You should know team members and testers have looked at so many different things they tend to forget what the "old" releases looked like. smile
I often forget that too, but remembered this difference because I recently compared what the old base and the new one did to a source.
( I used to manually add the two lines to winnt.sif and keep a copy of an unslipstreamed source handy.. However, pretty soon you'll find the lines in a source that had no winnt.sif or one that did not have those lines. That's called progress, eh? )

Anyway, You still had your marbles. smile


the DPsBase testbuild we are testing inserts the two lines, but Base 7.05.2 does not.

You can find a working testbuild on the news page.

welcome to DriverPacks.

a method 1 should not be asking for setuporg.exe.

Wich DPsBase version do you currently use?

Welcome to DriverPacks.
Please just turn the download accelerator OFF.

for Sil 3112R  RAID we currently have 02/01/2007, in the testpack.

for Silicon 3112 IDE compatibility mode we have 04/13/2007,

If you have a series of these machines, you have to put the raid below the IDE, or remove the IDE section [s4].
I will get to WU and update the [S5] driver.

note to team
BR\bcmwl5.inf has a generic claiming this driver.
The specific is not in DriverPacks.

so, it looks like we have to add a driver.

you post the HWID for sataRAID driver, and the link to the driver is a NON-raid driver.
(; This INF file installs the Silicon Image Serial ATA non-Raid driver for the)

The driver we have for the RAID is located in D\M\S5.
In the testpack I have uploaded this month there are no Bios variants mentioned for this Raid-driver.

(Link killed) DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_803RC3.7z
This testpack has the following changes when we compare to released mass storage driver pack.

[N-TM] loads after other Nvidia
[N-TM] contains two extra abit HWIDs
INI Fixes by Overflow for server and windows 2000.
INI fix for Symmpi for XP.
INI fix for [N-6] by OverFlow

S8A,  Silicon removed
V3, Via updated

Silicon sections now in THREE blocks so that a user can easily move these around or remove these from INI.
Silicon image load order changed
first softraid, then raid, then base-ide

It does not yet fix AHCI. (an intel driver, we will probably roll back to an older version with same HWIDs.)
Because there are quite a few changes in INIyou should NOT re-stream an old source.
Use a fresh copy of a source you have not yet used DriverPacks on.
Make another copy of that to fall back to..

Now, if this testpack does not work, I will ask you do the following.
Unpack this testfile.

Open the mass storage.INI, and move section [s5] under all other.
Close, and save changes.
Then recompress. (select INI and D, rightclick to run 7zip.)
7z, ultra, lzma, 256wordLength, compact.
Use the changed file to stream a new copy.

And if THAT works, I will want to know.

I would also like to know what the DEFAULT setting in the chip's BIOS is.
I've always assumed RAID is the most used default, but in LAPTOPS we see that the chip was set to IDE-mode.

Users can move the sections (and delete them..)
We know that the driver we put last in INI loads last, and for some reason windows setup sometimes decides that this one is the best match..
(despite specific HWIDS..)
So, we have to make people aware that the mass storage DriverPacks IN can be edited to change load order.

We do have FAQ about trimming  mass storage..

If you are in a real hurry, you CAN unpack the mass storage DriverPacks, and tell windows to use the driver in D\M\S5.

I would like it VERY much that you test the pack I link to, and if you have to change load order to make it work so be it, but you would learn something, and we will learn something as well.
Please help us help you.
Your first post was thought out and helpful.

Hi, welcome to DriverPacks.

That is quite interesting.
I will look at the mass storage pack and see what I put in there.
I will also look at windows update site, because I think these WU drivers will work regardless of which BIOS that thing uses. If we can reduce the number of drivers for silicon, I would.

I may ask you to test a mass storage testpack with the changes in it, and hope you will when I make it available.
Thanks for the help.

When you reply in another topic, please hit the subscribe link. (or bookmark it.. hit the link is easier..)
This board does not automatically subscribe you and you cannot change the default. sad

OH, Helmi.
Jeff wants me to try something in M2.

I was asked to write something into M2 so it uses the INFs for chipset early on.

I had a quite fast DVD reader.. and I timed M1 and M2.
I noticed that T39 started with only a minute or so difference (with main packs.)
T39 starts after decompressing.
With third party present, (19 7zips) the M2 setup took a lot longer to decompress.
With third party present, (19 packs cabbed) M1 setup takes a lot longer to copy.
But, end result was only about two minutes difference before windows was ready to use.

With a SLOW DVD and a fast CPU, M1 would take a LOT longer. Copy of contiguous large files is faster than copy of thousands of small files.

My initial tests were with M1 and main packs and a path under 4096. smile
M1 with all main and all third party is a very good driver CD.. and setup copies those it cannot tell windows where they are (they are beyond the path limitation) as well.

M2 plus OverFlow/warmsnow could become the preferred solution.


(24 replies, posted in 3rd Party DriverPacks)

Hi Erik,
Long time ago I promised I would put the modem pack though the filtering process, because modem drivers can mess up sound driver install.
I have not forgotten that promise.

Hi jig saw, welcome to DriverPacks.

When the next mass storage comes out (which will be Mass storage 804), and you do a RIS, look for SYMMPI.SYS as well.

For XP

HUH... you say you did not select soundpacks?

Does that original OEM CD have a i386\SVCPACK folder?
It will have i386\svcpack.in_  and you could expand that, then look at it with notepad, and when you use save as, it will show what coding it currently has. If it is UNICODE, it explains the problem.

then, look at i386\svcpack.in_  in the slipstreamed source (or on the DVD you burned) and expand that.. then open the expanded svcpack.INF  in notepad.
If it reads garbage, it means the file dpsbase worked on was in unicode.

now, if the original OEM was ANSI, and the burned DVD reads garbage... some program made the file unicode before base ran.

That file should be readable and must mention 888111 for the soundpacks to work.

dado023 wrote:

tnx for that extra info,

(btw: why does KTD process takes so long?)

if there are interested newbies i can make very simple tutorial how to integrate .NET FRAMEWORK(1.1+2+3+3.5)

KTD leaves the decompressed drivers in a windows\drivers subfolder and tells windows where those drivers are located.

I don't mind learning how to integrate some stuff without using Nlite or RVM.
Shoot. I am all ears.

I merged the previous posts.
it is a 888111 issue, so we want the dpBase log

this issue can exist with vanilla dutch, and sp1 dutch sources.
Slipstreamed to sp2, they still have svcpack.in_ which does not convert well.

SP2 dutch, and all english versions, have no issue. The svcpack.in_ in SP2 Dutch lists a few hotfixes, and the file converts well during DriverPacks streaming. (SP2 English lists a few hotfixes too... FAIK, prior to Sp2, there were no real hotfix entries in svcpack.)

Just suppose you are working with a source that was once Dutch vanilla, you can pput a good one from an English in the source, or you unpack it, convert it yourself (This can be done with notepad, actually. When you save as, look at "codering" ), then makecab it, and save a copy for later use in a goodansi folder, for instance.

For one reason or another, the uni2ansi tool in DriverPacks does not always process the file
(unproven theory.. but FAIK, it happens when a WINNT.SIF is present in the source.)

I have also seen that when the file had already been processed by me, or by Ryan's integrator, then there is no issue no more..
just my 2 cents..

Well, RVM once had an advanced option to convert to ansi, and I did that.
I then saw betas which set convert to ansi as default.
It could be that RVM in its current release does not do that by default, and I believe the advanced selection screen for this is gone.

I'll download the latest version.
since you use RVM, and it does not work.. You may have to use notepad to fix the svcpack.in_ file.

It looks like this can be made to install drivers from the DVD if one uses the CDDRIVE oem path.

Can you link to drivers for those machines?

Dell 745?
and the other is?

note to Jeff; sound B; sigmatel in Z2 had two "super generic" and I disabled them.
Then, for each specific line it also had a generic. I disabled generic 7690.

test version Sound A … 042test.7z

test version Sound B … 042test.7z

S_B\S\SM\H\3\smwdmCH4.inf pci\ven_8086&dev_24C5&subsys_0890103C

There is an excell worksheet on FTP.
By the way, the latest testpack should prevent S_A\S\R1\alxau.inf from taking this HWID

I hope we never have to run a ballot on which setting the driver must default to.

I think we either live with an interrupted unnattended, or drop that driver.
Or we hope the user has an easy way to change setting after default was 'pre-set. .
(I don't know if it is easy to change setting after it was pre-set.)

I think one of the guru can pre-set but don't know how that will work out.
Ballot? Flame wars? I just don't know.

We are working on a much better DpsBase which will clean up older DriverPacks slipstreams a LOT better.

For the time being, when DriverPacks releases a new mass storage pack, you have NO idea what the internal [INI] changes do when you run DpsBase with that new pack over a USED source. You read the tutorial and saw that? Good. When that newer base prevents such mistakes; the pandora tutorial will be rewritten.

For the time being: You can update a previously streamed source when you do not use a new mass storage pack version (because that is most likely to have killer changes on a few drivers in its INI).

Do you realise most people do not even think about monitor settings, let alone that it can have a driver?
Most non-recognised are set to standard 'PnP' monitor.

There is an awful lot of CRT screens I never saw the driver for color management/optimal screen refresh rate set.
The ICM or INF file would have made use of the screen more pleasanst on the eye.

Drivers for  monitors. They are essential in my point of view. The downside is that they are hard to find.
Info is at the back of a crt. The driver can be called BA127 for brand AEXsuperscreen17x (both fictitional).
Links to working monitor drivers and all monitors it supports would be bookmarked by me. Believe me.

Wide screen brought other issues.
I set up a puter on a LCD, and when they come home they connect to their thing... AWWW.. I get a call.

WE have a WAR.
We can't stand missing drivers...

And MY hat is OFF to Jeff.
He made our latest beta Base test for "user" error.
He will make Base test for "user mass txt storage edits" error..
He will Base test for "user" folder mess up error.
MY hat's off to jeff.
(because it works.)

But, we will have to drop drivers in our current methods because they simply won't co-exist.
I believe that the permutations will prohibit us from writing solutions we can update each time new updates/permutations they bring are discovered..

I don't like missing drivers.
Today I spent 9 hours on sound DriverPacks.
six hours on live tests while I was doing other fixes.. Four rewrites For Dupes, across Three drivers.. Not al lot of permutations.. 12 VMware tests.. and four live tests in two machines.

erm. That's a lot of time for one  testpack.