D\M\E" folder and deleted the lines
in the [SysprepMassStorage] section linking to that folder.

"qlsdm.dll error" --> seems like a driver problem, I deleted the "C:\D\M\E" folder and deleted the lines
in the [SysprepMassStorage] section linking to that folder.

!!! It might be wise to perform the steps mentioned above BEFORE you run sysprep !!!

I also got alot of pop-ups asking me to allow unsigned driver install (eventho I put the driversigning on "Ignore") and pop-ups asking me if I wanted to overwrite files (I selected "yes" on all). I tried using "WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe" from MSFN forum to surpress the unsigned driver install popups, but doesn't seem to work.

At one time you will get ALOT of popups when it reaches "M\S\4\Silsupp.cpl", keep selecting "yes" and it will continue after a while (it seems to not continue, but it does!)

!!! Right now I'm doing this as a test, don't even know if it will work, so please keep that in mind !!!

I'm also thinking of minimizing the massstorage drivers to a minimum, just using the ones I need, but I'm curious if the whole (or at least most of the) package will work smile

I'll keep u updated...

question: Is running "sysprep -bmsd" still needed after filling the [SysprepMassStorage] section in sysprep.inf by hand?

Hmmm, hard to tell actually it's a HP Compaq Workstation, XW6400X.
HP always rebrands stuff.

But I dot get the same error.

I have to admit I'm doing syspreps and am looking for a good overall solution when it comes to driverintergration.

I allready had an older version of the Intel SATA drivers implemented in my sysprep (massstorage section),
but I found out there are different Intel SATA versions...sigh (whyyyy....).

I've currently downloaded the beta pack mentioned above and am filling my MASSStorage section by using the
"HWIDS.cmd" tool, that someone wrote and posted on the MSFN forums some time ago.

and I'm following this section from your forum: (except the last bit telling to run "sysprep.exe -bmsd")

http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic. … 9420#p9420

Hope this will work...

I do hope you guys will make a nice intergration with Sysprep one day smile

Hey guys,

brand new to this forum and suffering from same BSOD problem because of the Intel SATA...

Whats the latest status on this issue?
Anyone got it to work?

If u need a tester...here I am