Jeff has done a lot of undocumented things.
Latest base checks for user error.
176 2008-09-08 10:39:43
Re: [PROB] MassStorage 8.05 /N/5 nForce590SLI chipset UBCD V3.20 (29 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
177 2008-09-08 10:33:35
Re: [PROB] MassStorage 8.05 /N/5 nForce590SLI chipset UBCD V3.20 (29 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
mass 809C is up for tests.
via [v1] commented
[NV-5] original commented and jeff's adaptation included
built on 809A I found in nightlies.
(( I had a "B" test here. on older Via.))
go find it.
178 2008-09-08 10:08:00
Re: Graphics A 8.09rc4 for testing purposes (REPORTS wanted) (280 replies, posted in DriverPack Graphics)
disc install never had all cpl applets in many of the DriverPacks.
If we, for the sake of argument, choose to have ALL CPL applet installers in ALL DriverPacks, we would find missing CPL in LAN (quite some), WLAN (quite some), SOUND ( erm, over 200 ??).
I dunno.
The need of the masses (disc install) is not decided by a few REQ.
179 2008-09-08 05:37:20
Re: [PROB] MassStorage 8.05 /N/5 nForce590SLI chipset UBCD V3.20 (29 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
the code has an error
180 2008-09-04 16:10:05
Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!) (30 replies, posted in Translations Team)
@ sandrion
By the looks of the files one has to translate ANYBODY should be able to translate base, who KNOWS what DriverPacks BASE does.
I would think that files will have distinct changes when:
When features get added,
When features change in function but not in name (technicalities)
hehe; when M1 gets dropped
when method 3 and SAD MERGE.
When PE works for all DriverPacks (main DriverPacks)
?? when M2 and SAD merge into M4 ..??
when a dream is no dream, and not a nightmare, it is a fact. Or not.
181 2008-09-04 15:40:41
Re: Announcements for Translations Team (subscribe to this topic!) (30 replies, posted in Translations Team)
you are not listed in Bâshrat the Sneaky translations team, and, far as I know, not in any team.
Jeff posted while I wrote.
it is not my call.
New helpers are welcome.
apology to sandrion
182 2008-09-04 15:30:16
Re: Windows 2000 to XP upgrade (24 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
EDIT my own post
grammar/ damn my flemishness.
post µ 15
183 2008-09-04 15:08:53
Re: Windows 2000 to XP upgrade (24 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
Hi Krick.
Jeff can code faster than I can type.
CODE masters usually / do not ever/ explain what they do.
What he wrote sounds gruff?
To ME it sounds like the sweetest possible sundea fudge, and that is because I know he went a long way to explain all this.
Jeff has in essence explained a few not widely known possibillities.
There are a lot of changes in progress @ DriverPacks, and you are privileged to see a preview of the future.
Welcome to the Flux.
The past won't be forgotten.
YOU will look for that. You will be helpful in looking at backward compatibility.
You can help us help you.
We are not GOD.
We brainstormed toward a future, we never forgot older OS. However.. Driver writers do. WE already think about creation of "obsolete driver" DriverPacks and 'incompatible contemporary" (in which selecting one excludes other.).. but we are a handful of people helped by far too few.
184 2008-08-31 11:27:39
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
utilityspotlight and the scripts, and excell sheets we (Or I..) produced have been avaliable for a quite some time.
We've not told (or not often enough) you how to add to excell sheets when they have different number of rows.
We know they have helped us help you, and I know echoplatoon and jeff were the first adopters.
I recall echoplatoon helped me with a excell sheet on mass.
later on, he helped jeff and I on LAN.
We learned by his example, and then, then we started to use utilityspotlight with the echoplattoon formula.
Oh yes, the SED scrips are woven (most intricately) into that timeline.
We learned that WHQL means h*ll.
The sheets exist and all testers had access. (while we pruned sound, all topic subscribers saw what was done, IF interested.)
Erik commented he saw the usefulness.
Q: what stops us from having a standardised sheet?
A: we have no standard.
185 2008-08-31 11:04:39
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
kickarse does not have access to the DP team topic echoplatoon posted in..
I will repeat a line from a post in that topic.
so, I am interested in any improvement on a scan tool so that we might have standard output and no blind spots..
repeat from this topic.
I would like to mention that utilityspotlight05 (in VBS) has a few really desirable things.
it does not only get all sorts of hardware ID (it gets PCI, usb/audio and so on) but it also collects version (version is VERY IMPORTANT), date, and it will try to get specified OS.
I cannot post all content from the private forum, but the sorting and pruning guru (syspreppers are focussed on no conflicts.) and graphics master, and I, and the old style single machine installer guru..
(disc based releases have to work for all, but we will try tell you how to filter..)
base line for all of us is this.
DriverPacks need a scan tool so that we might have standard output and no blind spots..
186 2008-08-31 10:49:34
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
@ kickarse
You have no idea how much I like that nick. It reminds me of the 1000 post BUTTer topic.
A kick in the butt.
BUTTER meant this. (get a little help to) To boot yourself by pulling your bootstraps and get a lift off.
When I wrote the original first post in butter topic, w/i about booting into setup and how to install windows with high emphasis on how to NOT lose data, I had to smile when I used the word "but" as often as our newscasters do (oft in bent grammar.).
we had had a toaster lark (really good plain old fun technical topics got a toaster award), and train, greengoose, mosaic1, and several other forum members enjoyed the toasts so then we buttered it.. butter was an inside joke, and I made my 1000 have that title.
I kinda miss some of those guys and I surely miss those days. It was simpler.
The butter topic evolved.
It eventually got me here.
187 2008-08-31 10:18:03
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
I would like to mention that utilityspotlight05 (in VBS) has a few really desirable things.
it does not only get all sorts of hardware ID (it gets PCI, usb/audio and so on) but it also collects version (version is VERY IMPORTANT), date, and it will try to get specified OS.
I've tried to contact the original developer, but got zilch.
188 2008-08-31 09:48:27
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
did you find a workaround for the broadcom LAN drivers which defy the microsoft scanner?
edit. > LAN or WLAN.. I wish I remember which it skipped ten drivers in.
(I may have an old backup drive with the work I did back then.. it may still have have those weird scan-resistant drivers in marked folders. The VBS code in Utilityspotlight05 will not output the hwids from some broadcom drivers..)
edit two … 495#p23495
189 2008-08-31 06:35:55
Re: FindHWIDS v3.2s - The INF Searching, Hardware ID Exporter (353 replies, posted in Software)
it does not scan for SCSI
>> pci. blabla>>
ms_2_hwids="SCSI\NVIDIA__Raid_Disk________,SCSI\__NVIDIA_______Raid_Disk,SCSI\NVIDIA__Raid_Disk_20_____,... not PCI
190 2008-08-22 11:33:01
Re: [PROB] MassStorage 8.05 /N/5 nForce590SLI chipset UBCD V3.20 (29 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
sil too? I missed this.
191 2008-08-22 11:18:57
Re: [PROB] MassStorage 8.05 /N/5 nForce590SLI chipset UBCD V3.20 (29 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
Rats, NV again.
If the silicon hyll battle left us bleeding, what do we say about NV.
The twenty odd download links at LAN is getting us No Volunteers.
(the topic is in lan, but the download links in there.. They all have mass storage drivers.)
in mass, the big problem is that they use and have PCI AND SCSI lines with dupes, and I had to leave out a driver because I don't know how to add one that has a unique PCI hwid with a duplicated SCSI line.
192 2008-08-22 10:23:45
Re: [REQ] Selecting drivers like driverpacks (15 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
edited post. please reread.
and yes, PRESENT releases is a key word.
KTD will at best only offer older releases, (and I used to test KTD. It was not bad. Seeding had benefits, but it would fail on new hardware that had not been in DriverPacks or not been put in inf/path by the exception rules during setup.)
reverse logic.
A generic hwid is seeded. (and PnP WILL take a generic from a driver with a close match even if it does not list any super generic)
We should advise to not ever use KTD. Run SAD cmd instead.
make it easy to find SAD, give it a pleasing name
Universal Professional Driver App Team effort.
Fast Live approved system heal
Do drive pack upgrade
193 2008-08-22 10:08:16
Re: [REQ] Selecting drivers like driverpacks (15 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
imho, KTD in method 2 is a waste of time.
it puts the present releases in INF/path, but it apparently does not have the capability of switching between ATI and NV installers, because we use exceptions and those poke 7zipped installers in some cases.
(NV don't, and ATI have them. When you swap an NV with a ATI the ATI 7z-sfx is not going to execute, because it was not ran in initial setup.)
We probably discussed KTD and DPinst.
SAD and warmsnow can take the latest DriverPacks releases and do a proper post setup minisetup.
You fire up SAD's dp.cmd (this ought to be more in the limelight) or warmsnow's and get a minisetup with the latest builds you put in the disc, AND SAD uses the exceptions..
fwiw, the super short M1 I made for myself moons ago supports all but the latest chipsets and setup is just as quick..
194 2008-08-22 09:48:26
Re: Got LAN DriverPack working on BartPE (75 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
however: DriverPacks BASE PE plugin builder version for LAN is not ready yet.
I started to do some real work on my house revamp planning and I"ll be busy with that for at least a year.
I had a good many things on my plate I had postponed (physically unable to do any of them) and my roster has changed dramatically a month ago.
You may not know this, but earlier this year I was house bound after chirgury, and I spent an awful lot of time on DriverPacks in those three months.
This project was my pastime while house bound.
And then I dropped off earth. I see that the other members of the team are releasing testpacks and with a little luck we'll have stable releases released this month. (I take a week's holidays next week. So.. that will give me some time to do things.
195 2008-08-22 09:27:20
Re: Got LAN DriverPack working on BartPE (75 replies, posted in BartPE - UBCD4Win - WinPE)
LAN 8.05.3 (the released third revision of LAN in MAY) was way after 8.02.2 testpack.
JakeLD mentioned DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_806A.7z in this topic
the latest testpack I know of is
196 2008-08-15 08:54:13
Re: [IMPL] Intel Matrix Storage v8.6.0.1007 10/12/2008 (117 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
DriverPack MassStorage does not install raid tools. There are several driver downloads with a folder for raid console setup, but we have apparently nver included those.
for intel, the matrix storage download installs the console.
197 2008-08-14 10:41:29
Re: OT: Requesting help to understand txtsetup.oem files (16 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
did any of that stuff I wrote make sense?
This is a serious question.
DriverPacks univarsity gets seeded by user questions.
(I hear elementerary school kids in the flanders learn to write proper english. I write my way of Flemish.)
Ask for a comment by JakeLD.
I am sure he can whittle down his work on DriverPack MassStorage in a flash. (probably has a couple dozen rollouts sets saved)
He was taught to add drivers per OS.
He knows what syspreppers do.
He was shown our ways and he showed us his ways.
For a customised txtmode.
first do trimming and maybe do load order.
We will ask that you show us how you were adding your own, AND WHY you killed those you killed.
We see people telling us this version/vs/that vs/other, and sometime, they tell us the modi.
in graphs. 70 Hz is not applicable to many widescreen. The driver defaults to 70.
in mass, we like to not allow a non-popular generic being boss.
198 2008-08-14 10:24:02
Re: OT: Requesting help to understand txtsetup.oem files (16 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
I am Jaak, and I cannot code two bytes.
<< wanders off, wondering about 'what the hyll is MTD'...>>
DriverPack MassStorage mass INI is filtered.
For one OS, it shall not have a duplicate HWID between the delims.
IF you find dupes in INI for same OS. YELL°.
In the ideal world, it shall not have any generic HWID. If you find a generic HWID conflict, YELL°.
enter WHQL.
it HAS generics.
it has dupe subs.
it has versions.
it has a txtsetup.OEM with five generics, and 218 subs in an INF it calls.
in sound, a INF can call an INI and that INI calls another INI.
in mass, an INF does not call a console (not that I know of). (In graphicks and sound, it often will.)
(DriverPacks is fun to work on)
199 2008-08-14 07:53:27
Re: KTD if you like it or not ;) (3 replies, posted in Feedback and Support - DriverPacks Base)
the idea behind KTD was a sound idea but we had no real minisetup running after hardware was changed and KTD had its limitations.
The availability of microsoft's DPinst.exe has made possible new tactics, and DriverPacks BASE actually implements them.
The SAD disc is a possible, and a regular DriverPacks BASE streamed disc has a cmd file to run DPinst.exe which will run the driver install tool and it will use the method the source was streamed with.
To wit, in M2, the packs get uncompressed to hard drive, and a DPinst session runs which is like a minisetup with all DriverPacks exceptions, but it does not do a windows re-install. ((a full launch of hardware detection and driver setup))
in M1, the packs are already semi uncompressed on DVD (in cab format), and copied to HDD, and hardware detection and driver setup then runs.
adding these functions made KTD sorta obsolete. But it will also function when the source was streamed with KTD enabled and the script will perform the KTD inF seeding.
This means you can update a KTDeed drive, to an updated KTDeed. (That is what I reckon it did when I last tried this.)
200 2008-08-14 07:16:18
Re: OT: Requesting help to understand txtsetup.oem files (16 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)
I mislaid a link.
Some months ago somebody explained how the copy process in txtsetup.oem or INF files designates where the file will end up.
(similarly, the files also tell where the driver is located.. one can edit an INF to make for shorter path. When the INF is already edited, it can be beneficial. Nowadays a folder without INF does not add extra path characters to a Method 1, but it used to do this before Jeff fixed that.)
Anyway, I am looking for the post about something about missing a comma or using another number in the file (in which a driver copy/load process had an error).