Re: Windows 7 x86 & x64 Stand Alone Driverpack utility
Hello the NT5\X86 folder does not have DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml I wonder if this is why my install fails?
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Hello the NT5\X86 folder does not have DPINST.exe and DPInst.xml I wonder if this is why my install fails?
Damn, I must have missed those when I built the package.
ReUploading with the current chipset packs...
Thank you, my life would be very tedious without driver packs, Scott Mueller recommends them don't you know!
Hi to everybody.
i have a question please @mr_smartepants
So the better method is to add (mass and chipset) to boot.wim and install the other drivers (lan,video,audio,...) via SAD.
Or add (mass and chipset) to boot.wim and the other drivers (lan, video,...) to install.wim, and use SAD to update all the drivers already installed
Here's what I do personally.
Boot.wim: Integrate ONLY dpms to index:2
Install.wim: Integrate DriverPack Chipset, dpms, DriverPack LAN
Run SAD during post-install to clean up the rest of the unknown devices.
You delete all the files (drivers) added to the "%SystemRoot%\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\" Or you let them?
If you delete them, how do you know what files you have to delete?
Thanks very much.
I delete nothing. I only add the packs indicated above.
i have a question regarding SAD2 .
how does it work ...i mean ..can you run it before windows begins the install , or i have to run the package after windows finishes the install .. ?
cam you explain ? Thank you .
Sorin B.
P.s Nice work !! I'm using your tools for 2 years now..and i have to be honest... YOU MADE MY LIFE MUCH EASYER!!! GREAT JOB!!!GREAT INDEED!
This SAD2 utility must be run after Windows has completed it's install.
While it's possible to run it during the Windows's not recommended.
"you could use nlite to launch sad as a runonceex command ..." like OverFlow said... well i used RT7Lite , add to RunOnceEx the Dpinstalltool.cmd', installed windows7 on a virtual machine , but the SAD utility didn't integrate them. Could not find the drivers. I think i've done something wrong..or not.. can u help me? The driver use method 2 for install ..there are in the NT6 , X86 folder. .7z compressed. Do i have to put the into windows folder or what ? or Sources ? or should i integrate them with rt7lite ?
I am wondering please like SAD (dpinst) takes much time, is there any script to use SAD with a progress bar within a splash screen?
The script just hands off to dpinst. The separated command window is minimized to the task bar. If you open it, it's constantly updated with feedback output.
Adding a progress bar for this utility is beyond my ability in batch script.
Is it possible to remove the ATI 3GIO Driver from (my) driverpacks? It has now affected 2 installs of Windows Vista (VHPx32) and Win7 (X64Pro) so really just want rid of it (in both times Driverpacks added this to a machine with no ATI parts)
Last edited by David McMahon (2011-04-11 05:25:29)
Already reported and fixed in DriverPack Chipset 11041 (download available in about 5 min)
Look forward to it
I am looking for 11041 on page 1 of this thread, Am I blind or is it released yet?
Both downloads are here: … et/11.04.1 … et/11.04.1
Is this working with Windows 7 SP1 / Service Pack 1 ? X86/x64 both? Well i give it a try today under SP1 hope everything works ;-)
Edit4: i reported my chipset problems under vista7-x64 subforum as requested. sorry
Last edited by raummusik (2011-04-16 19:46:00)
I think you need to report that (the Vista/7 chipset forum).
Both downloads are here: … et/11.04.1 … et/11.04.1
Thank you, for some reason I was looking at post 1, and not the driverpack downloads!! O.o
I've taken a bit of time to add UNC (network path) and UAC (elevation) support to this tool.
@Echo off
set pd=%~dp0
pushd %~dp0
set cur=%cd%
:: Originally written by Jeff Herre AKA OverFlow, rewritten by Erik Hansen AKA Mr_Smartepants. rev 11.02.13
:: Modified by Brent Newland ( to support network shares and UAC elevation
:: A Script to use Microsoft's DPInst.exe with the DriverPacks.
:: Help and Support available at
TITLE Stand Alone Driver Updater v2.0 & Color 9f
Set LOG=nul & IF [%1] NEQ [] (IF /I [%1] NEQ [Q] (Set LOG=%1) & IF /I [%1] EQU [V] (Set LOG=CON))
set msg2=%msg% %username%
FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentBuildNumber') DO SET build=%%B
if /I "%build%"=="2600" set OSbuild=NT5
if /I "%build%"=="6000" set OSbuild=NT6
if /I "%build%"=="6001" set OSbuild=NT6
if /I "%build%"=="6002" set OSbuild=NT6
if /I "%build%"=="7600" set OSbuild=NT6
if /I "%build%"=="7601" set OSbuild=NT6
FOR /F "tokens=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName') DO SET prodname=%%B
Echo. & Echo Locating the DriverPacks...
Set "M=0"
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT6" goto Elevate
:: Detect Processor type on running system
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x86"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="IA64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="IA64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="x64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" set "DPLoc=%cur%\%OSbuild%\x64"
::Check for XP-64
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT5" goto Method5
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT6" goto Method6
goto Error1
::Double check for XP-64
if /I [%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%] NEQ [x86] goto Error1
IF Exist "%cur%\D\" Set "DPLoc=%cur%" & Set "M=1" & GoTo Message2
IF Exist "%DPLoc%\D\" Set "M=1" & GoTo Message2
IF Exist "%DPLoc%\DP_*.7z" Set "M=2" & GoTo Found
Echo Searching Root folders since DriverPacks were not found in current folder...
FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO (
IF Exist "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET "M=2"
IF Exist "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D\" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\$OEM$\$1" & Set "M=1" & %%i
IF "%M%">="1" GoTo Message2)
Echo. & Echo Strange... The DriverPacks were not found ??? & Echo. & Pause & GoTo Done
FOR %%i IN (3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
IF Exist "%DPLoc%\%%i\" Set "M=1" & GoTo Message2
IF Exist "%DPLoc%\DP_*.7z" Set "M=2" & GoTo Found
:: Echo Searching Root folders since DriverPacks were not found in current folder...
::FOR %%i IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) DO (
:: IF Exist "%%i:\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\OEM" & Set "M=2"
:: IF Exist "%%i:\$OEM$\$1\D\" SET "DPLoc=%%i:\$OEM$\$1" & Set "M=1" & %%i
:: IF "%M%">="1" GoTo Found)
Echo. & Echo Strange... The DriverPacks were not found ??? :( & Echo. & Pause & GoTo Done
IF not Exist "%cur%\bin\un7zip.exe" GoTo Error2
echo ********************************************************************
echo %msg2%
echo Operating System Architecture Detected:
echo DriverPacks will be installed from
echo %DPLoc%
echo If this is NOT correct, exit the program now!
echo ********************************************************************
Set DPFL=%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.ini
IF "%M%"=="1" (
Echo. & Echo Preparing the DriverPacks files. Method 1 was found. & Echo.
IF NOT "%DPLoc%"==%SystemDrive% Echo Copying Driverpacks files & XCOPY "%DPLoc%\." %SystemDrive%\ /E /H >>%LOG
Echo [Settings] > %DPFL%
Echo DPsRoot = "%DPLoc%" >> %DPFL%
Echo DPsRootDel = "false" >> %DPFL%
Echo debug = "true" >> %DPFL%
CD %DPLoc%\D
IF "%M%"=="2" (
Echo. & Echo Preparing the DriverPacks now. Method 2 was found. & Echo.
Start /wait /separate /high "" "%cur%\bin\un7zip.exe" "%DPLoc%\DP*.7z" %SystemDrive%\D\
COPY /Y "%DPLoc%\DPInst.*" %SystemDrive%\D\ >>%LOG%
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT6" goto Begin
COPY /Y "%DPLoc%\*.ins" %SystemDrive%\ >>%LOG%
Start /wait /separate /high "" "%cur%\bin\un7zip.exe" "%cur%\bin\*.7z" %SystemDrive%\
%SystemDrive% & cd %SystemDrive%\D
Echo [Settings] > %DPFL%
Echo DPsRoot = "%SystemDrive%" >> %DPFL%
Echo DPsRootDel = "true" >> %DPFL%
Echo debug = "true" >> %DPFL%
Echo KTD = "false" >> %DPFL%
Echo KTDlocation = "%SystemRoot%\DriverPacks" >> %DPFL%
Echo logLocation = "%SystemRoot%" >> %DPFL%
%SystemDrive% & cd %SystemDrive%\D
echo *********************************************************************
Echo. & Echo. & Echo Running the MicroSoft Driver Installer now !
Echo. & Echo The progress window is minimized to the task bar & Echo. & Echo.
Echo. & Echo. & Echo Please wait for the MicroSoft tool to complete it's job...
echo *********************************************************************
Start "MicroSoft Driver Installer Tool Running" /wait /separate /realtime /min CMD /C DPInst.exe /c /s
:: Alternative method for NT6
:: IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT5" goto Finisher
:: pnputil -a -i %SystemDrive%\D\*\*.inf
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT6" goto LOG-file
Echo. & Echo Running the Finisher now! & Echo.
%SystemDrive% & cd\ & Start /wait /separate /high "" DPsFnshr.exe
:: Log and Attended output section
IF /I [%1] NEQ [Q] (
IF [LOG] NEQ [nul] (
Echo. & Echo Method %M% was found at: >>%LOG%
Echo %DPLoc% >>%LOG%
Echo List INF's that were matched with this system >>%LOG%
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2,3*" %%G IN ('type F:\WINDOWS\DPINST.log') DO (
If [%%G]==[Successfull] IF [%%H]==[installation] Echo %%G %%H %%I >>%LOG%)
: Final Message
echo *********************************************************************
Echo. & Echo The DriverPacks Stand Alone Drivers installation is complete!
Echo. & Echo The log file of this utility's progress is found in <drive>:\Windows\dpinst.log
::Echo & Start /min sndrec32 /play /close %windir%\media\ding.wav
IF "%OSbuild%"=="NT5" goto Timer
Echo Now cleaning up...
DEL /F /S /Q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\D\x86\*"
DEL /F /S /Q "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\D\x64\*"
Echo. & Echo This window will close itself in 30 seconds... & Echo.
For /l %%A in (1,1,30) do (<nul (set/p z=#) & >nul ping -n 2 )
echo *********************************************************************
echo ********************************************************************
echo %msg2%
echo Invalid Operating System Detected:
echo %prodname%
echo Which is uses %OSbuild% DriverPacks
echo Not currently supported
echo Please exit the program now!
echo ********************************************************************
echo ********************************************************************
echo %msg2%
echo un7zip.exe is missing.
echo Please exit the program now!
echo ********************************************************************
::Credit to JohnGray
:: try to write a zero-byte file to a system directory
:: if successful, we are in Elevated mode and delete the file
:: if unsuccessful, avoid the "Access is denied" message
:: arbitrary choice of system directory and filename
set tst="%windir%\$del_me$"
:: the first brackets are required to avoid getting the message,
:: even though 2 is redirected to nul. no, I don't know why.
(type nul>%tst%) 2>nul && (del %tst% & set elev=t) || (set elev=)
if defined elev (goto PROCESSOR) else ("%cur%\bin\elevate.cmd" "%pd%\DP_Install_Tool.cmd")
:: //***************************************************************************
:: // ***** Script Header *****
:: // =======================================================
:: // Elevation PowerToys for Windows Vista v1.1 (04/29/2008)
:: // =======================================================
:: //
:: // File: Elevate.cmd
:: //
:: // Additional files required: Elevate.vbs
:: //
:: // Purpose: To provide a command line method of launching applications that
:: // prompt for elevation (Run as Administrator) on Windows Vista.
:: //
:: // Usage: elevate.cmd application <application arguments>
:: //
:: // Version: 1.0.0
:: // Date : 01/02/2007
:: //
:: // History:
:: // 1.0.0 01/02/2007 Created initial version.
:: //
:: // ***** End Header *****
:: //***************************************************************************
:: @setlocal
@echo off
pushd %~dp0
set cur=%cd%
:: Pass raw command line agruments and first argument to Elevate.vbs
:: through environment variables.
start wscript //nologo "%~dpn0.vbs" %*
' //***************************************************************************
' // ***** Script Header *****
' // =======================================================
' // Elevation PowerToys for Windows Vista v1.1 (04/29/2008)
' // =======================================================
' //
' // File: Elevate.vbs
' //
' // Additional files required: Elevate.cmd
' //
' // Purpose: To provide a command line method of launching applications that
' // prompt for elevation (Run as Administrator) on Windows Vista.
' //
' // Usage: (Not used directly. Launched from Elevate.cmd.)
' //
' // Version: 1.0.1
' // Date : 01/03/2007
' //
' // History:
' // 1.0.0 01/02/2007 Created initial version.
' // 1.0.1 01/03/2007 Added detailed usage output.
' //
' // ***** End Header *****
' //***************************************************************************
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWshProcessEnv = objWshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
' Get raw command line agruments and first argument from Elevate.cmd passed
' in through environment variables.
strCommandLine = objWshProcessEnv("ELEVATE_CMDLINE")
strApplication = objWshProcessEnv("ELEVATE_APP")
strArguments = Right(strCommandLine, (Len(strCommandLine) - Len(strApplication)))
If (WScript.Arguments.Count >= 1) Then
strFlag = WScript.Arguments(0)
If (strFlag = "") OR (strFlag="help") OR (strFlag="/h") OR (strFlag="\h") OR (strFlag="-h") _
OR (strFlag = "\?") OR (strFlag = "/?") OR (strFlag = "-?") OR (strFlag="h") _
OR (strFlag = "?") Then
objShell.ShellExecute strApplication, strArguments, "", "runas"
End If
End If
Sub DisplayUsage
WScript.Echo "Elevate - Elevation Command Line Tool for Windows Vista" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"Purpose:" & vbCrLf & _
"--------" & vbCrLf & _
"To launch applications that prompt for elevation (i.e. Run as Administrator)" & vbCrLf & _
"from the command line, a script, or the Run box." & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"Usage: " & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate application <arguments>" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"Sample usage:" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate notepad ""C:\Windows\win.ini""" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate cmd /k cd ""C:\Program Files""" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate powershell -NoExit -Command Set-Location 'C:\Windows'" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"Usage with scripts: When using the elevate command with scripts such as" & vbCrLf & _
"Windows Script Host or Windows PowerShell scripts, you should specify" & vbCrLf & _
"the script host executable (i.e., wscript, cscript, powershell) as the " & vbCrLf & _
"application." & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"Sample usage with scripts:" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate wscript ""C:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs"" –dli" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate powershell -NoExit -Command & 'C:\Temp\Test.ps1'" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
"The elevate command consists of the following files:" & vbCrLf & _
"" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate.cmd" & vbCrLf & _
" elevate.vbs" & vbCrLf
End Sub
I've tested it on Vista 64-bit from a flash drive and from a network share, with and without UAC. Works fine.
*Edit* I think the following line needs changed:
Start /wait /separate /high "" "%cur%\bin\un7zip.exe" "%DPLoc%\DP*.7z" %SystemDrive%\D\
I had a machine I tested on where 7zip stopped unpacking one file (for no apparent reason). I killed the process, but because of the way that line is set up it didn't move on to the next pack. I'm not too good with batch programming, but maybe something along the following:
for %%f in (%DPLoc%\DP*.7z) do Start /wait /separate /high "" "%cur%\bin\un7zip.exe" "%%f.7z" %SystemDrive%\D\
I think it would be easier to recover if a separate instance of un7zip was launched for each 7z archive.
Last edited by BrentNewland (2011-04-20 08:43:58)
Nice additions! Implemented all. I'll test them myself and report back.
I'm finalizing the code and tweaking some of the display screens. Works great! Added changelog to the code for reference.
I'll upload once completed.
Updated to v11.05.01
Hellow Erik,
It seems there is an error in the v110501 script. My source drive is being detected as "D:\\NT6\x86" (with two bars) and not "D:\NT6\x86", and so the batch is aborted...!
The old v110312 script works well...
Last edited by rafaelr (2011-05-02 12:48:45)
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