Topic: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

Is there any way to add a progress bar during extraction of the DriverPacks?  It would be useful to know where the install is in terms of which DP it is extracting........

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Last edited by dougiefresh (2006-12-17 23:53:10)

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

We're currently testing a GUI progress bar for the extraction, so once it's working perfectly (there were some monor last mintue issues), I'm sure it will become a part of the official pack.

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

Is this progress bar will be in 7-zip ?  Because ive already added progress bar and its working great but each driverpack is extracted with separate progress bar.

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

grzesiek wrote:

Is this progress bar will be in 7-zip ?  Because ive already added progress bar and its working great but each driverpack is extracted with separate progress bar.

Yes, that is exactly how it is working now, showing the progress of the extration/transfer of each DP to the HDD.

According to Bâshrat the Sneaky, it will be made official in 7.02.

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

it wouldnt be hard to create a litle VB4 or vb5 (lets keep it safe, so old compatible)...
dialog that  looks for  all  *_driverpack.exe  in %SourceLocation%  and list them and thair size...  and an overall progress bar... -  there are realy good API's avail for 7zip .... but than again - is it worth it...

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Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

If possible, please add a progress bar and maybe a logo but with no texts because it's not fine to see english text in non-english windows setups smile

It makes driverpacks less integrated wink


Last edited by provolino (2007-01-27 10:26:36)

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

Progress bar is done, it looks like this (using a modified screen), or like that if you're using 'standard'  XP blue screen. Sorry, but there's text ... and no logo.

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

understood smile

if you want i can translate text to my language (italian) wink

Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

quick reply ist only SO VERY D*mn easy to add text or a logo to the dp stuff,  - because the creation of these progress bars is dont with  7z.sfx files,   translating them is as simple as,  using resourcehacker to 'change' the text (or image),  adding those *few* extra  language things would hardly take mutch space,

what i wonder though, (has anyone ever tried??? ) *  - is what happens if you just  put a whole bunch of langauge codes,   - wouldn't windows autmaticaly select its own langID if avail,

*afaik it should work, *

Last edited by -I- (2007-02-28 22:37:08)

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Re: [IMPLEMENTED] How about a progress bar during extraction?

Implemented since a while in the dev versions, and confirmed working. Will be available for everybody in the next public release. See issue #341 for details.

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