But this version doesn't appeard yet, right ...
It just has
Time to update your translation already: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1116
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DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by Wim Leers
But this version doesn't appeard yet, right ...
It just has
Time to update your translation already: http://forum.driverpacks.net/viewtopic.php?id=1116
Don't worry, it's just *one* entry!
I've now added the ability to translate the word "Translations" on the about page of the DriverPacks BASE. Just open the DriverPacks BASE with your current translations and it will automatically show which entry must be added.
Submit your translations via the bugtracker, as usual, and I will include them in version 7.01.1.
Great! It's included in the 7.01 DriverPacks BASE!
Just checking - nothing related to the issue mentioned here is it?
Sorry for the inconvenience!
The notepad-opening issue has been reported before, but due to its vagueness, it's still unresolved. The problem with DSPdsblr.exe not getting deleted is also very strange... Are you using method one or two?
Submitted to the bugtracker: http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=298, and solved!
After an unattended install, the "D" folder with all the drivers still exists (I think a bug fix listed for 6.12 was that this folder gets deleted?) Also a red error briefly flashes before the DP finisher finishes during RunOnceEX, but it was too quick to notice the text.
I set for method 2, no KTD, no stream cache.
I would like to post both my hwids.txt and DPsFnshr.log in code form but I get an error in this forum saying "posts cannot be longer that 65535 characters (64KB)."
Can't you post your DPsFnshr.log here? Is it LARGER than 64 KB?
I really need that logfile to find the cause. Please submit an issue at the bugtracker and upload the file there. There's a much larger limit at the bugtracker, so that really should work.
Submitted to the bugtracker: http://bugtracker.driverpacks.net/view.php?id=297 and solved!
Solved now!
In your logfile you can see all of your exceptions were disabled because none of the DriverPack directories were found. In other words, you haven't slipstreamed any DriverPacks... or at least they're not available anymore when the Finisher is ran.
This causes the $exceptions array to not exist, while it actually should exist. The code is there, but it was at the wrong place. I will be testing this now.
EDIT: verified working.
No it does not...
I am using the Dutch updatepack by MEULC: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.p … 9d0bff8711When I check the contents of his updatepack, I cannot find a file named RVMUPPCK either. I do find MEULCPCK.IN_
Could that be it?
Then that's the cause. MeulC always kept on using "RVMUPPCK.IN_", so he must have decided to change that in his most recent release.
Will be fixed in the next update.
@theSLug: thanks for the logfile, looking at it right now.
i'm registered there !!! Really
Ok, you've now got updater permissions. Now you should create a new issue, entitle it "Romanian translation added" (every time you will update it in the future, entitle it "Romanian translation updated"), assign it to yourself, mark it as resolved and set the field "solved in version" to the next version, which is in this case 7.01.
Thanks for the translation!
Sorry I wasn't that clear, I slipstreamed Ryan's Update Pack NL, KB883667 NL and DirectX december Sereby's Update.
Huh? Then RyanVM's UpdatePack should definitely have been detected! Can you verify that the file I386/RVMUPPCK.IN_ exists?
Please register at the bugtracker, I'll grant you 'updater rights' and then your work will be listed in the changelog!
I still need a work-around, can I do it another way?
Download an older version of the BASE program which had these scripts included seperatly?
You could use DriverPacks BASE 6.10 temporarily.
It is assumed that this hotfix is slipstreamed by the DriverPacks BASE unless a file is detected that identifies an UpdatePack, i.e. RyanVM's, Sereby's, hp38gusers's or the Russian (don't remember the creator, it was something like "PetyaV4Sechkin").
As a work-around you could create a RVMUPPCK.INF file in your I386 directory.
So how did you slipstream all these updates WITHOUT an UpdatePack?
Please all post your DPsFnshr.log, so we can trace where the cause lies!
Moved to DriverPack LAN forum.
Thanks for the bugreport. Please submit this bug to the bugtracker!
3. I see you are including two MS hotfixes along with Bst-base(KB888111 & KB921401). Both of them are already there in the latest RVMUpdatePack-Ver-2.1.5a (Dec-17,2006). When using RVM Integrator-1.4.2, and then slipstreaming BST-Pack, is there any clash due to this duplication? Pls Clarify?
You must slipstream the DriverPacks AFTER you've slipstreamed an UpdatePack. If an UpdatePack is detected, the DriverPacks BASE won't slipstream any hotfixes.
I have a question regarding
(a) Suppose first i remove all the (printer + scanner + modem ) drivers from the driver/sp2.cab in the xp-sp2-source. ( I am using Removal addons from ENu_User with RVM Integrator).
(b) Then I slipstream all the BST-3rdpartydriverpacks for (printer, scanner, modem).
The resulting source at the end, whether it will be uptodate? w.r.to the printer/scanner drivers i mean.
Or will it be missing any vital drivers?
I cannot speak for this, since I didn't make those DriverPacks: they're unofficial!
Finally, an update for the DriverPacks BASE! We're now at version 6.12. Several minor improvements and bugfixes were submitted by ruudboek for the DriverPacks Finisher, which should thanks to him now be virtually bugfree!
You can find the changelog at the bugtracker.
Unfortunately there's some bad news too: it seems a flaw has managed to get into the previous version of the DriverPacks BASE, which causes the automatic updater to fail. The consequence is that you'll have to download & install this new version manually, you won't have to do this next time.
P.S.: if somebody is interested in being an active developer for the DriverPacks BASE, contact me (admin [at] driverpacks [dot] net). So far nobody has even started adding/improving things, at least afaik. Only ruudboek has, and that's the Finisher, not the BASE. As soon as I can find at least one relatively active contributor for the BASE, everything will become truly open source (as in: everything accessible for everybody), the reason for this is to guarantee quality, as explained in the open sourcing announcement.
Bâshrat the Sneaky wrote:SBacklin wrote:Is there a way to just install the graphics card driver(s) without the CCC or CCP?
Currently that's not an option available from the GUI. You have 2 options to accomplish this:
1) extract DriverPack Graphics A, delete ATICCC.exe and ATICCP.exe from the D\G\A\1 directory and then 7-zip everything again
2) remove the relevant sections from the DPsFnshr.ini fileCan you possibly point out which sections of the DPsFnshr.ini file to remove?
The ones that have
in their section names.
Is there a way to just install the graphics card driver(s) without the CCC or CCP?
Currently that's not an option available from the GUI. You have 2 options to accomplish this:
1) extract DriverPack Graphics A, delete ATICCC.exe and ATICCP.exe from the D\G\A\1 directory and then 7-zip everything again
2) remove the relevant sections from the DPsFnshr.ini file
DriverPacks.net Forum » Posts by Wim Leers
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