you post the HWID for sataRAID driver, and the link to the driver is a NON-raid driver.
(; This INF file installs the Silicon Image Serial ATA non-Raid driver for the)
The driver we have for the RAID is located in D\M\S5.
In the testpack I have uploaded this month there are no Bios variants mentioned for this Raid-driver.
(Link killed) DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_803RC3.7z
This testpack has the following changes when we compare to released mass storage driver pack.
[N-TM] loads after other Nvidia
[N-TM] contains two extra abit HWIDs
INI Fixes by Overflow for server and windows 2000.
INI fix for Symmpi for XP.
INI fix for [N-6] by OverFlow
S8A, Silicon removed
V3, Via updated
Silicon sections now in THREE blocks so that a user can easily move these around or remove these from INI.
Silicon image load order changed
first softraid, then raid, then base-ide
It does not yet fix AHCI. (an intel driver, we will probably roll back to an older version with same HWIDs.)
Because there are quite a few changes in INIyou should NOT re-stream an old source.
Use a fresh copy of a source you have not yet used DriverPacks on.
Make another copy of that to fall back to..
Now, if this testpack does not work, I will ask you do the following.
Unpack this testfile.
Open the mass storage.INI, and move section [s5] under all other.
Close, and save changes.
Then recompress. (select INI and D, rightclick to run 7zip.)
7z, ultra, lzma, 256wordLength, compact.
Use the changed file to stream a new copy.
And if THAT works, I will want to know.
I would also like to know what the DEFAULT setting in the chip's BIOS is.
I've always assumed RAID is the most used default, but in LAPTOPS we see that the chip was set to IDE-mode.
Users can move the sections (and delete them..)
We know that the driver we put last in INI loads last, and for some reason windows setup sometimes decides that this one is the best match..
(despite specific HWIDS..)
So, we have to make people aware that the mass storage DriverPacks IN can be edited to change load order.
We do have FAQ about trimming mass storage..
If you are in a real hurry, you CAN unpack the mass storage DriverPacks, and tell windows to use the driver in D\M\S5.
I would like it VERY much that you test the pack I link to, and if you have to change load order to make it work so be it, but you would learn something, and we will learn something as well.
Please help us help you.
Your first post was thought out and helpful.