Thank you for expressing an interest in these drivers, however; I do not fully understand your request. Can you provide some details concerning this hardware & windows drivers available? What is it & how is it relevant to Qualcomm/Atheros USB WiFi Adapters? Are there 'bugs' in the implementation that i should be aware of?
Bear in mind that i'm not a "reverse-engineer", nor do i write drivers, that is Qualcomm/Atheros' bailiwick. I wouldn't dream of 'hacking' such drivers, as decompiling may violate their (or this forum's) Terms of Use, or even FCC/CRTC regulations (especially if modifications had unintended side-effects, including yet not limited to electromagnetic interference, 'magic smoke', etc). Trade embargos need to be respected as well. However; if some Advanced options could be added (to the Inf file only) without violating these principals, I am willing to entertain the thought (as long as the latest Sys file actually supports them & you are willing to be the 'Guinea Pig'). Speaking of Guinea Pigs, would you happen to have an Xbox WiFi adaptor kicking around? … 621#p46621 
For stability & security reasons, the Sys files need to remain unmodified, as well as to preserve WHQL status. We (it's akward saying 'we' as i'm not even qualified to call myself a troll compared to OverFlow or mr_smartepants, et al) make it a deliberate point to maintain the drivers in these packs in an unmodified form, and to require that they originate directly from either a chip-maker, OEM, or VAR. Studies have shown that this has prevented premature male-pattern baldness in IT departments world-wide (in other words, preventing IT guys from pulling their hair out because someone accidentally uploaded a viral driver or included a Certificate that allowed elevated privileges where it ought not. ie: Realtek or Promise). 
I understand the sense of frustration when an Value-Added Reseller or OEM discontinues support for one product to sell an 'improved' model. Sometimes this occurs due to issues in hardware. Other times this can indicate the need to deal with companies that support their customers, rather than expressing a desire to support their customer's wallets. If enough users of the product you reference are unhappy & politely (yet firmly) voice your concerns to the company in question, change can and sometimes does indeed occur.
If you have used one of the XP drivers on this page, please share your critique of them.
If it is Vista or 7 that you are using, please look to this page and share your opinion there: … 910#p46910 
Last edited by TechDud (2012-01-07 20:39:13)