Could you post your DP_BASE.log, please.

In the mean time, one could remove or rename  D\M\L\MegaINTL.INF  from MassStorage, then reintegrate with Chipset/MassStorage utilizing DP_BASE.

"LSI Logic Corporation.      Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology      06/30/2006,4.4.0630.2006"
Quoted from

Although, i note that your RAID HWid is not present including the proper SUBSYS ID in that .Inf file.

After noting that this board came with "Trend Micro PC-cillin 2002 anti-virus software",
I'm sensing a hardware issue.

  Does it pass memtest? (use a non-contact Infrared thermometer to monitor thermals whilst 'memtesting'; anything above 65°C is cause for concern).

Since you are using a 3.4GHz chip, ensure that a quality power supply is used (not light-weight).  Quickly check the condition of the capacitors on the board (especially by the chipset, by the end of the AGP slot to the P/S connector, & beside the CPU), to ensure they are not bulging or leaking.  Power supplies are notorious for hiding blown capacitors, too; (warning High-Voltage inside, potentially even with power off).  It is easiest to replace the power supply with a known-good unit for testing.

  Ensure the CMOS battery is renewed, too.  Ensure that you are using the latest BIOS; do not attempt if you are unfamilliar - you could 'brick' your board!  Don't forget to load the defaults in BIOS afterwards.

Ensure the mobo is free of dust & detritus.  Dust harbors metallic particles, including some that generate static charges spontaneously; it is not your computer's friend, nor yours, really.

Hardware issues can spur weird consequences in software.


(30 replies, posted in DriverPack CPU)

Want to see one of the worst examples of Goggle's "false-positive" censorship?
"Start programming with Python".  Sadly, i'm not kidding. … links.html  sad

Il est criminel!

Read the Terms (of surrender) to review their rights and your responsibilities.
  You should probably resolve this before posting this file again on any service, or you could compound the matter.

Hello & welcome to the forum!

  Could you post your HWid's (linked in signature) and Firmware version? (Ctrl-J for JMircon RAID)
Am also wondering the general results of your "Google"TM search were.  Any help is appreciated.

It would seem that one half of the NEC/Renesas drivers are outdated, the other half are missing, as are the intel USB 3.0 drivers (intel is w7-only; … 033072.htm).
See: … 583#p48583

There's a FrescoLogic driver update here … 087#p49087, a TI's driver update … 006#p49006, & one for VIA arena, as well … 005#p49005.

Is my timing relevant, now that you seem to be climbing out of "proof-of-concept"?

From reading above, wdf01000.sys is called by wdfldr.sys, it's loader.
(from Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework Install-v1.9-Win2k-WinXP-Win2k3.exe; within the Digitally Signed WdfCoInstaller01009.dll)
   Each of which are in turn, Digitally Signed and registered in; for what it's worth.  All are mentioned in the included file update_winxp.inf, which among other things, installs the (Non-PnP?) "Wdf01000" service.

Bear in mind that the framework might check for the presence of a certain file &/or a registry entry, to confirm installation prior to running it's main routines.

Would this, then, ultimately be a four-part, or five-part entry for Fresco & VIA to work?

if it's an executable, can it be loaded as a seperate sys file?  i don't see any other drivers using 2 sys files in the MassStorage_1206.ini; would that be possible?

From the previously mentioned presentation, it might rely upon 3 services; named "wudfsvc", "wudfrd", & "wudfpf"
from "Microsoft Kernel-Mode Driver Framework-v1.9-Win2k-WinXP-Win2K3.exe". … 85%29.aspx & big_smile
links gleaned from

If i recall correctly, an old version of the KMDF was included with Windows Media Player 11 :!:

I must confess, that i too, am confused about what the co-installer truly is.  To clarify:

MSDN wrote:

"The UMDF 1.7 coinstaller (WUDFUpdate_01007.dll) updates wudfhost.exe, wudfplatform.dll, wudfsvc.dll, wudfx.dll and wudfcoinstaller.dll (located at %windir%\system32), wudfpf.sys, wudfrd.sys (located at %windir%\system32\drivers). Currently, each coinstaller has 2 Windows Update packages: 1 for pre-Vista operating systems (e.g. 2000, XP, 2003, etc) and 1 for Vista (RTM, SP1). This happens, because the windows update technology changed in Vista. These 2 packages combined are around 99% of the coinstaller size. The other 1% is just the code for the configuration of the device and is pretty minimal (a few kb only). … llers.aspx

hopefully that helps avoid a multiplicity of files.
wouldn't "WdfCoInstaller01009.dll " be "wdfcoi~1.dll" in 8.3 ?  Could this format too easily confuse other versions of this coinstaller that exist, though?
i don't see any other dll's loaded with MassStorage_1206.ini BTW, could this be '"F6"-only' via txtsetup.oem?

no wonder the .sys executables are so small with those packages.
Perhaps if the framework is already present on the install media, this would all be skookum!  smile

I don't know what this pack ultimately does; yet i'm all for it! lol

a typo, yes; iirc.

From FLxHCIc.inf:


so would the appropriate list be:


ms_1_deviceName="FRESCO USB3 Controller"

ms_2_deviceName="FRESCO USB3 Hub Controller"

does this presentation from MS help?  i found it earlier. … ddc08.pptx
it references a framework needed.  would this be supported in text-mode, or no?

PPS:  Your tags in the MassStorage_1206.ini; are they case sensitive?

a)  Shorter path names make for incrementally better performance, whether processing or accessing; i gather.

b)  Also, would it be better to avoid the file-name changes by specifying the file-names in another manner?

For example (even if ultimately a poor example):


c)  I note Fresco's & ViaArena's dependance upon WdfCoInstaller01009.dll (unlike any of the other packages, FWIW).
      In addition, the Fresco package includes MSVCR100.dll (presumably for FLxHCIm.exe & FLxHCIu.exe).
      I also note that your TXTSETUP.OEM's for these two drivers' <driverkey> naming style differs from the others in your MassStorage Mod in that the <id> doesn't match the <filename> less the extension.

Damnation's ASMedia txtsetup.oem:
disk1="ASMEDIA USB3 Installation Disk",\asmtxhci.inf,\


asmtxhci="ASMEDIA USB3 Controller Driver"
asmthub3="ASMEDIA USB3 HUB Driver"





Damnation's TI txtsetup.oem:
disk1="TEXAS USB3 Installation Disk",\tixhci.inf,\


tixhci="TEXAS USB3 Controller Driver"
tihub3="TEXAS USB3 HUB Driver"





Damnation's Fresco txtsetup.oem:
disk1="FRESCO USB3 Installation Disk",\FLxhcic.inf,\  <--  differing case, use FLxHCIc?


FRESCOxhci="FRESCO USB3 Controller Driver"





Damnation's VIA-Arena txtsetup.oem:
disk1="VIA USB3 Installation Disk",\xhcdrv.inf,\


VIAxhci="VIA USB3 Controller Driver"
ViaHub3="VIA USB3 HUB Driver"





Ah, the service name in the Fresco .Inf is "FLxHCIc" & the VIA-Arena service name is "xhcdrv" from it's respective .Inf.

PS:  IIRC, a 2-port card was $100 from TI.

Quote from EtronXHCI.INF:
"%Etron_STOR.DeviceDesc%=EtronSTOR,ENUSB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_50 ; Etron USB Mass Storage Device
%Etron_UASP.DeviceDesc%=EtronSTOR, ENUSB\Class_08&SubClass_06&Prot_62"

I wonder if being more specific would improve the odds of success.
etron driver v0.112 could be another driver as next-resort, perhaps; as it lacks EtronSTOR.SYS.

what version etron/fresco?  My apology; no time to DL now.


(15 replies, posted in Hardware)

using latest FW on SSD's?  Manufacturer's tools run on the drive at issue with a known-good mobo?  G parted for partitioning?
  One might wonder what controller-chip it is using & logo upon
(void any warranty at your own risk only, not for the "un-inclined", nor the "test-pilot"!).
There exists extensive unofficial chip-specific support for many drives available free after googling the chip #. neutral

Legacy USB 2.0 slots may introduce power-restrictions to the drive used, BTW.  yikes
There's a worthy line of questioning; "what are the power-requirements of the SSD's that are not functioning properly?
How does that compare with the specs for this case, & can a wall-wart be implemented, if applicable?


(15 replies, posted in Hardware)

I would to assume that the number & QR code (if applicable) upon the sticker on the controller chip are not associated with the chip itself, relating to production instead.

I have been thus-far unable to glean from the 'net the particular chip used in this model.

I see the logic in retaining any warranty.  How long until it runs out?  lol
Can you confirm anyone else with this issue?  Maybe you do want to take advantage of that warranty sooner.

I take it that your communications with the OEM on this matter haven't been thus-far fruitful?

Ah, i see that the ATAPI driver has your HWid.  So, it's down to the signing that may only work with Vista64.  You may find that signing is OK on a vanilla W7 pre-SP1 install (or not, yet i don't know if that may help).
I gather that the intermediate CA certificate didn't help?

  For some "outside-of-the-box" thinking, here's hoping that the following may be an example.

  The IT8211 ATAPI(IDE) driver seems to work on IT8212 RAID "hardware".  The RAID driver may satisfy code-signing requirements of the executable (the .sys file), despite it not having an embedded signature, nor a signed .inf file as long as no other driver exists on a clean installation that Windows would weigh as "better".  Why not try the RAID driver with a modified .inf, only containing your HWid?  It was signed by "Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher" using 2048bit encryption.

  Does this agree with the designated order you mentioned previously elsewhere in this forum, mr_smartepants?

; INF file of IT8212 ATA RAID controller for Windows 64-bit
; Copyright (c) 2004-2010 ITE Tech. Inc. All rights reserved
; modified as a test to solve a problem with certification on IT8211, without supporting RAID

Signature="$Windows NT$"

DefaultDestDir = 12             ; DIRID_DRIVERS (this is IOSubsys on
                                ; Win95, and System32\Drivers on NT)

; Driver information

%ITE%   = ITE.Mfg, Ntamd64, Ntia64

%ITE.DeviceDesc0% = iteraid, PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_82111283	; 8211/DX

%ITE.DeviceDesc0% = iteraid, PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_82111283	; 8211/DX

%ITE.DeviceDesc0% = iteraid, PCI\VEN_1283&DEV_8211&SUBSYS_82111283	; 8211/DX

; General installation section



; File sections


; Service Installation

AddService = iteraid, 0x00000002 , iteraid_Service_Inst, iteraid_EventLog_Inst

DisplayName    = %iteraid.SvcDesc%
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 0                  ; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
LoadOrderGroup = SCSI Miniport
ServiceBinary  = %12%\iteraid.sys
AddReg         = pnpsafe_pci_addreg

AddReg = iteraid_EventLog_AddReg


HKR, "Parameters\PnpInterface", "5", 0x00010001, 0x00000001

; Source file information

1 = %InstallDisk%,,,""

iteraid.sys = 1,,

ITE.DeviceDesc0 = "ITE IT8212 ATA RAID Controller"
InstallDisk = "ITE IT8212 ATA RAID Controller Driver Diskette"
ITE = "ITE Tech. Inc."

  Even if this does work, don't expect RAID configuration from boot
   (or even functional RAID - trying RAID could be messy, the silicon might simply not exist to support it, the RAID BIOS is definitely lacking from your mobo's BIOS).
One other way this idea may break, is if the drive need be configured as JBOD prior to use.  The 'crazy' .inf file may be another.  The embedded HWid in silicon may be yet another, as the chip-maker likely had a forward eye to make this very idea impossible.

How forward-thinking was the naming of this topic, started by predator2003?

  If anybody can expand upon this or other ideas to solve this issue with IT8211 controllers,
please join the forum and reply.  Otherwise, i would simply recommend that this driver be in the Vista-Only folder in the x64 pack, if it is not already.

The Register published:

"Users told: get rid of Internet Explorer (again)
It’s more like an exploit than a browser

   By Richard Chirgwin" … _zero_day/

"Microsoft offers workarounds for IE bug
English-only, partially-supported Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit the fix

   By Simon Sharwood, APAC Editor" … or_ie_bug/

"Google to axe IE 8 support, cuts off Windows XP lifeline
Waves goodbye to old Microsoft browser on 15 November

   By Team Register" … by_google/

I would assume that Mozilla would, too; what do you think?

the link to the HWid's tool is in either my signature, OverFlow's or mr_smartepants'.
HWid example (above): … 764#p46764

That driver you referenced from ITE (v1.3.4.2) is here -->
Just noting that for the future.

sleepydog wrote:

"I'm not so worried, if my theory is correct, the sys file is correctly signed and checked, so my system should be fine, would you agree?"

No? No & not really.  The embedded signature (signed by Verisign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA) uses 1024bit for encryption & is out of date.  This means that it, as a kernel-mode driver, cannot be utilized unless driver-signing is turned off, or properly signed.
I was hoping that all one would have to do is install the new intermediate certificate, yet i am probably wrong.


(15 replies, posted in Hardware)

Better yet, let us see if we can discover the why of it.

Can you read the numbers off of the main controller chip & identify the logo
(all under the sticker - if applicable),  that is without voiding your warranty?

  It will be easier to remove warm (unplug first).  Isopropyl alcohol is good to remove the goo underneath.  It is flammable, though (anti-static precautions in effect).  Not trying to be condescending, just trying to relay details responsibly.

(/off_topic:  I think Mr. T is currently the last person to have used the word "condescending" in a commercial - WoW)

A new firmware was made September 4th. … D=ZM-VE300  big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Hardware)

...updated by the Zalman ZM-VE300 --> … page5.html  big_smile

Even the driver for Vista_x64 from Windows Update Catalog didn't work on your board?

  Wouldn't one solution be to virtualize your OS?

  I note that the 'sys file has an embedded digital signature.
  It has a certificate (expired in 2010) signed using 1024bit (obsolete) by "Verisign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA", a legacy CA. … d-p/331895

I wonder if the new Windows Updates in October requiring stronger certificates will effect any legacy drivers.

'el Reg' wrote:

"Microsoft: 'Update your security certs this month – or else'
October update to block sites using weak crypto

By Neil McAllister in San Francisco" … _advisory/

You do realize the implications of turning off signing on a live system; perhaps akin to driving the highway on a moonless night during a power-outage with no headlights & a cracked windshield at 40 below and no heater?  Firefox doesn't trust that legacy CA, either.

"Certificate Used to Code-Sign Malware Was Expired" … as-expired

  Surely there is a better way, at least post-install. … ?support=1

1) "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5"
       & "VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA"

     for certificates issued after Oct 2010 … ;id=AR1739  hmm
2) "VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA"
     "Intermediate CA for Code Signing certificates enrolled between May 17, 2009 and October 10, 2010"
     extends support to 2019. … ;id=AR1516
3) "Verisign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA"
       "Intermediate CA for Code Signing certificates enrolled before May 17, 2009"
      presumably extending support until July 2014.
This is likely the certificate you would need (now using 2048bit). … ;id=AR1515  smile

Edit:  found the Cross-Certificates through MS, though they are likely not relevant to your situation (not that the intermediate certificates are either, yet it did seem a step in the right direction).
here --> … e/gg487315

Along with any reply, would you please post your HWid's?

Etron Technology Inc. USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller (EJ168, EJ188, or EJ198)

updated to DriverVer = 07/20/2012,1.00.0000.0115 WHQL'ed for Vista, w7 & w8 (x86 & x64)
here --> … sb3_w8.exe  big_smile

Etron Technology Inc. USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller (EJ168, EJ188, or EJ198)

updated to DriverVer = 07/20/2012,1.00.0000.0115 WHQL'ed for XP (x86 & x64)
here --> … sb3_w8.exe  big_smile

just some 'satellite debris', i picked up on.....

... concerning the Systems Center 2012 beta release … _beta_sp1/

... & the upcoming Windows To Go devices.

The Register wrote:

"Microsoft preparing for diskless Windows 8 PCs
But Windows RT can't be installed wirelessly

By Simon Sharwood … l_options/ … usb-drive/ … -USB-Drive
Edit:  Note that MS apparently started driving the new standard due to thermal issues with standard thumbdrives!

... I note that embedded drivers were available for Win XP for similar support, of a kind.  hmm

... Raspberry Pi support not included (excepting RT?). … rcomputer/  yikes

here -->  big_smile

There exist a variety of ASIX USB-to-ethernet dongles, including Gigabit dongles supporting USB 3.0.

  If there is any interest in adding them to the LAN DriverPack, they exist on ASIX's site here.   big_smile

Post a request, or add to this topic to have a driver added to the official packs, subject to admin. approval.