Re: Vista-Tool 2.0 beta 3
any chance someone could send beta 3 for me,
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any chance someone could send beta 3 for me,
Vista-tool has been abandoned.
Instead, try the other tools we have stickied.
A new tool is GDISM, written in Java and portable.
Vista-tool has been abandoned.
Instead, try the other tools we have stickied.
A new tool is GDISM, written in Java and portable.
I know this has been abandoned but does anyone have a link to this tool? I just need it to slipstream boot.wim drivers for Vista and I can't get Gdism to work. It installs but when I try to run it, get this program had to close error. I have I lost my Hard Drive that had a copy of Vista Tool 2 Beta 3
Uploaded to mediafire and updated first post with link.
Hope it works for you.
Uploaded to mediafire and updated first post with link.
Hope it works for you.
Thanks so much, mr_smartepants. Now not sure in thinking back if this tool will work on the boot.wim, I am using peimage.exe to do the drivers now and you have to do them one by one or type out this crazy long cmd because with that program, paths have to exact and in Mass Storage Pack, there are a ton of folder structures or trees.
I kinda tricked the Vista Tool and changed the name of the boot.wim to install.wim and it worked but out of the folder All for Mass Storage, it only slipstreamed 13 drivers. It's 90 plus drivers in the folder and I know some are Win7 but figured it would be more than 13 for Vista? Does this sound right, mr_smartepants?
Last edited by laddanator (2012-09-28 23:33:25)
I can't remember. It's been so long since I've done a Vista image.
To make it easy for myself, I think I just put all the mass storage drivers in a folder named "$WinPEDriver$" at the root of the .iso.
I can't remember. It's been so long since I've done a Vista image.
To make it easy for myself, I think I just put all the mass storage drivers in a folder named "$WinPEDriver$" at the root of the .iso.
In am using USB so not sure how to incorporate the $WinPEDriver$. I will play around with it some. I got the drivers slipstreamed into the boot.wim and I don't update the boot wim much until one of my techs mention that on the install phase, no hard drive would show up because of a missing driver. I haven't update Vista boot.wim in a year or more til this HP came in and on reload, the hard drive wouldn't show up so I slipstreamed the new mass storage pack using peimage and all is well again but what a slow way to do so
I installed WAIK 1.0 in a Vista machine with PEIMAGE in the tools folder (newer WAIK doesn't have the peimage.exe) and copied the whole WAIK folder to Windows 7 NT6x Hard Drive and made this little quick script
@echo off
color 9F
Title Vista Boot.wim Slipstrem Driver CMD
echo Mounting Boot.wim 2
rem Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%~dp0BootWim\BOOT.WIM /index:2 /MountDir:%~dp0Mount
echo Adding Drivers To Boot.wim 2
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\AMD\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\AMD\4\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\ARECA\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\ASmedia\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Highpoint\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Intel\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Intel\3\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Intel\4\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Intel\5\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\ITE\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Jmicron\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\3\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\5\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\6\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\LSI\9\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Marvell\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Marvell\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Nvidia\3\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\Nvidia\4\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\1\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\1\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\2\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\2\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\2\3\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\3\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\3\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\4\1\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\4\2\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\SiliconImage\5\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\VIA\*inf %~dp0Mount
%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe /inf=%~dp0BootDrivers\VMware\*inf %~dp0Mount
echo Unmounting Boot.wim 2
Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%~dp0Mount /commit
echo Boot Driver Integration Complete
The Vista Tool will mount the boot.wim if you change the boot.wim to install.wim and will say that the drivers slipstream but after remounting the boot.wim to check, no drivers really slipstream so peimage.exe is the only way I know of to slipstream drivers to Vista Boot.wim. You can see why I was hoping for a tool to do this. Each driver path has to be absolute. No /recurse commands like DISM to use to make peimage.exe scan all subfolders.
Last edited by laddanator (2012-09-30 01:42:07)
Why not do all that in a "for" loop?
@ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::blah blah blah...
SET "PEIMG=%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe"
SET "DRIVERS=%~dp0BootDrivers"
FOR /F %%I IN ('dir /b /s "%DRIVERS%\*.inf"') DO (
ECHO Integrating %%I
%PEIMG% /inf=%%I %~dp0Mount
::blah blah blah...
Why not do all that in a "for" loop?
@ECHO off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::blah blah blah... SET "PEIMG=%~dp0WindowsAIK\Tools\PETools\peimg.exe" SET "DRIVERS=%~dp0BootDrivers" FOR /F %%I IN ('dir /b /s "%DRIVERS%\*.inf"') DO ( ECHO Integrating %%I %PEIMG% /inf=%%I %~dp0Mount ) ::blah blah blah...
Thanks man that was the ticket! Been awhile since I used the dir /b /s and completely forgot about it. Been doing allot of VBS stuff. It's amazing how quick you forget the simple stuff. One more question and I have asked you this before. peimg.exe is not as picky as DISM when slipstreaming drivers. I notice in the all folders allot of the Mass Storage stuff is for XP or newer or Win7 and 8. Should I be using JUST the Vista folder which has no Intel stuff among others. Scared the say Windows 7 drivers has the same name as the Vista one and the one for Vista will be over written for the one with 7 if that makes sense?
Last edited by laddanator (2012-10-01 00:07:10)
The drivers in the "All" folder are supported by "all" the OS. The other folders are OS-specific. So when integrating into a Vista OS, you should use both "All" and "Vista".
Though if you come across any errors, let me know in case we need to shuffle some drivers around.
The drivers in the "All" folder are supported by "all" the OS. The other folders are OS-specific. So when integrating into a Vista OS, you should use both "All" and "Vista".
Though if you come across any errors, let me know in case we need to shuffle some drivers around.
I will do so. I add USB 3 support to my Vista boot.wim and it worked like a charm. Vista isn't very slipstream easy and takes allot to make Vista happy! lol I will do the All Folder and the Vista Folder and run some test. Again, thanks mr_smartepants, you are the man!
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