Topic: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Hi there,
we use acronis snap deploy to create universal images, that works fine but it only installs the drivers needed for IDE/SATA controllers. It doesn´t install other drivers, but it has the possibility to run a batch file or programs after deploying. So here´s my question: is it possible to install driverpacks automated in a batch file? I only installed driverpacks with driverupdater. Any ideas?

Best regards


Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Try our SAD2 utility

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Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Thanks a lot. thats the way i like. I use it this way:
@echo off
echo please wait...
set network=\\mypc\temp\SAD2-110505
set usr=mypc\admin
set pwd=password
set drive=y
net use %drive%: %network% %pwd% /user:%usr%
net use %drive%: /delete

but thats not fully unattended. i don´t understand this DP_install_tool.cmd completly... i don´t want to press any button. I´m so lazy


Last edited by kesh (2011-08-03 06:30:03)

Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

kesh wrote:

i don´t want to press any button. I´m so lazy

Me too! wink
Just delete the "pause" from the script and there will be no "press any key to continue"

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Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

it works fine after removing pause, but i allways get the error msg "DPsfnsher.exe." not found.
I think the scipt extract it from the bin folder to my systemdrive, but that doesnt work. i have only the dpsfnsher.ini on c:

any ideas?

Best Regards


PS: i cant attach files sad

Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Well, DriverPacks Finisher doesn't yet work with NT6 builds (or should I say it's not tested yet), so the script doesn't extract DriverPacks Finisher when the target OS is NT6 (vista/win7).
What OS is the target?

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Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Windows XP SP3

Re: Acronis Snap Deploy & Driverpacksbase

Odd.  It might be how your image is deployed.
More testing is needed.

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