Topic: Slipstreaming into WinPE3

I've read the tutorials and I'm at a bit of a loss as to the best way to integrate the networking driver packs into winPE3. I have the winPE_x86.wim mounted, but since it's not based on Win XP there is no i386 folder. I've tried making a stand alone drivers folder using methiod 1, and then running

"dism /image:c:\winpe_x86\mount /add-driver"%mypath%x64\Win7\L" /recurse"

But this fails out every time.

Has anyone sucessfully used the driverpack with winPE3?

Re: Slipstreaming into WinPE3

adamcybulski wrote:

"dism /image:c:\winpe_x86\mount /add-driver"%mypath%x64\Win7\L" /recurse"

But this fails out every time.

Your command is incomplete.  It should be:
DISM /image:"c:\winpe_x86\mount" /Add-Driver /driver:"%mypath%x64\Win7\L" /recurse

Also, make sure the variable %mypath% is defined.

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