I thought base with method 1 does this for you.
Main packs like Chipsets, LAN and graphics should have what you need.
I will suggest you read the tutorial I link to in my signature.

I do not know much about WPI, but think it also works with method 2.
If you are not adding ALL the packs, method 1 will do too.


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

double post..


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

14 and 12 no longer merged
14 gone

after putting them in the sound_B excell sheet and looking at dupes, I have those folders left.
12 / 17 / 23 / 25 / 30

see you tomorrow


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

the spotlight utility helps a lot too.
I must say Debugger documented the folders quite nicely, and the information will come in handy when the time comes to write the supported device list.
And he mentioned sub-sub-version info, which is only found by looking at the bottom of those files. smile


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

30 folders, 15 was empty

work done so far was to find duplicates in those 29.
At the moment, folder 12 and 14 got a merge into 14.
(the smwdmCH5 INF in 14 was kept, the other INFs from 12 were added, and the 12's cat was renamed. The systemfiles are same.).

After this preliminary work, I have 11 folders left.
04 / 07 / 14 (with the added INFs and CAT from 12)  / 16 / 17 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 28 / 30

typo, I missed 25 in the 11 folders.


(36 replies, posted in DriverPack Mass Storage)

Hmm, yes, they were moved into the "olde" folder.

The latest change was done by JakeLD and is this one


If you have an AMD CPU and Nvidia chipset, and 71012X_No_SiLCC_NVIDIAFIX does not work, then do try the 7109X
(I will put it in the testing folder again, so that the link again works  )

CC_010x tags were apparently not needed for Silicon Image, so that file where we tagged SiLicon Image stays in the "old folder".



(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

access login and password was changed a good while ago, and the details are in a sticky.
I believe donors have access to that forum with the sticky.

I uploaded a mass with a change in Nvidia, but could not reach you.


searched for 27DF, and
Intel (R) 82081GBM SATA AHCI Controller is in CHIPSET drivers.


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

dolivas wrote:


Ok I have another question I was just looking at the INF file from Asus and trying to figure out where it should go in the the pack and I think is belongs in the D\S\SM\A\3 directory but what is the extra folder in that directory? There is a O folder in there and that is the only directory like that should that folder be there?

Thanks again for the help,

I looked at that one too. It must have been an O for OLD, but the driver in there is the newer.
The changelog might shed a light.

@ debugger.
we can do just like last time.
(it will save connection time on the 56K modem..)
Upload the additions to FTP, and let us put them in the Pack for you.
We'll then put the Pack up for test (big upload), and later publish (another big upload).


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

it just got uploaded

MD5 hash
0ddc45ca25c9e892abc528fafbe3a81b DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_7106.7z


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

yes, I worked about 14 hours on this one, because duplicate HWIDs cause trouble.
Oh, I have done some more checks after I uploaded, reran the tools I used to collect the HWIDs, and found that I had forgotten to delete a folder.
The corrected "beta" is uploading right now.
MD5 hash
0ddc45ca25c9e892abc528fafbe3a81b DP_Sound_B_wnt5_x86-32_7106.7z


These INF files were removed

S\A aliOEM8T removed
M\1 MaRevo.inf removed
SM\E (swwdmCH5.INF removed)
S\T\5 (MXR6Fire.INF removed)

these drivers were removed

S\S   (driver in root removed)

INF "pruning".
A large number of duplicated HWIDs were removed.
For instance; CR\6 and CR\7  had huge overlap.
A Folder compare tool tells me that about fifty INF files have had HWIDs pruned from them.
Some drivers have more than one INF file, and a few of those INF files became totally obsolete (no unique HWIDs) so they were deleted.

Some drivers were completely covered by other newer drivers, and were removed.
I made notes, and also have my Excell worksheet.
A rough count tells me I pruned about 900 duplicated HWIDs out of the pack.
(about One Fifth of the total HWIDs, that is.)

Let's hope this work was not in vain.

it looks like this one was considered stable?
The sticky was not updated yet, and you are at.
(MD5 Hash: 3522d465acf3559dd527a2d3e5557dd6 DP_Input_wnt5_x86-32_070923.7z)

(I'll prepare a txt for twig123, so he can update that sticky.)


(97 replies, posted in DriverPack Sound)

hi Dolivas,

fixing this will not be easy.
We've found duplicated generic HWIDS across ALi, C-media, sigmatel and analog devices.
(different chips for which one finds drivers with SAME manufactor generic HWID.. aargh.)

I'll start work on this after acronis finishes cloning my systemdrive(s*) in the new rig.
(* the intel RAID tools told me one of the RAID member drives has an error. I had to do a surface scan/fix before cloning could be succesful.)

I already sent excell worksheets to team members, so they also know where the problems are.
We want to avoid duplicated work too, but at the moment I cannot use my machine to get in contact.
Anyway, we will look into it.

DriverPacks rock!

the migration went without much ado.
The Mobo was similar enough...

I cannot work on any packs tonight.
I have to migrate my hard disks into another machine.
(a backup was made, twice..)


I looked up the HWID from your log, and then compared the HWIDs in this REQuested driver against our folders.
Then I let the guys know which one it is for, hoping somebody accepts the task.
(I am selling my main workhorse machine and have to transfer the data to the new horse, so I won't have much time to do this.)

well, I simply turn ON QSC.

I just saw you spotted a problem in SOUND forum, and I looked at an excell file only moments ago.
(It's a file with all the HWIDS from SOUND-B in which the duplicates are hilited..)

You will want to see the problem, I guess.
It's a small wonder some drivers still work.

Dupes in same driver have to be filtered out before the excell file is really usable.
However, that is fairly easy
The target OS is one cause for dupes.
Then, for instance, there can be more than one INF file in same same driver, and the folder location/driver version tells us which are appearing more than once for same driver.

After that, it gets to be like REAL work.
If the device is same, OKAY, I think it can be left as is, but...

BUT, I found  several HWID duplicated for analog devices, for C-media and for sigmatel..
If you want the tool to build these Excell files, shoot me an email.

OH, maybe you can turn QSC ON for a test.
If you get no device driver signing problem after that, you could file a bug report.

PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2445 (generic) is in c-media, sigmatel and analog devices.

the specific PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2445&SUBSYS_02151014 is found nowhere in DriverPacks

Ever since the BartPE (ubcd4win) plugin was introduced, I have seen the QSC lines appear twice IF QSC is turned OFF.
(I think that the recommendation to not use it for method 2 should be dropped, because when it is turned ON for M2 there are few failure reports. And for Method 1, the little bugs become a BIG one, because slipstream fails.)

Oh, before the plugin we had Base 7.04, and I told OverFlow 7.04 already had an issue when QSC was turned OFF and that Base 7.01 has it too.
Some people report missing files if QSC is NOT used.


(3 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)

Hi RogueSpear

it is implemented, uploaded, and finalised.
(The applications are NOT included.)

Can you please change the topic title from REQ to IMPL ?


(3 replies, posted in DriverPack Chipset)


I'll do this asap.


this means we have to update sound B, SM\D\4\


the Base log does NOT show integration at all.
your log shows that it saved settings, and then it did cleanup.

an example of what I mean.
2007-10-21 21:09:10 : <GUI>  Closed GUI.
2007-10-21 21:09:10 : <SEL>  Selected module: mod_slip_wxp_x86-32_disc_m2.
2007-10-21 21:09:21 : <PREP> Extracted DriverPack MassStorage to a temporary working directory.
2007-10-21 21:09:32 : <PREP> Removed all attributes from \I386.
2007-10-21 21:09:32 : <PREP> Deleted old DriverPacks.
2007-10-21 21:09:32 : <PREP> Deleted old method 2 related files.

and yours says;
2007-10-18 00:45:33 : <GUI>  Closed GUI.
2007-10-18 00:45:33 : <GUI>  Saved settings!
2007-10-18 00:45:33 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2007-10-18 00:45:33 : Program terminated.