Topic: [Help] Need simple help to include driverpacks to W7 DVD
Before you say Read "FAQ", "before you post" etc. I want to say that I did read them and still did not understand what to do.
I am very familiar with computers and software, but this slipstreaming is new to me and your HOWTO's are so hard to understand that I gave up reading those after two hours.
So the situation is this:
Desktop Specs:
Core 2 Duo E8500
Asus P5Q Pro
2 x 2 GB RAM
Ati Radeon HD 4870 (Gainward)
Integrated Intel RAID 1 with 2 x 1.5 TB Samsung HD154UI
DVD burner
I finally dumbed Win XP and now I am installing brand new Windows 7 to my rig. So what's the problem?
The problem is that my graphics card is not compatible with Windows 7 installer. Something wrong with the driver. Signal from my monitor disappears between the first and second reboot where all the files are copied to the hard drives. Similar case over here: … Language=e
I have only spare AGP GPUs so changing it is not an option, because I have PCI-E and I am not going to buy a new one (yet, maybe next summer).
So what I want is to make a DVD that has all driverpacks and latest updates for Windows 7 (64-bit) in case I update some parts, have to make a reinstall or build a new computer. Perhaps testing compatibility with older computers to make it clear is it necessary to buy an upgrade.
I have now Windows 7 DVD, latest updates from Microsoft and link to DriverPacks (
I have tried RT seven lite, but I do not know how to add driverpacks to it and to get my GPU work so I can finish my installation. Removing all the unnecessary drivers after installation would be also nice.
So what I want is a reply where you say something like this or link to post which is as plain:
Download this *link*, this *link* and this *link*
Extract only first and second
Copy extracted files over here *address* (because if you keep them at download folder it wouldn't work)
Use this script *script code* to make it work
and so on...
Just keep it simple so even non-native English speaker would understand.
Thanks for your interest.